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February 14 1919/2019

Montrose – Edwin, son of Mrs. Thomas L. Dolan, is in a hospital in France, having been gassed. Information is meagre. Another son, Paul, is also in France. Edwin had not been heard from in a long time and great anxiety was felt. Paul communicated with Edwin’s captain, who sent a letter to Mrs. Dolan with the information. The extent of his injuries is unknown. ALSO Smith and Stone jewelers and opticians have had their new lens grinding equipment installed for two weeks and large numbers of people have taken advantage of this special service. Glasses are made the same day as ordered and frames fitted, making the service extraordinarily prompt. We believe they are the only firm in the county equipped to make glasses.

South New Milford – The team on the “kid” wagon, driven by Kenneth Darrow, ran away, Monday morning, doing some damage to the wagon, but fortunately no one was hurt. ALSO  In New Milford Summit – The family of Ernest Williams is seriously ill with the influenza. Mrs. Ward Williams is very ill with pneumonia, with little hope of recovery. She has two trained nurses, Mrs. Alling, from Lake Side, and Miss Connelly, of Susquehanna.

Gelatt – The funeral services of Freeman P. Whitney were held here Tuesday morning. He was born here July 25, 1833 and resided here the greater part of his life. He was a Civil War veteran and fired the first shot in the Battle of Gettysburg. He died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Patter (Potter?) of Jermyn. [There has been controversy as to who fired the first shot at the Battle of Gettysburg. Lt. Marcellus Jones, of the 8th Illinois, claimed to be the first, but an on-line article titled, ”Battle of Gettysburg: Who Really Fired the First Shot,” does mention that Freeman P. Whitney, of Company B, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Devin’s brigade, also put in a first shot bid. Stating that he was part of the regiment’s picket post prior to 6 a.m., much earlier than Jones’ shot and nearly as early as another claimant. Whitney is mistaken about his road names, as pickets of the 17th PA were actually posted on the Carlisle and Harrisburg roads that morning. [Whitney said he was on the Cashtown Pike.] If he indeed fired a shot at any enemy forces so early on July 1, it may have been at elements of White’s Virginia Cavalry Battalion or at Early’s stragglers.”]

Dimock – Born to Mrs. Glenn L. Titman, of Fort Morgan, Colorado, Jan. 15, 1919, a son, Glenn Leroy Titman, Jr. The father, who was a Dimock boy, a son of Elias Titman, going west about 15 years ago, died last fall with the influenza.

Springville – Among the oldest living residents of the county is L.H. Bushnell of this village, who will have reached his 91st mile-stone, the 24th of this month. Although he has not been feeling well for the past two weeks, being confined to his bed some of the time, his health has permitted him to be about, most of the time, and able to chat with his friends. Few men of the county are held in higher regard than he. His life has been an interesting one. Until 30 years ago he conducted a farm in Rush Township. Leaving Rush he rented the Packer farm in Springville township for a couple of years, then spent a year at Lynn and then moved to Springville village. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fish, Mrs. Fish being his daughter, have lived with him for the past 5 years. [Lemuel H. Bushnell died in July of 1919.]

Hop Bottom – The ladies of the Shakespeare Club are to hold a “Victory” Banquet in Loomis’ Hall, Friday evening, Feb. 14. There are 21 active members of the Club and six honorary members, who, with their invited guests, will participate in this annual celebration of the Club.

Forest City – Frank Caffey, who is in Uncle Sam’s service, was walking the streets of Brest, France, when he heard someone call, “Chub, hello, Chub.” He noticed a soldier and walking up to him, somewhat bewildered, knowing that the nickname he went by in Forest City was only known by the people of that place. He investigated and found the soldier, who again greeted him with the salutation, “Hello, Chub.” Then it dawned upon him that the soldier was a Forest Cityite and he advanced and was surprised to meet Jonathan Jones, who was homeward bound. The boys were in high glee and for a time Forest City was transferred to Brest. It was the first time Caffery had met anyone from his old home town. ALSO The era of activity that has marked the activities of the Hillside Coal and Iron company at this point, the past four years, was broken Saturday when the mines were idle. Three days a week will probably be the limit of operations at the mines until such time as the markets resume normal conditions.

Herrick Center – Elmer Carpenter, of the East Side, is drawing logs to the mill here. Henry Davis, who has the job of cutting the timber, expects to finish in a few days. Anyone wishing sawing done will have to get busy as Mr. Wademan will remove his mill soon. He has a large lumber job in Tennessee where he will soon ship his mill. We understand Mr. Wademan will go there in the near future.

Uniondale – We were given a sample apple by John Paye. It was large, hard and perfect in form. It grew on the old Zeba Burns’ place, and the orchard is one of the oldest in Herrick Township.

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, February 2 and 13, 1819.

*Whereas my wife Lydia has been guilty of great misconduct, I hereby forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. PHINEHAS WARNER. Bridgewater, Feb. 4, 1819.

*Died. In this town, on Tuesday last, after a short but distressing illness, which she bore with unexampled patience and resignation, Susan Post, in the 6th year of her age, only daughter of Maj. Isaac Post. This is the second lovely daughter that this afflicted family has been called to mourn the loss of in the last nine months.

*Died. On Wednesday last, after a distressing illness, George Denison, in the 5th year of his age, only son of Doct. Mason Denison.

*Died. On Thursday morning, Mrs. Jerusha Lyon(s), wife of Mr. Nathan H. Lyon(s), in the 20th year of her age, recently from Brattleborough, Vermont. She has left a disconsolate husband and a numerous circle of acquaintances to mourn her early death.

*INSOLVENT. Take notice that I have applied to the Judges of the Court of Common pleas of Susquehanna County for the benefit of the laws made for the relief of insolvent debtors and that they have appointed Wednesday the tenth day of March Next to hear me & my creditors, at the court house in said county of which all my creditors will please to take notice. OLIVER C. SMITH. Dated Goal, 5th Febr. 1819. [Oliver Smith, of Wilkes-Barre, was the builder of the first court house in Susquehanna County in 1813.]

STATE CAPITOL. The bill appropriating 120,000 dollars to the erection of a State Capitol has passed both Houses of Assembly. Under this bill, the Governor, State Treasurer, Auditor General, John B. Gibson and William Graydon, are appointed commissioners to determine the plan of the building, and contract with an architect to erect it for the above sum.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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