Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 15 1918/2018
Susquehanna- A white parrot, owned by George Turner, died recently as the result of the extreme cold. The parrot was 42 years old and was brought over from England by the owner when he came to this country 19 years ago. It was prized highly by the owner. It was a good talker.
Montrose/New Milford – The State Highway Dept. advertises for bids for paving the streets of Montrose and New Milford. This is the most encouraging symptom yet shown of the two towns getting the long-looked for paving this summer.
Great Bend – An acetylene gas generator exploded in the home of Frank Tiel, at Hickory Grove, last week, demolishing the residence and seriously injuring Mrs. Tiel, who was alone in the house. Mr. Tiel rushed from the barn and carried his wife, who was unconscious and badly burned, to the home of Milton Brush, half a mile away. Dr. D.J. Peck was called. The house burned to the ground.
South Gibson – Our townspeople were much distressed and shocked when we received a telephone message saying Glen Howell was killed, crushed by the wrecking train, on his way home from Cochecton, where he had been at work on a big wreck. He had been coupling cars. He leaves a wife and two little girls to mourn his untimely death, besides his aged mother and brothers and sisters.
Montrose – Wm. Welliver purchased the C-Nic theatre at a bankruptcy sale for $300. He will make improvements and thoroughly renovate same. ALSO The death of Kenneth Warner occurred at Camp Hancock, Georgia, on Sunday, Feb. 10th, 1918, from pneumonia. His death removes from here one of the best loved young men of the town, one for whom every acquaintance had both a warm affection and the highest esteem. While thoroughly natural and unostentatious, he always saw the silver lining in the cloud, He was brave and conscientious, always just the kind of men that are needed. That he should be called shows the inscrutable ways of the Omnipotent, and we must not question. We never heard him utter a complaint of any kind. Can we be a brave as he? He has made the supreme sacrifice for his country.
Friendsville – John Condon said the skating was fine on Carmalt’s pond, Sunday last.
South Auburn – People depending on water, taken through pipes, are having great trouble; many having to carry water to their stock. On account of the severe weather there is not much doing. About all one can accomplish is to do chores and keep the fires going.
Parkvale, Dimock Twp. – W.W. Kinner and son, Oscar, visited at Charley Deer’s, in Lathrop, Sunday. They found the roads filled with snow in places, so they left their horse there and went on foot through the drifts.
Heart Lake –There will be a smile social at the parsonage, Feb. 22. Smile motto: - “Smile a smile, while you smile another smile, and soon there’s smiles and smiles of smiles, and life’s worthwhile, if you but smile.” [Did the song come before or after smile socials?]
Brooklyn – The old soldiers were guests of the High School, Tuesday afternoon, and exercises appropriate to Lincoln’s birthday were held.
Carbondale – “Rockie” Rothapiel, moving picture magnate, formerly of Forest City, will be bringing an aggregation of movie stars on February 20 for a Red Cross ball. Coming are Mary Pickford, Clara Kimball Young, Marguerite Clark, and a big array of others, including Mugsie McGraw, of the New York Giants and Hughey Jennings of the Detroit Tigers.
Forest City – According to the “Fifty Odd Years Ago” column in the Forest City News, the first child born at Forest Mills was Edward A. Pentecost. Miss Lottie Thayer, now of Petersburg, VA, was the first girl baby born in the Mills. The first wedding was in the summer of 1880, when William Edwards, a teamster, married Mary Crandall, of Uniondale
Uniondale – “Old Glory” was suspended at half- mast Tuesday in honor of Lincoln’s birthday. ALSO The Erie Railroad has a force of men engaged in filling the company’s ice house at this point. A large amount is required to meet the wants of the milk shippers along the branch. This is the starting point for the line and in addition to the ice required by our local milk shipper, the shippers along the route are cared for. The ice is brought here in cars from Hathaway’s pond, near Ararat.
News Briefs: The Lincoln highway, beginning at New York and ending at San Francisco, is about 1/3 finished, though it is already available for travel for a greater distance. This will be open to travel throughout the year. ALSO Message from President Hoover-“Go back to simple life, be contented with simple food, simple pleasures, simple clothes. Work hard, pray hard, play hard. Work, eat, recreate and sleep. Do it all courageously. ALSO The average temperature for the month of January was 5 degrees above zero, so the weather man said. The January thaw arrived, like the trains, the mails and everything else, mighty late this year. ALSO a Nicholson boy began an essay as follows: “The cow has four legs—one on each corner, and a fly swatter in the rear. ALSO Autoists will find that a hot water bag laid over the manifold ten minutes before it is wished to start will help get a cold motor in operation. Try it. ALSO At a dressmakers' convention held in the West recently, one of the delegates expressed the opinion that dresses would get shorter each year until 1922. This looks like propaganda work. The occulists will resort to anything to boom their business.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Centinel, February 14, 1818.
*MARRIED – In Middletown on the 20th of January last, by Seth Taylor, Esq., Mr. John Bump to Mrs. Nancy Foster, all of that township.
*PAINT STORE. The subscriber wishes to inform his friends and the public that he has just received a general assortment of paints which he will constantly keep on hand for sale, among which are the following, viz.: White Lead, Red Lead, Spanish Brown, Spruce Yellow, Patent Yellow, Chrome Yellow, Purple Brown, Rose Pink, Virdegris, Rotten Stone, Copal Gum, Af., Copal Gum, Ch., Spr. Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Hair Pencils, Silver Leaf, Blue Smalt, Spanish White, Yellow Ocher, Stone Yellow, Kings Yellow, Prus. Blue, Tere D. Sceanna [Sienna], Turkey Umber, Vermillion, Pumice Stone, Shelack Gum, Sweet Oil, Olive Oil, Paint Brushes, Gold Leaf, Glaziers Diamonds. N.B. He will shortly have on hand all kinds of Varnishes which he can furnish Cabinet Makers or others with any quantity at the sign of the Gilt Coach. ANSON DART. Montrose, Feb. 6th, 1818.
*Among the indictments found last week by the grand jury, (says the Albany Argus) was one against a woman as a Common Scold!—She was bound over to the next term to take her trail. The punishment for this offence, under the common law, we understand, is THREE DUCKINGS, by the hands of the Sheriff. An eminent counsellor, however, has offered to clear the prisoner by satisfying the jury that she is not a common but an un-common scold.
Compiled By: Betty Smith