Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
January 06 1900/2000
Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. - The Sunday School of the Welsh congregational church gave a Christmas entertainment, which was largely attended. After a short program had been rendered, a Christmas ship, loaded with presents, and flying the American flag, made its appearance under the care of four sailor boys, making a very pretty effect. Many neat and beautiful presents were distributed. Nearly all the Sunday School teachers were remembered by their classes. John Davis, the builder of the ship, displayed much taste and originality in his design.
Herrick Centre - G. S. Tingley went to Montrose on New Years to take his oath of office, as County Commissioner.
Montrose - The best reading for the long winter evenings, at the Montrose Library, over McCollum & Smith's law office. For only $1.50 a year (the price you would pay for a good book) you have your choice of over 1000 books; the best standard and recent fiction, juveniles, travels, biographies, histories, a carefully selected collection. Open every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., every Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. Miss Blackman's excellent history of Susquehanna county is on sale at the Library.
Susquehanna - Last sad scene of all! The remains of Cornelius Wells Shew, who was executed in Montrose on Tuesday morning, were interred in this place on that evening. AND - Keystone Hook & Ladder Co., No. 1, agrees to purchase a chemical fire engine if the borough will furnish a building in which to store it. What more can the borough ask?
Lanesboro - The teachers in Lanesboro are preparing for the coming meeting of the Susquehanna County Teachers' Association, to be held January 19-20. It is expected that the attendance will be large. An excellent programme has been arranged.
Ararat - A "stake" [railroad] car, which works upon a pivot, has been received.
South Montrose - The gentlemen of this vicinity will hold their annual chicken pie supper at the home of Albert T. Wells, Friday evening, Jan. 19th. All are invited. Proceeds to apply on pastor's salary.
Rush - The Republicans say it is good times for the farmers because hay and butter bring a good price. Well, let's see--most of the farmers don't have butter to sell this time of year; we will see how the prices are next summer when the farmers have more to sell; and as far as hay is concerned, most of the farmers in this section of the country use all the hay they have and some have to buy. Where are the better times? Oil 12 to 15 cts. per gal., all hardware, boots and shoes and, in fact, everything that the farmer has to buy has advanced. Look out boys! These "Gold Bugs" are trying to pull the wool over your eyes for the next Presidential Campaign.
Auburn - The good ladies of Shannon Hill recently donated, to Rev. and Mrs. L. T. VanCampen, a couple of handsome bed spreads. AND - J. R. Cooper, the noted butter maker, at Jersey Hill, who has been ill for some time, is now fast falling and his death looked for at any moment.
Hallstead-Great Bend - James E. Tallon entertained his mother this week, who came all the way from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for a visit to Susquehanna county, the scenes of her childhood, after many years' absence. Mrs. Tallon is now visiting other relatives in Montrose. She has reached the advanced age of nearly three-quarters of a century.
Lenox - Mrs. Maria Brewster returned Saturday from Philadelphia, where she went to have her eyes operated upon.
Springville - After an illness of about 12 days, John Beach Beardsley died, Jan. 2d, 1900, at the home of his daughter in Towanda. Mr. Beardsley was born in Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn., June 5th, 1808, and came to Susquehanna Co., with his father in 1817 and there lived on the same farm for nearly 70 years. His wife, Mrs. Lucy Kasson Beardsley, passed from life about 5 years ago; also two sons died in early manhood. Charles, at Wyoming Seminary, while attending school, in 1859, and Edward, a few years later, while Principal of a high school in Hyde Park, Pa. Two daughters survive him, Mrs. W.T. Horton, Towanda and Mrs. Dr. A. D. Tewkesbury, Tunkhannock. Interment in Springville on Thursday.
SHEW AND EAGAN EXECUTION - On Tuesday last, within the confines of the yard of Susquehanna county's jail, the curtain was rung down upon the last grim act of that awful tragedy which had its opening on a fateful night in October, 1897, when Andrew Jackson Pepper, an aged and respected farmer of Rush, was struck down in cold blood, without a moment's warning, and for no reason in the world, except that the old man's savings of a lifetime were coveted by his cruel assailants. In the first act of this tragedy, a human life was sacrificed upon the altar of wicked lust for money; in the last, two lives were exacted by the law to pay the penalty.
Both men went unflinchingly to their legal death, though the more experienced of the spectators were of the opinion that Shew would have weakened if there had been any material delay or hitch in carrying out some of the final details on the gallows platform.
Sympathy, if the word is permissible, may, up to the hour of execution, have been more generally extended to Shew than to Eagan, who is commonly believed to have been the leader in the crime; but on the gallows, and with the rope around his neck, Eagan certainly must have been accorded much of that sympathy which had previously been given his fellow. This was particularly due to the expression of moral and physical fear which was stamped like a mask on Shew's countenance which was drawn into a contortion of dread and horrors. Eagan, on the contrary, went to his death bravely and as calmly as ever a man could under such conditions of personal horror.
Shew's remains were interred in Susquehanna and Eagan's sent on the train to Long Island, to be cremated.
Compiled By: Betty Smith