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February 27 1914/2014

East Bridgewater – The East Bridgewter Country Club held an interesting and enjoyable session at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Finn.  An entertaining program of solos, duets, speeches and music was given.  This club forms an important part of the social life of the community and has been instrumental in promoting the welfare of the East Bridgewater church.

Kingsley – On Saturday afternoon and evening of March 7, the Ladies’ Aid will hold a fair at the M. E. church.  Aside from useful articles, there will be on sale baked stuff and home-made candies, also a lemon and orange tree.  All articles on the one tree, 5 cents; on the other, 10 cents.  A 25 cent dinner will be served at noon.

Montrose – G. Carlton Shafer, of Montrose, a famous tennis player, has just won new laurels in a big contest at New York, as the following from a New York paper shows:  Wylie C. Grant and G. Carlton Shafer successfully defended their title in the national indoor doubles championship at the Seventh Regiment Armory.  In a smashing five set match, and in the final round, they defeated Gustave F. Touchard and William B. Cragin.  It was the very best battle ever seen for a national event and from start to finish almost every shot brought a cheer from the gallery.  Now and again, when the tide took him, Grant made some sensational shots, and his service was grand in spots, but to Shaver must be awarded the palm for the biggest half of the victory. [Carlton Shafer was a three-time national indoor double tennis champion in 1914-14 and 18 and was runner up for the national indoor singles title twice, in 1909 and 1913. He established Camp Susquehannock, Brackney, in 1905, which continues to this day.  His son, Edwin, of Brackney, passed away on February 15, 2014. ]

New Milford – The Susquehanna County Light and Power Co. turned on the current from the Susquehanna plant Thursday noon.  New Milford is now supplied with a day and night electric service for light and power purposes.  That this improved service is appreciated is evident from the fact that nearly all of the manufacturing plants in town either have or intend to install electric power. ALSO Sunday evening, at the Methodist, Baptist and Episcopal churches, sermons were preached on the subject, “Who is to blame for the gambling in New Milford?”

Dimock – James Oliver and Miss Mary Jennings were married on Wednesday of last week at St. Mary’s Church, Montrose. Robert Dolan and Miss Ellen Oliver attended them. A reception was held in their honor Friday evening, at the home of John Oliver Sr.  ALSO Byron Benninger and Miss Addie Sherwood were married last Wednesday at the home of the bride at Lymanville.

Rush – The high school entertainment entitled “Just Plain Folks” will be given at the school this Friday evening at 8. It will be repeated at Birchardville, March 6. Admission, 20 cents.  ALSO The cold wave is making the old people huddle close to the stove; the young people are enjoying this snappy weather.  In which class are you?  Don’t be a grouch.

Elk Lake - Supervisor Brodhead and assistants have been busy opening the roads since the blizzards. ALSO Owing to the heavy fall of snow, L. L. Hunsinger has closed his birch still for a short time.

Lynn, Springville Twp. – Our oldest inhabitants say this is the heaviest fall of snow since 1888. The ground hog was certainly a wise old guy. ALSO The state road from Montrose to Tunkhannock has been opened up in good shape, last week, by its employees. ALSO The whooping cough and measles epidemic, through this locality, is the worst known in years.

Flynn, Middletown Twp. – It us no wonder some men remain old bachelors, for when they take a couple ladies out riding they surely tip the sleigh over. ALSO Our school opened once more this week.  It closes quite often on account of the scarlet fever.

Herrick Center – Laura Shaver, aged 14 years, of West Herrick, died on Tuesday at a hospital in Carbondale, Ill. She resided with her sister at West Herrick until about a month ago, when her brother, John, came from Illinois and took her home with him. The body will be sent home to be buried beside her parents in the Ararat cemetery.

South Montrose – Lee Walker is wearing a broad smile now-a-days, because it is a fine, large girl.

Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. – It has been reported that the firm of Lindsley, Travis and Grey, birch distillers on Rhiney Creek, had $75 worth of birch oil stolen, recently.

Royal, Clifford Twp. – The Washington Birthday party or dance at Hotel Royal was a grand success.  The music by Purvis’ orchestra, of Scranton, four pieces, was the best dance music that has been in the Royal Hotel for years.

West Auburn – Arthur Wilcox has traded his automobile to Stanley Farr, at Meshoppen, for a horse and buggy and will move to Birchardville on Thursday.

Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp.  – Robert Jones, while drawing logs, met with a severe accident, Saturday, going down Elkdale Hill. The trace unhitched, letting the tongue drop, frightening the team until they became unmanageable. They ran for a short distance and when found one horse had its leg broken and afterwards was taken and killed.

Jackson Twp. – School notes of Maple Ridge school for the month ending Feb. 6, 1914. The following pupils were present every day during the month: Raymond Wilcox, Ruth Hall, Lloyd Birdsell, Esther Quick, Nellie Hall and Jay Decker. The pupils having an average of 90 percent or above were: Nellie Hall and Carl Decker. Those having an average of 85 per cent or above were: Ruth Hall, Esther Quick and Lloyd Birdsell. Those having an average of 80 per cent or above were: Jay Decker, Earl Hill, Raymond Wilcox and Harley Hall.

Heart Lake – The report in Binghamton and Scranton papers, this week, to the effect that the Scranton & Binghamton rail road company will develop a summer resort at Heart Lake, is incorrect, according to statements of the officers of the company, who state they have no plans whatever in that direction.

Court Notes: Atty. F. A. Davies is endeavoring to obtain a pardon for Mrs. Clara Rose, who some time ago was convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary for attempting the life of her husband by throwing dynamite bombs at him. The petition has been filed before the board of pardons. Leo Granger was also convicted with Mrs. Rose. Jerome Rose, the woman’s husband, alleged his wife was trying to do away with him so that she could marry Granger, but has since mad statements throwing a different light on the matter,  it is said.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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