Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 24 1905/2005
Susquehanna - Hatch's Moving Picture Company appeared in the opera house Saturday evening to good business. AND On Sunday evening, in Christ Episcopal church, the rector delivered an appropriate sermon on the life of George Washington.
Brooklyn - The framework of the new butter factory has been raised and the building will be rapidly pushed to completion.
Birchardville - The fine sleighing has made lively times with lumbermen drawing logs to mill. The mill is running every day, and those wanting sawing, planing, turning shingles made, or grinding done, can have it done without delay. AND The new bell for the church is hung, and such a fine tone--no country church can boast of a better one. Its sound can be heard from three to four miles. May it be a means to the call of a preacher for the people.
Great Bend - One of the old landmarks on Main St., an old oak tree, standing at the corner of the Hill block, was cut down Monday afternoon.
Silver Lake - The road to Binghamton is reported as impassable, on account of the high drifts melting so as to let a horse break through. AND Many of the young people of this place attended the dance given by the Red Men, at Franklin Forks, Wednesday night.
Lathrop - A.G.C. Deacon, of England, and Miss Emily Purkiss, of Lathrop, were united in matrimony, Saturday, Feb. 11th, at the bride's home by Rev. H.T. Purkiss, James A. Decker acting as best man and Mrs. R.A. Squires as bridesmaid. Miss Grace States rendered a beautiful march. After congratulations they repaired to the dining room where a sumptuous repast was served. The bride received six dollars in cash as a gift from the following: Mr. and Mrs. S. Quick, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kerr, Miss Grace Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Squires, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Decker, Rev. and Mrs. H.T. Purkiss.
Hopbottom - A sleighride party attended a party at Archie Pratt's last Monday.
Elk Lake - Our supervisor has been a busy man lately, shoveling snow. The Dimock and Rush mail failed to go through Monday night.
Springville - Elias Titman is getting well along in years, and yet many days this winter he has trudged down to Lynn and done his day's work and walked back home at night. Young men might benefit by his example. AND The Odd Fellows made a bee for Bro. Chas. A. Thomas last Saturday and hauled and cut a good-sized pile of wood and also took along a ton of coal. And yet a few see-so-good-in-ems are not satisfied.
Montrose - Several people have contracted the bad habit of burning waste paper in the main streets of the borough, and it should cease. The burning paper flies in all directions and while there is not a great deal of danger in starting a conflagration, the filmy residue swirls into business places with each gust of wind when doors are ajar, making it very disagreeable to occupants and unsightly to customers. It is against the ordinances of the borough. "Cut it out."
East Bridgewater - A largely attended and enjoyable social was held at the home of H.W. Jameson, Friday evening. Three four-in-hand sleigh loads from Montrose and one from Brooklyn, besides many single teams, gathered at the Jameson domicile and a fair estimate places the number in attendance at 150. The drifted roads made the journey spicily exciting and many were the narrow escapes from a "spill." Notwithstanding the bitter cold on returning the beautiful moonlit night and thoughts of the preceding pleasures made even this not a disagreeable experience, while taken as a whole it will be an event long to be remembered with pleasant thoughts.
Uniondale - Frank Westgate and his men cut and shipped about 12,000 tons of ice the past month; two large orders going to Deposit. It is 27" thick and is cut into 500-pound blocks. It looks nice but we think it will look nicer next July. Mr. Westgate has ordered four carloads of wagons to be shipped in March; also two cars of farm implements for spring trade, and says he is going to handle the high grade M.E. Wheeler fertilizer. He also has the agency for the eastern part of Susquehanna county and part of Wayne county for the well-known Oliver Chilled plow. That is right, Frank, something to please the farmers, for they are the main stay in the family.
Glenwood - John Rulyea, of Kingsley, gave a performance in the Glenwood school house on Saturday evening, consisting of sleight of hand and fire eating, then the graphophone did the rest.
Dimock - Some of the Democrats from Dimock were in town yesterday and were feeling good as to the result of the election, the Democratic ticket having swept everything clean in Dimock--a clean sweep, they said, no matter whether or not the broom was put out as an emblem of the clean sweeping.
Ararat - Wm. Leach is a candidate for sheriff.
Clifford - John Hunter has been keeping company with a nice large carbuncle for the past week.
Kingsley - The Kingsley concert band gave a pleasing program at Alford, Thursday evening, for the benefit of the band recently organized in that place.
Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. - Marion Griffis, the "Picture Man" of Montrose, passed through this vicinity delivering crayons [drawings], which are exceedingly good. By the way, this county has been canvassed several times during the past year by slick talking Chicago and New York firms. Most people who gave them orders have found to their sorrow that they bought cheap, inferior work, at high prices.
Compiled By: Betty Smith