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February 8 1895/1995

Susquehanna – It is reported that at some points along the Jefferson Branch (Erie Railroad), there are snowbanks thirty feet high. Very many of the suburban roads are wholly impassable. AND Foster, the weather Prophet, says that we will have a cold wave about the 24th inst., that will be a “terror to man and beast.” The one we are enjoying at present will do pretty well, thank you, Mr. Foster.

Auburn – Supervisor Loomis with his shoveling brigade have done and are still doing a grand thing for the public. All roads are now ready for travel, so let the bells jingle.

Hallstead – C.J. Langley, the Main street grocer, has on sale a superior quality of suspenders manufactured right in town by Philip Weibler, who recently moved here from Albany. Especial attention has been given to have extra long lengths made to supply those who have always found difficulty in securing such.

Stevens Point – The young folks that went to Melrose to attend the oyster supper last week Thursday eve did not return until Saturday, after a rescuing party went to help shovel out the road. They report dancing and eating oysters until Friday at 1:30 o’clock p.m., to keep awake.

Thompson – Mrs. Jennie Jenkins and her two children were overcome by coal gas from the stove. A lady named Cook found them in an unconscious state early this morning. Medical assistance was summoned and although they are in a precarious condition it is probably that they will recover.

Great Bend – Mrs. Carlisle, who for many years resided here, but who has been with her sister at Scranton for several weeks, died on Friday last, and her remains were brought here on Monday and interred in the St. Lawrence cemetery. It is said that she willed her brick block, situated on Main St., to her brother, Mr. Doran, who resides at Susquehanna, to go to his two daughters at Mr. D’s demise.

Harford – We are in receipt of a Fort Dodge Daily “Chronicle” with several photographs of the prominent men of that city. Among the number we are proud to recognize the face of ex-Gov. C.C. Carpenter, formerly one of Harford’s son(s).

Brooklyn – The Poverty Social at F.B. Jewett’s was a great success. The costumes were amusing, and the cast did their best in entertaining all. The proceeds from the 10 cent supper of hulled corn and hominy were over $8, to purchase books for the Methodist library.

Locust Hill – Hickory Grove Milk Co. (limited) have secured 500 tons of ice (and) are shipping 35 cans of milk daily.

South Auburn – Ernest Love attended the Bunnell-Decker wedding at Meshoppen, the 30th.

News Brief – Harry Burke, of Nicholson, has the contract for furnishing the markers for the boundary line between Susquehanna and Lackawanna counties. They will be made from what is known as “Stephens stone”.

A bill creating a new county out of parts of Luzerne and Schuylkill, to be called Quay, is to be acted dupon by the present Legislature, Hazleton is the proposed county seat. The Board of Trade of Wilkes-Barre, is taking active steps to squelch the movement.

Easter is always the first Sunday after the full moon, which happens upon the next day after the 21st day of March, but if the full moon happens upon a Sunday, Easter is always the Sunday after. The earliest date that Easter can occur is March 21, and the latest April 25th. This year Easter occurs on April 14th, [1895].

Correction: Out of the Past, February 1 ‘95. The woman passenger on the Rush-Laceyville Stage is Mrs. George Parish.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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