Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 03 1908/2008
East Kingsley - Friday, Dec. 20th, Mrs. Sarah Rhodes, better known as "Grandma Rhodes," who lives with her son, C. G. Rhodes, near the former Harford Orphan School, celebrated her ninetieth birthday. For one of her age she is in good health. May she live to enjoy many more birthdays.
Thompson - Miss Lura Pickering, student at Cornell and Latham and Wille Weary, of Keuka College, are spending their Christmas vacation with their parents here; and Miss Stella Turrell, the popular Principal of the school at Reiglewide, NJ is enjoying her vacation with her mother on the south side.
East Bridgewater - A mink came to Rev. Safford's chicken house and took his chickens right in the day time. He followed it in one day, shut the door, killed the mink and received $4 for it.
Springville - Ed Thomas has bought a new cutter, the knobbiest in town, the product of the Sturdevant-Larrabee factory in Binghamton, and so has Lion Messerole. Ed is a married man, and Lion will be if he keeps on going down to see that girl at Harvey's Lake. AND Mrs. Matt Lott, she's been having a lot of painting and paper hanging done lately, and Matt just makes things hum when she gets to moving.
Clifford - The Christmas dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Spedding to all their children and their wives and husbands and grandchildren was a grand old fashioned affair. Roast turkey, chicken, cakes, puddings and fifty other things that our grandmothers knew so well how to prepare. AND Mr. Aldrich, our Clifford and Nicholson stage driver, has been on the sick list and we have had a new driver for the last week or more; a fine fellow and his name is Mr. Stage.
Susquehanna - The coroner's inquest in the killing of John J. Sullivan, resulted in the jury's finding a verdict of "murder in the first degree." Coroner Merrell empanelled a jury that evening (Thursday) and District Attorney Denney was present, representing the prosecution. It appeared that Joseph Frank, the alleged murderer, was ordered from an engine a few days previously by Sullivan. Frank harbored an ill will, vowing vengeance, and Sullivan's death at his hands was the result. Frank, it is asserted, when captured, has since seemed almost indifferent to his fate. In his cell he remains much of the time on his cot, his head covered with a blanket. He, however, eats well and smokes his pipe much of the time. Sullivan's funeral was largely attended on Monday morning. As the procession passed to the cemetery the foreign population of Susquehanna lined the sidewalks in open defiant attitudes. Many of them are constantly armed and their actions are a menace.
Brandt - The new electric light plant has been completed and we now have the street well-lighted. Much credit is due Dr. S. H. Moon, who has had much to do with the installing of the plant, and overseeing the work.
Harford - Prof. J. A. Sophia has installed new pianos in the homes of two music loving families, the last one on Tuesday in the home of Wattie Brainard.
Dimock - the librarian of Dimock Free Library wishes all books returned by the 10th inst., as she has then to make out a list of all books, and will have 40 new ones to let out.
Montrose –A year ago we would have considered a statement that Dr. Torrey would soon be a resident of Montrose as very improbable. The thought was too stupendous. Yet Torrey came, saw and was conquered not by man's persuasive power, but through the influence nature had wrought in producing so beautiful a landscape. Tuesday he again came to Montrose, purchased a home and intends making his permanent residence here. The Beach property on Lake avenue, owned by Mrs. Jennie B. Beach, was the one he acquired. It is a beautiful brick mansion located on attractive grounds comprising of some five acres. The structure on the premises is one of the finest in this section. It was originally built by Isaac Post, and successively became the property of the late "Captain" Cooper and H. L. Beach. The consideration was $15,000.
South Gibson - As the moon was beginning to appear over the distant Elk range and shed its mellow light on the beautiful valley of South Gibson, on the evening of Dec. 20, it lighted the pathway for nearly a score of sleighloads of happy friends and neighbors enroute to give their friend, James Conrad and his bride, a surprise reception. It was a complete surprise to Mr. Conrad and his wife. The first inkling they had of the affair was when several loads of people drove up and greeted them with congratulations. The evening was ideal, with its unsurpassed sleighing, its keen, invigorating air and the moon, with its few obscuring cloudlets, shedding a mellow light upon everything. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad's host of friends kept arriving until at 8:30 there were more than 80 of them comfortably enjoying themselves at the "bright little home on the hillside." The evening passed very pleasantly, with the older people telling stories of younger days and the young people playing games. At about 10:30 we were served with a well prepared oyster supper, after which a few more games were played and we then took leave of our host and drove cheerily home, after having spent an evening that will have a pleasant place in our memories for a long time.
Elk Lake - Several from this place attended the ball at Wm. McAvoy's Christmas night.
Hallstead - Remember the entertainment at the Y.M.C.A. hall next Monday evening. Stereopticon views of "Peck's Bad Boy." Admission 10 cents.
Uniondale - A new bell was placed in the belfry of the M. E. church last week.
Niven, Springville Twp. - The annual gathering of the Button family was held at the home of Jason Button, who resides on the old homestead. About 40 were present from Retta, Springville and Lathrop. A good time was reported by all.
Herrick/Ararat - On Thursday afternoon, Dec. 26, '07, at the parsonage of the Centenary Methodist Episcopal church, in Binghamton, Miss Agnes Jones of Herrick Center and Samuel Entrot, of Ararat, were united in marriage by Rev. J. E. Hensey, D.D.
News Briefs: Don't forget to write "1908" now. The figures 8 and 5 are the two hardest to write. AND Dairymen are now receiving not far from four cents per quart for milk.
Compiled By: Betty Smith