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February 28 1896/1996

Forest City - The Methodists have placed a new iron fence in front of their church property. The interior of the church building has also been newly pampered and otherwise improved. AND A party of young people from this place enjoyed a sleigh ride to Dundaff Tuesday evening.

Jackson - Fred Benson has placed a fine water tub on his premises for the use of the traveling public, which supplies a long needed want.

Montrose - Have you seen the muslin underwear at Geo. H. Watrous? Does it pay to wear yourself out making under wear when you can buy it for less than the material costs you? AND W.A. Harrington recently sold his soft drink bottling works to Webb Hamlin, of Great Bend, who will remove the plant to that place. As agent for the Montrose railway and express agent and selling coal and swapping horses occasionally (never oftener than 2 or 3 times a day). Will is too busy to carry on the bottling works, though it was a good business.

South Gibson - On Sunday evening about, 6:30, fire was seen issuing from the Butterfield schoolhouse. Before help arrived the flames were beyond control. As there has been no fire in the building since Friday, and this had started in the hall, it is thought it may have been the work of an incendiary. The pupils resumed their studies in the upper room of the Grange Hall on Wednesday. This is the second school that has burned in the township within a few weeks.

Oakland [Oak Hill], Oakland Twp. - F.H. Pride, the Captain of the steamboat, Erminie, on the still water, above the Susquehanna, is building a stem wheel boat 52 x 13 feet to accommodate the increasing demand of pleasure seekers there.

Forest Lake -Mr. Thomas Reilly says it is no fun to sit up every night until eleven o'clock. Young man hitch your horse to the post! AND Ed Crowley has accepted a dollar-a-day job in the Binghamton scale works.

Susquehanna - Out of respect to the memory of George Washington, who was first in peace, first in war, and last to get a monument, the Erie shops were closed on Saturday. AND A Castle of the Knights of the Golden Eagle will probably be organized here in the near future. AND then Susquehanna will have the Knights Templar, Knights of Honor, Knights of Pythias, Knights of the Golden Eagle, and various other Knights, "who neither ride nor fight."

Gulf Summit - Mrs. John Hendrix, residing near Gulf Summit, on Sunday, killed, with a hatchet, a mountain eagle, measuring six feet from tip to tip. The great bird gave battle, and Mrs. Hendrix had difficulty in subduing it.

Harford - We can bear witness to the excellent apple jelly made by Mackey Bros.

Lathrop - All our friends say, "Never saw a better article." These men are widening their sales and perfecting the product. Patronized by a large community coming a large distance. They deserve well of all temperance people who would discourage cider guzzling.

Birchardville - The Baptist congregation have decided to erect a new church edifice, and have the plans for the same perfected.

South Gibson - A.J. Roper Post, No.452 [Civil War Veterans], of South Gibson, will hold their annual campfire on Friday evening Feb. 28, in G.A.R. Hall. Campfire will consist of songs, war stories, and recitations; also a lecture by W.D.B. Ainey, of Montrose, Adm. to campfire, including beans and coffee, 15-cents.

East Lenox - Eggs are selling for 16-cents per doz., butter 20-cents per lb., and potatoes; well they don't sell just now.

New Milford - Several members of the Chautauqua Circle enjoyed their annual banquet at the Jay House, Friday evening.

Brooklyn - Following are the names of those who have been perfect in school and averaged about 90: Mabel Tiffany, Mabel Nash, Earle Ainey, Manning Force, Ernest Tiffany, Ida Kinney, Howard dark, Nellie Terry, Florence Watrous, Glen Tiffany, George Terry, Ethel Sterling, Mabel Mead, Bernice Doran, Hazel Dolaway, Edna Ely, Daisy Fish, Glen Mead, Ross Nash, Charlie Ace, Ross Tewksbury, Archie Kent.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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