Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 16 1906/2006
Susquehanna - Sam Townsend, the popular bus driver from this place to Lanesboro D & H station, gives it as a matter of congratulation that D & H trains Nos. 1 and 3 were yesterday on time and he thinks it fit for publication.
Gibson - Sleighing is the order of the day. The snow measured, Friday, Feb. 9, twenty-two inches on level.
Harford - Thursday evening, February 8th, being the 21st birthday of Earl Whiting, his mother thought to give him a surprise. A few of his friends met at his home. Games were played after which refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Olive Usher, Daisy Tiffany, Helen Wilmarth, Edith Corse, Jessie Robbins, Messers Burt Brown, Ray Tingley, Carl Robbins, Chas Labar, Hollie Lewis, Geo. Labar, Floyd Tiffany, Mearl Ellsworth, Harry Shannon, Fanton Sherwood. AND There are six in the graduating class at the High School this year.
Springville - The ladies are planning to serve one of their famous dinners at the church, election day, Feb. 20. What the ladies have done along this line in the past is a sure guarantee there will be abundance of everything to tempt the palates of hungry people on this occasion.
Ararat - Old Mrs. Sartelle is very ill. She is 86 years old and her recovery is doubtful. She has never recovered from the shock she sustained on the night of the robbery at Eli Avery's, as she is the old lady whose room they entered, not satisfied with the money from the safe, they ransacked her room for plunder. {In the case of the Commonwealth vs. LeRoy Ballard, charged with entering Eli Avery's house at Ararat, the jury returned a verdict of "not guilty.")
Thompson - Fred Empet, the tax collector and constable, has an unusual record. He has served 18 years in that capacity. AND Emerson Stone is engaged this winter in erecting a fine dwelling house upon the property recently purchased by him near the Thompson Grange Hall.
Dimock - A. C. Mills can now be seen daily working in his shop repairing wagons, sleighs, cutters and all farming tools.
Heart Lake - Our school opened again Monday after a 10 weeks' vacation, on account of the sickness and death of the teacher's grandmother.
Montrose - What might have been a very serious fire broke out at 6 o'clock Monday night in the room over Hollister's pool room, in Geo. Lyons' bindery, it catching, it is said, from a defective flue. An alarm was given and the firemen and citizens were quickly on hand. The fire quickly spread to the upper part of the building occupied by B.L. Billings' furniture store and for a half hour it looked as though a very disastrous fire was certain in these wooden buildings. But the firemen did such good work that it was soon gotten under control. The building was damaged some, but the goods and fixtures in Billings' store and in Hollister's place were damaged even more by water. Mr. Billings informs us the damage in the casket room alone was nearly $1000. He immediately put in a new supply after the fire. Someone carried off the book-binders sewing bench. Upon information as to where the bench is, Mr. Lyons will gladly call for it. The total losses are not known at this time, but they are covered by insurance.
Forest City - The Forest City News reports, "A staff of the law was telling our fighting editor that the next "for the good-of-the-order raid" would be slot-machines in the different towns. "The lid is to be put on in this county" he added, "with several hot-house surprises on the side."
Fairdale - Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Downer, of Binghamton, have been visiting Fairdale friends. Mr. Downer has recently purchased the well known hay market at Washington and Water streets, Binghamton and his son, Claude, of Fairdale, will also go there, having leased the farm at Fairdale.
Friendsville - The St. Francis Xavier's dramatic and literary association will, on the night of the 21st inst., produce the popular drama, "The Commercial Traveler." On the same night the Fair held during the Christmas holidays will be continued. Many valuable articles will be chanced off. A dance will follow. Good music in attendance. A supper will be given by the ladies of the parish, for the benefit of the new church.
Jackson - Jackson is a "dry" town, the license for the old "Geary House" being refused by the court.
South Gibson - Oscar Belcher started for his home in Oregon. He took with him for companion Willie Davis, who has lived in the Belcher home for several years. Mr. Belcher is a good citizen and his many friends wish he might remain here, but wish him success in his adopted home in the far West.
Lawsville - Charlie Turrell and family started, Feb. 13th, for St. John's, Oregon, where they expect to make their home in the future. AND Miss Florence Bailey has returned from Montrose where she has been learning dress making.
Hallstead - The body of Mrs. Margaret Stack, who died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John Finnerty, of Scranton, on Friday, was brought to the home of her son, Conductor Morris Stack, on Sunday morning on Train 27. Deceased met a very tragic death by falling off the back stoop at the home of her daughter, where she was visiting, breaking her neck. Death was instantaneous. She was about 80 years of age and is survived by the following children: Morris, Edward and Richard, Mrs. T. J. Connors and Mrs. John Finnerty. The funeral services were held on Monday morning at 10 from St. Lawrence's church.
News Brief: It is too bad the way some doctors take advantage of sickness to run up a large bill. Doctors have been charging $100 for an operation for appendicitis. According to the best authorities this operation is very simple and almost any doctor can do it. The price demanded for the operation is too much.
Compiled By: Betty Smith