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February 19 1892/1992

Hallstead - The fire company bids fair to become a very prosperous and important organization. By the way, E.R. Mason, of Binghamton, NY recently presented "the boys" with a fire clock.

Herrick Center - The M.E. Church has its lock repaired, so it no longer stands open. Question: where will D. and his chum take their girls for a Sunday night spark?

Tunkhannock - The Hon. Robert B. Little died at his home in Tunkhannock, Feb 7, aged 72 years. He was one of the oldest lawyers in northeastern Pennsylvania. He served Wyoming County in the state legislature, and during the administration of President Buchanan was Judge of the Court of Claims at the national capital. He was an uncle of Geo. P. Little, Esq., of Montrose, being a brother of the late Ralph B. Little, dec'd, of Montrose. By the way, the Little's seem to be a family of lawyers.

Jackson - A portion of the old Stockport road can be seen on the farm of Nelson Comfort near the state line. It is mentioned in one or both of the Histories of Susquehanna County. ~AND~ on account of icy roads, plenty of work has been made for blacksmiths in this part of the country.

Brooklyn - One telephone is removed from this place. Why cannot we have one to connect with Scranton, as that is our market?

Lenoxville - Rumor says that our stage driver has taken unto himself a wife.

Great Bend - Baseball is being talked up and locations point to the formation of a club here next season, to join the Northern Pennsylvania and New York League, with the following towns: Susquehanna, New Milford, Carbondale, Montrose, Windsor, Norwich, Greene and Great Bend. There is any amount of good stuff here and a rattling team could be brought into existence, which would enliven matters here during the summer season.

Montrose - At the Opera House Tuesday evening, Feb 23, Geo. H. Hamilton's Comedians, in the funniest of all comedies, "The Two Thieves," written for laughing purposes only, interspersed with specialties, singing and dancing. The fun never ceases. Price: 25, 35, and 50 cents. Seats on sale at McCauslands' Pharmacy.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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