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January 05 1912/2012

Montrose- Sometime Tuesday night a burglar, or burglars, attempted to enter and did enter several places in Montrose. The Montrose House suffered the heaviest loss, $10 being taken from the cash drawer in the barroom. The other places which showed evidences of the visitation, Ryan’s hardware store, Cooley & Son’s hardware store and the Exchange Hotel, were not entered, but gave evidence of an attempt being made. At the Montrose House the putty in the window had been scraped off by the marauders with the evident intention of removing the entire pane of glass. But a change in tactics resulted in the window being pried open, evidently with a “jimmy”, as it did not leave the marks of a small bar, or chisel. Footprints on the bar counter indicated the robber had clambered over and looted the register, but did not even take “one on the house.” Chief of Police Rosenfeld “shadowed” a couple of men in the vicinity of the Montrose House, but they eluded him. ALSO Following a custom established many years ago in the parish, the members of Zion African-Methodist-Episcopal church, met on Sunday night and “watched the old year out and the new year in.” Pastor Holland presided and the hour was happily spent in praying and singing.

Thompson - Elijah S. Millman, residing at Comfort’s Pond, was drowned Saturday morning in Churchill Lake, near his home. He had started to cross the lake on the thin ice to visit his brother-in-law, William Tobey. Men were on the lake fishing through the ice which led him to suppose the ice was of sufficient thickness to be safe. He had gone but a short distance when it gave way and he went down. He screamed for help, but it arrived too late, the men being unable to reach him in time to be of assistance. A boat was secured and his body was recovered and taken to his home, less than a mile distant. The ice where he broke through was less than an inch thick and it is stated that before Millman started across he had cautioned the fishermen to be careful. The deceased was 66 years of age and was a veteran of the Civil War. A wife, one son and three daughters survive.

Brooklyn - There will be a dime social in the basement of the Universalist church this Friday evening, to which all are invited. Refreshments will consist of molasses candy, apples and popcorn.

Susquehanna - Dr. W. J. Condon has been appointed Erie surgeon at this place to succeed Dr. Clayton Washburn, who lately removed to Jacksonville, Fla.

Silver Lake - Rogers’ meat market, in Montrose, advertises today a special brand of butter, “Dairy Queen.” It is a product of Sheldoncroft farm, Silver Lake, noted for its good cows and skilled makers of butter.

Springville - On Saturday evening last some would-be desperado broke out some window lights and entered the hardware store of Meserole Bros. They helped themselves to some knives and mouth organs, but a little change left in the store was not taken. The whole affair showed crudeness of those who planned it. From every part of the county came reports of thieving, and to greet such marauders with a well loaded gun seems to be about the only way to put an end to their visits.

Rushboro - John Swackhamer and family have moved from the Will Small farm above Rush, into part of Ed. Cavanaugh’s house, and will do his farming.

New Milford - Mr. Soller, assisted by home talent, is conducting a moving picture show in the Boyle building.

Bennett Corners, Springville Twp. (Lynn) - Miss Esther Hall has sent several of her poems away for publication, and recently one of them has been set to music and will be put on the market soon. The piece is entitled, “I’ve a Wife and a Sweetheart, too.” ALSO A black fox has his den in the rocks on the Sheldon farm in this section.

Fair Hill, Jessup Twp. - L. H. Griffis is painting and papering the schoolhouse here, which was lately purchased by the Ladies’ Aid Society.

Flynn - John Conboy, Sr., of Michigan City, and his son, John, Jr., of Wanataw, Ind., are spending a few weeks with friends in this place and Thomas Guiton and P. J. Flannagan, of Oyster Bay, N. J., are spending Christmas at their home in this place. ALSO Mrs. Vanetta Curley’s school opened on Tuesday morning, after a vacation of five weeks on account of being quarantined in for scarlet fever.

Choconut Valley - The mumps are prevailing to quite an extent in this section. Two of the schools have been closed for a time on account of the teachers being sick with them.

Auburn Township, written by Jasper T. Jennings in his Susquehanna County Text Book. “The early pioneers of Auburn, like those of many other townships, were often obliged to put up with great inconveniences. Flooring was split and hewn from straight grained logs. Roofing was often made of hemlock bark secured by poles and beech withers. A few boards, with slabs to cover the cracks, was a luxurious roof. A good sized log, hollowed out and covered with a slab, constituted his beef barrel and venison was his beef. One small half window set in the log wall lighted the cabin. Pieces of slabs sawed off and round sticks cut in the woods and shaped with an ax and inserted in auger holes for legs, made chairs for the backwoodsman and his family, which were never sneered at by themselves or company. The old pole bedstead and the primitive broom, made by tying a bunch of small hemlock branches to a stick, are still well remembered by many of the old grandfathers among us. And yet, notwithstanding all these deprivations, who shall say the people were not as happy as they are to-day. There was more equality, less class distinction, more brotherhood and sisterhood. God blessed them in nature’s solitude just as much as he does to-day, and with peace and contentment they found happiness.” Mr. Jennings also wrote about the burial places in Auburn. “A short time after the first settlers came to Auburn a grave-yard was opened on Frink’s Hill, where quite a large number of interments were made. South of this is the Bunnell Cemetery. The Protestant Church Cemetery, on Jersey Hill, is one of the largest and best kept country burial-grounds in the county. St. Bonaventure Cemetery is consecrated ground to a large number of Roman Catholics.”

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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