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January 03 1902/2002

Susquehanna - The [Health] Board will not insist upon people being vaccinated [for smallpox] until it becomes absolutely necessary. AND Depositions were taken on Tuesday before Justice Williams, from witnesses from Jackson and Gibson township, to settle the question as to who is responsible for the maintenance of A. Chandler, a chronic wanderer.

Jackson - Eugene Lamb is taking a creamery course at State College. AND Wallace Babcock had the misfortune to be slightly injured by a runaway team-driven by Mr. Conrad. Mr. B's horse was also injured, his harness destroyed and a nice Portland cutter entirely demolished.

East Dimock - People in this vicinity are filling their icehouses. In Dimock new [horse] sheds are being built at the Methodist church.

Rush - A series of socials and entertainments for the benefit of the new church will begin with a "Nickel Social," on the evening of Jan. 16, 1902, at the home of Mrs. S. B. McCain. Various games will be played in which all are invited to take part. Be prepared for the potato race. A prize to the winner. During the evening a grand 30-minute concert in three minutes will be given. After which refreshments may be purchased at the following rates-Coffee 5 cents, ice cream and cake 5 cents, and popcorn 5 cents.

New Milford - Basket ball is all the rage and two games each week is the regular program. AND The Board of Health is taking vigorous measures to keep the town free from smallpox. On Wednesday evening two young men from Hallstead were escorted to the borough limits on the strength of the fact that one of them had been exposed to the disease. Three new cases are reported at Hallstead on Wednesday.

Montrose - The death of Mr. O. A. Gilbert, whose serious illness of varioloid [smallpox] chronicled previously, occurred between midnight and one o'clock Monday morning. The burial took place Monday evening, under the direction of the Board of Health, and the personal supervision of Dr. J. G. Wilson. Every possible precaution was employed to prevent contagion. At the earliest possible moment, two of the best disinfecting machines were put in use at the Gilbert house under the direction of the Health officer. All bedding or articles that may convey contagion are to be destroyed or thoroughly disinfected. Small domestic animals at large near the house have been killed. The Presbyterian church is to be disinfected wholly or in part and the churches are to remain closed until the Board is satisfied that it is safe and proper to open them. When the church bells ring, the community will understand that the Board considers the danger has passed.

The awful shock of Mrs. Gilbert's death and unnatural burial affected Mr. Gilbert deeply. [Immediately following her death the doctor prepared her for burial, assisted by Mrs. Clifford, the nurse, the two carrying her body from her room, down stairs, and to the front porch at ten o'clock at night, where the coffin stood, ready to receive it, and from which point men came afterwards and took it to the cemetery that boisterous, blizzardy night].

The death of Mr. Gilbert caused a mantle of deep gloom to overspread this community, wherein he was honored as an honest businessman and a public-spirited citizen. He was a prominent Mason and an active member of Rescue Hook & Ladder Co., No. 1. The bank building and the Hook & Ladder Company's rooms are draped with mourning. [The Gilbert home is now the location of the Medical Arts Pharmacy].

Forest City - through the persistent efforts of attorney Searle McCollum, Governor Stone has pardoned John Waltz, who was convicted four years ago of the murder of Jabez Lemon, of Forest City. This case attracted much attention at the time of the trial as so many questioned the man's guilt and Mr. McCollum is to be congratulated upon the favorable outcome.

Flynn [Middletown Twp.] - A number from this place attended the New Year's party at the Haire house on New Years night, and all report a good time. AND A select part of friends were royally entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lane, Thursday evening, Jan. 2d, 1902. Games and dancing were indulged in until nearing the small hours, when refreshments were served that were up to the Queen's taste.

Lenox - The ice harvest has begun. The ice is good quality and 14 inches thick. AND Mrs. Alice Williams, while on her way to Lenoxville, one day recently, the horse became frightened and ran away. Glenn Davis and Earl Conrad caught the horse before much damage was done.

Williams Pond - The children of the Calph school presented their teacher, Miss Nora Van Scoten, with a beautiful inkstand as a Christmas present.

Bridgewater - Monday afternoon some parties, said to be from off toward Tracey Creek, became intoxicated and when they started for home, out near the Reynolds creamery, the horse ran away. One man fell out of his sleigh, was hit by the runner and knocked insensible. His companion went on and left him, and somebody brought the injured man to town. He was taken to Dr. Mackey's and afterwards to the Montrose House, his injuries being attended to.

Great Bend - A recent issue pf the New York Sun contained over half a column editorially concerning the Great Bend girls' anti-tobacco league and how it works, etc. What we wish is that the Sun would send a representative here that he might investigate the inner workings of this society of young ladies who are doing so much for the young men of this place and vicinity. It might be well to intimate that this representative should be a single man and that he abhors the noxious weed. In such a case we can bespeak a warm reception for him, free entertainment, fuel and electric lights, and immunity from the watchdog and the toe of papa's boot. There is probably no community in the great Keystone State that is as proud of its anti-tobacco league as are the people of Great Bend. There is but one class with whom the league is unpopular and that is with dealers in the vile weed. As a result of this crusade, tobacco is a drug in the market and crockery dealers cannot give away cuspidors, to say nothing about selling them.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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