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February 06 1903/2003

Franklin Forks - Our blacksmith, Charles Towner, has left this place. John Dillon, of Lawsville, has rented the shop of Carrol Tiffany for three years. George Hickok has got his engine and boiler moved here, preparatory to starting a shingle mill.

Dimock - The Aid Society of the Baptist church met at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Newton on Thursday, Jan'y 29th, for dinner. There was a large attendance and being industriously inclined, they not only did justice to the abundance of good things provided for the occasion, but attacked the carpet rags with a vigor which rolled up the balls to the amount of 27 lbs. There were 53 present and all report a good time.

Auburn Corners - John Bushnell returned Monday evening from a visit to his daughter at North Bridgewater; while absent, he was juryman at our County court, was out all night on duty, and marched at the head of the column to breakfast next morning. This for a man past 82 years of age; fifty years ago he was on the jury, being the youngest man of the number. G. W. Smith was also on the jury, aged 81 years.

Montrose - In Susquehanna the ground hog saw his shadow on Monday, but in Montrose he didn't get a chance, therefore, according to tradition we will be enjoying ethereal balminess while the "city of stairs" is writhing in the throes of howling blizzards and icy cold. AND Henry J. Rose was a pleasant caller on Saturday, en route from Harrisburg to his home at Silver Lake. Mr. Rose is on several important committees, among which are Mines and Mining Ways and Means, Military, Public Health and Sanitation and Counties and Townships. The first three are regarded as especially important.

Harford - Mr. S. E. Carpenter, one of the oldest citizens of the town of Harford passed away Jan. 28th, 1903, after a few days illness. He was born Aug. 19, 1822 and married Jan. 30, 1845, to Hannah E. Tiffany, who passed away June 14th, 1872. Two daughters, Mrs. C. H. Birchard of Philadelphia, and Mrs. L. M. Gillett, of Thompson, and two sons, Frank E., of Harford and Homer E., of Kingsley, and five grand-children survive him. Mr. Carpenter served as Assessor for 19 years and as Jury Commissioner for two terms.

Susquehanna - Another claimant to the title of the youngest engineer on the Erie has appeared. He is Engineer Smiley, of Susquehanna, who is 23 years old. He began firing at the age of 18 years and has been acting as engineer for some time.

Springville - The members of Utility Grange, No. 873 will hold a box social at their hall on Friday evening, Feb'y 13; each lady is to bring a box containing lunch for two, which is to be sold for 25 cents. All are invited.

North Jackson - D. R. Pope, of North Jackson, who is past 81 years of age, is braving the severe winter and daily looks after a stock of fourteen head of cattle, twenty-five head of sheep and a span of horses. He has made frequent trips to Brandt for ashes and weekly visits to Susquehanna. None are more active at 81 than Mr. Pope.

Brooklyn - Ice formed a gorge in the stream below the old factory school house and the road was filled with cakes of ice and water, so that it was impossible to go through with teams. The stages with the mail had to go around the Hill road by Henry Roper's for several days.

Silver Lake -Frank Ward will be paid a liberal sum if he keeps the road open between the school house and Liberty

Lawton - Well, we are not quite so badly shut off from all the world as we were, as G. W. Meeker, also G. W. Lindsley, have new telephones put in their places, so now we can talk more than usual, if possible; and we are very glad to be connected with the outside world. AND Ed Hollenback went to Georgia several weeks ago and last Wednesday he returned bringing with him a charming bride.

Oakley - Mrs. Rose Carpenter has a tame dove that follows her children to school every morning and returns with them at night. E. E. Titus has a tame crow that cackles in exact imitation of a hen and tries to talk.

South Gibson - The Cornet Band, under the capable leadership of Professor D. J. Morgan, is making excellent progress.

News Briefs - The Postoffice Department has decided to furnish every farmer, at its own expense, with an official letter box, which being the property of the government will be protected against theft by lawful authority of the Federal law. In the future, on rural free delivery routes, mail matter will be as safe from robbers as when deposited in receptacles on urban street corners. Another new departure is likely to be the employment of women more extensively as carriers on rural routes. Already a few mail carriers of the gentler sex are in the service at the customary $50 a month and they have been found very satisfactory. AND The U. S. Naval tug Lyden, which was recently wrecked in a dense fog, off the Block Island coast, was commanded by Lieut. Chester Wells, a young officer with an excellent record. He was on the Texas during the Spanish war. Lieut. Wells is a son of Major Levi Wells of Spring Hill, Bradford County, and has many friends here who will be interested in the above. AND At the ex-prisoners of the war convention held at Scranton, on Thursday afternoon and evening of last week, the old soldiers had a very enjoyable meeting which they spent in singing, recounting personal reminiscences and having a good time generally. The Scranton Republican says the following, which will interest many: "Protests against the [Robert E.] Lee statue were made by P. H. Campbell, President Lathrope and by Comrade Dodd, of Montrose. The latter met his old friend, 'Squire Davis, of Parsons, for the first time in 41 years. They enlisted together, were separated, both captured and made prisoners of war, yet have lived all these years in ignorance of the other's existence. Comrade Dodd was roundly cheered when he took the platform and delivered the most enthusiastic and humorous speech of the evening. AND The Philadelphia Press had an interesting article relative to salaries of female school teachers, which shows that 16 Pennsylvania counties pay their women teachers less than $30 per month. Our county [$25 per month] is among the 16 and it isn't likely many of our readers will be proud of it when they come to know it.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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