Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 28 1898/1998
Lawsville - The Baptist church has been papered, varnished and stained, and looks very nice. The work was done by Mr. Albee, of Hallstead.
Clifford - One of our business young men put his arms perversely around one of our fair young ladies in the street the other day, lifting her from the ground to the buggy seat. The young lady, being armed with an umbrella and feeling somewhat insulted, soon made fragments of her umbrella over the head and shoulders of the young man, to the great amusement of the bystanders or lookers-on. AND Henry Acker is supplying our town with new carriages and wagons.
Susquehanna - Among the sailors lost on the battleship, Maine, was William H. Tinsman, son of William Tinsman, of Portland, Maine, but formerly and for years of Susquehanna. He was 27 years old. [USS Maine exploded in Havana Harbor, killing 250 of the crew, initiating events leading to the Spanish American War].
Montrose - A rare treat is in store for those who attend the Magniscope Entertainment at the Armory, Tuesday evening. In all probably it will be the most wonderful sight ever witnessed. Life motion is reproduced with scientific accuracy. This marvelous instrument projects apparently living figures and actual scenes upon a canvass or screen. It brings before the eye an exact life- size reproduction of life motion with all its accompanying effects of light, shade and expression. The famous "Black Diamond" express, "The New York Fire Department Going to a Fire," The Little Reb," Lone Fisherman and His Finest," "The Farmer's Troubles or the Mishap of a Rural" and many other scenes will be given on Tuesday eve, March 1st at 8 o'clock. Popular prices 24 and 35 cents.
West Auburn - A. F. Possinger has returned from State College, a full-fledged butter maker.
Forest City - Last week a meeting was held at the office of James McKinney, Esq., to take steps toward securing a county bridge across the Lackawanna river from a point in the borough to the Ontario & Western railroad station in Wayne county. It seems that some time ago an effort was made in this direction but was not acted upon by the Courts on account of a dispute over the boundary line between the counties of Susquehanna and Wayne.
Jackson - Wm. W. Estabrook, aged 86, died at his home in West Jackson, Wednesday morning, Feb. 16th. He came to Jackson from Vermont and had resided in the neighborhood where he died, more than 60 years.
East Lenox - Cows are selling from $30 to $35.
Friendsville - The funeral of the late John Mooney, an old and honored solder of Middletown, was held from the Catholic Church here Friday morning.
The Pepper Murder - [continued] Mr. Pepper first turned his horses into the lot and then entered the barn for the purpose of husking corn; his lantern was hung on the end of a pitch-fork thrust in the mow, and he seated himself for his work, his back turned toward the door. His assailants, having armed themselves with a piece of whiffle-tree, crept up to the barn, observing him through the cracks; quietly opening the door they stole in upon him, and before he was aware of their presence struck him a heavy blow across the head. The old man tried to rise to his feet, but blow after blow followed in quick succession. Jackson Pepper fought well for his life, but his struggles were unavailing. His hands and feet were bound, and to stifle the groans of the victim, a handkerchief was thrust into his mouth. Having completed their work the assailants started for the house for the purpose of securing "Aunt Sally" who was seated in the kitchen not far from the window. Here their courage evidently failed, for placing their lantern just inside the gate they departed, going up toward Oliver Wilbur's, cutting across to the West Auburn road on their way to Skinner's Eddy. At Skinner's Eddy they found a freight train which took them to Sayre. They walked to Waverly, and from there rode to Susquehanna on top of an Erie freight, reaching the Witbrook house between 8 and 9 on Wednesday morning. Search and Arrest. To know the guilty parties is one thing, but to find and arrest them is quite another. Where were Smith [Eagan] and Shew? Susie Graham had not seen Shew since November, nor Smith since December. Smith had a brother named Kern Eagan, in the vicinity of Coventry, Chenango Co.; an adopted father, Catlin Smith, at Windsor, NY, and his own father, Stephen Eagan, residing at Forest City. Shew was thought to be in the vicinity of Deposit or Port Jervis. To issue a warrant for murder would have been to give fair warning, therefore the District Attorney concluded to take advantage of Susie Graham's allegation that Smith and Shew had taken her household goods which were at Susquehanna and disposed of them. Upon her sworn information warrants were issued on that charge by Justice of the Peace J. S. Courtright, of Montrose. So carefully was the real secret guarded that not until after the prisoners reached the Montrose jail was it known by the officers who accompanied Mr. Ainey, that there was a more serious charge against them. On Thursday a telephone to Chief of Police McMahon, of Susquehanna, brought back the information that he knew Shew, but had not seen him in some time. Mr. Ainey reached Susquehanna at about 9 o'clock that evening; and together with Mr. McMahon made careful search and inquiries for Shew. It was found by Mr. McMahon that Shew was likely to be at either Deposit, Rock Rift or Hale's Eddy, NY. Concluding to go to Deposit first, they boarded a freight engine, reaching their destination at midnight. Chief of Police Charles Perry was found and employed; a New York State warrant for Shew being procured from Magistrate Scott. Shew could not be found in Deposit and plans were at once made for the party to drive to Rock Rift, Delaware Co., a distance of 17 miles up the west branch of the Delaware, or Mohawk river, before morning. Continued next week.......
Compiled By: Betty Smith