Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 02 1920/2020
Montrose – Seven prisoners escaped from County Jail early Christmas night. They managed to affect their escape and all but one, the youngest, were recaptured. Chance led the last man to get through the bars of the jail corridor to the home of sheriff-elect Girton M. Darrow, who resides about a mile and a half from the borough, and when the escaped prisoner rapped at the door of Mr. Darrow’s home and asked him when the next trolley car to Scranton was to pass through, Mr. Darrow said: “Why, Bomberger, what are you doing here? Does the sheriff know you are out?” Bomberger, likewise surprised at someone recognizing him, remarked to the sheriff-elect, whom he had also become acquainted with: “Gosh! Do you live here?” Mr. Darrow then firmly insisted on Bomberger’s coming into the house while he called up Sheriff H.E. Taylor on the phone. “How many prisoners have you got?” queried Mr. Darrow. “Seven,” came back the answer. “Better look and be sure,” said the sheriff-elect, “because I’ve got one here with me.” Sheriff Taylor rushed from the phone and came hurriedly back. “Holy Gosh, ‘Girt,” he shouted, they’ve all gone and beat it.” Mr. Darrow quickly got Bomberger into a cutter and started with him for the bastile, it being then about 8 o’clock. With Bomberger again behind the bars, the sheriff, sheriff-elect and several deputies started out with teams to trail the five young men who had gone towards North Bridgewater and in the direction of Forest Lake. They were followed to Stone’s Corners, Jefferson Green farm, and then towards Fairdale, where they were come up with near the George S. Frink farm. They had gone about 16 miles, all told, and were only about three miles from the jail when taken, having gone in a semi-circle The party was worn out, some of the boys having on low shoes and silk stockings, and they were not dressed for roughing it in the rural districts, It wasn’t much of a capture—it was more like a “rescue”—and they gladly piled into the big sleigh and returned “home.” As they were driving into Montrose, Sheriff-elect Darrow said: “Boys, would you like to see what it says on this sign?” He swung up his trusty lantern and they read thereon the inspired words “Montrose Welcomes You.” They made no comment—worthy of reproduction.
Tiffany, Bridgewater Twp. – Engineer Augustus M. Sliker, of Hallstead, lost his life in an accident which derailed the out-going 11:45 Lackawanna passenger train on Wednesday morning, being pinned under the locomotive as it rolled down a steep embankment near Tiffany station, about two miles east of Montrose. The fireman, William Rolles, of Scranton, was thrown about 40 feet, and although badly injured, will recover. The passengers and crew escaped with but slight injuries. Spreading rails, or a broken rail, are thought to have caused the accident. It took place near what is known as Babcock’s crossing, west of Tiffany station.
Harford – F.O. Miller has installed electric lights in his store. Let the good work go on and may the light thereof beam out to guide the feet of pedestrians on dark and stormy nights.
Springville – A choir of fourteen young people delightfully rendered Christmas carols on the streets Christmas night singing in front of the home of the aged and shut-ins, which was much appreciated.
Elk Lake – Much credit is due Miss McDermott and pupils for the fine Christmas exercises given by them on Wednesday afternoon. A little excitement was caused when Santa Claus’ whiskers caught fire from the candles decorating the tree. Santa’s beard may be a little short next year.
Fairdale – Miss Hazel Jones went to Binghamton on Sunday, where she has accepted a position in one of the schools of that city.
West Lenox – Now that the rush of farm work is over, plans are being made to renew work on the church sheds. The committee will need teams to haul the logs to the mill, money, lumber, work, etc., to get them built. Help in any way will be gratefully received. These sheds are needed and we must all help the good work along. (Sheds were built to house horses, buggies, sleighs, etc.).
Hallstead – Edgar Lindsey, aged 86 years, died at his home here, Dec. 27, 1919. He had been an invalid, confined to his home, and oft times a great sufferer for the last ten years. He was a veteran of the Civil War and a member of Co. B, 143rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. J. Warner, of New Milford.
Jackson – Another railroad accident, in Archbald, took the life of a well-known man, formerly of Jackson. Gilmore E. Tucker, of Carbondale, was passing between cars to make a coupling when he slipped on an icy spot, and the wheels of one of the cars passed over him before he had a chance to regain his feet. Born during the Civil War, on the I. J. Witter farm, Oct. 10, 1863, he was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Evander Tucker, a descendant of one of Jackson’s first pioneer families. His mother, Theoda Mott Tucker, was the adopted daughter of the Rev. J. B. Worden, who for a while was pastor of Montrose and Jackson Baptist churches. His grandfather, Stephen Tucker, came to Jackson in 1816, from New England. Of two brothers and two sisters, only one survives him, Mrs. Emery L. Tingley. Mr. Tucker never married.
Compiled By: Betty Smith