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December 29 1905/2005

Forest City - Persons who drive to town often blanket their horses carefully upon arriving, only to have the blanket blown off by the wind a little later, exposing the animal to the rigors of the winter weather. The hardware or harness stores sell large safety pins that are very effective in keeping blankets on when properly used. Every horse owner should provide himself with a supply of these inexpensive articles and when he has occasion to blanket is horse use the pins. AND By tearing down the coal breaker at Richmondale, near Forest City, that little mining town will cease to exist and 200 men will be thrown out of employment. AND The somewhat celebrated church cases, in which a number of people were accused of assaulting Rev. L. Suchowski, have been amicably settled by the parties concerned and the court has allowed the indictments to be quashed.

Springville - Last Thursday, as W. E. Ward was driving down the hill past the mill, the neck yoke strap broke letting the wagon against the horse causing them to run, coming up through town and starting north up the hill where they were stopped. Two young ladies in the wagon showed grit, for they uttered no sound. No damage was sustained.

Rush - The Christmas exercises at the Trinity M. E. Church were enjoyed by a congregation which filled the church on Saturday evening. Santa Claus rather excelled his record and the children did their part with usual Christmas enthusiasm.

Oakland - No trace of Maude Haynes, the Oakland girl who so mysteriously disappeared two weeks ago, has yet been discovered.

Harford - We understand that we are to lose our butter maker, Mr. G. A. Baldwin, who has bought a large feed mill near Cortland, N.Y., where he will move at once. This place will lose an excellent butter maker, a good citizen, and the church a willing worker. Mr. Baldwin has been troubled with rheumatism for some time, and thinks the change will benefit his health. AND Ralph Capron's team ran away Tuesday and broke his wagon but did no damage to the horses. AND Vaccinating the scholars is the fashion of the day at schools around here.

Franklin Forks - The new library has come and anyone wishing a book can find it at Mrs. E. F. Palmer's.

Fairdale - J. J. Ryan, of Montrose, has begun to put on the steel ceiling for the M.E. church.

Friendsville - The Ladies' Bazaar, which is the attraction this week, is meeting with all kinds of success. The music on Christmas night was furnished by Mahon Bros., of Montrose, and Miss Anna Ryan, of Friendsville. They say it was "tip top."

Montrose - To former schoolmates who shared her worthy companionship in the "old academy" in Montrose, it may prove of deep interest to learn, during Yule-tide season, that Sister M. of St. Borremeo (Miss Keeler), of the Good Shepherd Order, was transferred in the fall, from the convent in St. Louis, to teach in the Aldecoa Reform School for Girls, at Havana, Cuba. Sister Mary belongs to one of the oldest religious orders in the world, and whose foundress Ven. M. St. Euphrasia Pelletier, is buried in one of the historic cemeteries at Angers, France. This is Sister Mary's second call to Cuba.

Hop Bottom - Canfield Stone was in town last week. He is preparing to again take charge of his hotel, the Foster House. "Can" is a popular hotel man.

Birchardville - T. H. Brink lost two horses recently within a few minutes of each other. It is thought they were poisoned by somebody. He had never fed any meal, but found a little meal in their mangers that day.

West Auburn - The West Auburn school was opened for one week, after a long fight as to vaccination and then the teacher, H. B. Lee, was taken sick with appendicitis, and now the school is closed again. Mr. Lee, in his sickness, has the sympathy of those on both sides of the late "unpleasantness," we are informed. It is said that Dr. Lathrop notified the teacher to admit the pupils and go on with the school, until such time as the State Board should take the matter up, if they did at all. There are 39 pupils in that school, 25 of which have not been vaccinated and, it is said, will not be.

Brooklyn - Charlie J. Savige and Clara Whitman, students of Wyoming Seminary, are spending their vacation with their parents, in this place. AND The marriage of Miss Ethel Sterling and Leon J. Russell took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sterling, Christmas day.

Nicholson - While playing about the railroad, jumping on and off a freight this afternoon, little Harry Greenwood, aged 14 years, was struck by No. 6 and killed, says Friday's Nicholson "Record." The accident happened near Spencer's mill on the curve and he jumped from a freight train going west on to the eastbound track directly in front of the fast approaching train. His head was badly cut. The family is overcome by the accident.

News Brief: "Take Off Your Hat To Her." God bless the girl who works! She is brave, good and noble. She is not too proud to make her own living or ashamed to be caught at the task. She smiles at you from behind the desk or counter or printer case. She is like a brave mountaineer climbing, struggling, rejoicing. The sight should be an inspiration to us all. It is an honor to know this girl and be worthy of her esteem. Lift your hat to her, young man, as she passes by. Her hand may be stained by dishwashing, factory grease or printers ink, but it is an honest and helping hand. It stays misfortune from the home; it supports an invalid one maybe; a loving patient shield that protects many a family from the almshouse. All honor the brave toiler. God bless and protect the girl who works. AND An exchange gives the following advice to young men who are contemplating matrimony. Don't ask a girl to marry you after dark when she is dressed fit to kill. Call on her, and when you leave, inadvertently drop a glove on the piano. Return for it the next morning at nine o'clock. If she comes to the door with one glove and one slipper on, her hair in curl papers, dressed in an old Mother Hubbard, our advice is to take to the woods. But if she appears in a neat house dress, her hair done up, and a rose in the top of her hair, grab her quick.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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