Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 27 1901/2001
New Milford - An excellent opening for a tinner and plumber at this place. One who could assist in band work would be heartily received by the musical people as we are in need of a few more men to complete our organization. In South New Milford the team of Clarence Brainard, which was drawing milk, ran away down Mott Hill, a few days ago, caused by the wagon pole breaking. The boy jumped from the wagon, saving himself from injuries. The wagon was a wreck and one horse died a few hours later from injuries sustained.
Susquehanna -Keystone Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1 will hold its annual ball in Hogan Opera House on Friday evening. AND Mrs. Charles Green of Corner Grand & Jackson Sts., says-"As a good family pill there is nothing better than Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. I had been feeling poorly for a long time and medicine that I took did not seem to suit my case. The liver was inactive, digestion was poor and I felt tired and languid. I got some of Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and had used but a few doses when I felt decidedly better. I use an occasional dose now and feel as well as ever." (25 cents a box at dealers)
Hallstead - Dr. Merrill is having his residence wired for electric lights. AND The International Correspondence School's car has been at this place during the past week and the railroad men have been receiving instructions concerning the air break and the new rules. AND A large number of sample chairs have been sent to Grand Rapids, Mich., by the American Mfg. Co., of this place, for the annual furniture exhibit soon to be held in that city.
Hopbottom - The marriage of Miss Grace Lord, daughter of Asa Lord of Lindaville, and Stephen Millard, of this place, was solemnized at the home of the groom's father, Farris Millard, on Christmas Eve, by Rev. A. O. Austin.
Birchardville - Fred S. Birchard of the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia, is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Birchard.
Silver Lake - It is reported that St. Augustine's Catholic parish, heretofore a part of the parish at St. Joseph, will be made an independent parish and support a priest of its own. Heretofore, this church has been under Father Lally's charge and he has built up the congregation and made great improvements on the church edifice.
Dimock - Invitations are out for a ball at the Dolan House, Jan. 1.
Lawton - The annual ball will be held at Haire's Hotel, New Year's night.
Harford - F. P. Tingley has sold his sugar camp to Porter & Bayliss.
Clifford - The storm of Dec. 15 & 16 was terrible here, the highest water ever known. Nearly all the cellars were filled to overflowing, our streets were one sheet of water and the roads were badly washed and damaged; the flood will long be remembered here.
Montrose - Len Titsworth, the wide-awake manager of Village Hall, is slightly disgusted because of several chunks of bad luck that came to him in the way of entertainments-which didn't come to him. He had four high-class companies booked for December, but for one reason and another (change of routes, &c) not one of them could come, and Len isn't a bit pleased over it. However, on the first night of the New Year a laughable farce entitled, "Between the Acts" will be presented. This 3-act comedy is full of delicate humor and laughable complications. The general public is assured of a pleasing and enjoyable entertainment by our best home talent for the benefit of St. Paul's Church. Miss Louise V. Warriner and Miss Sallie Courtright play the female roles.
Forest City - Mrs. A. A., charged with unlawful relations with Dr. K., of Forest City, recently pleaded guilty and court suspended sentence. Mrs. A. was arrested with the doctor in a hotel in Scranton. Both were indicted and the doctor was convicted and sentenced to a term of imprisonment in the county jail. After the conviction of the doctor, Mr. A., who was behind the prosecution of both, declined to pursue the case against his wife. This displeased Mrs. K., who thought her husband's partner was as much deserving of punishment as he was and she had her re-arrested and indicted for the second time. Last week Mrs. A. entered a plea of guilty and her attorney made an urgent plea to have sentence suspended. He said that her husband has forgiven her and is willing to take her back, that she has a daughter who needs care and that, moreover, she is shattered in health. Judge Edwards said it was the policy of the law to keep married people together, rather than to separate them. In such cases, the judge said, the man is more to blame than the woman and if sympathy is extended it ought to go out to her. [Names withheld, but a visit to the Historical Society will reveal the true identities].
Fairdale - At the home of the bride, Dec. 19, by Rev. W. R. Cochran, Mrs. Wallace D. Gould, of Little Meadows, and Miss Hettie M. Very, of Fairdale, were united in marriage.
Rush - The new telephones in Dr. Granger's and Dr. Fry's offices and S. B. McCain's stores are now ready for use.
South Montrose - Lamont Stone, of Forest Lake and Miss Hattie Brooks, of South Montrose, were united in marriage recently.
News Briefs - Recent pensions secured through the agency of Pension Attorney M. H. VanScoten are as follows: Original widows; Amy Seiber, Birchardville, $6; Catherine Phoenix, Montrose, $8; increase, Simeon Carroll, Little Meadows, $6 to $12; Spencer Brown, Sayre, $6 to $12; Alfred C. Grow, Auburn Corners, $12 to $17. AND After January 1 there will be no more three 2-cent postage stamps sold for a nickel at the Montrose postoffice. AND A new law recently passed by the Pennsylvania legislature, which goes into effect Jan. 1, 1902, makes it unlawful for first cousins to marry. Such marriages contracted in this state after this date will be void. You have only five days more.
Compiled By: Betty Smith