Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 26 1902/2002
Foster [Hopbottom] - The pumps which have supplied water for the D.L.& W. tanks for years, are no longer in operation. There being such a heavy grade there, trains stop at other places for water.
Harford - Mrs. Cooper was very agreeably surprised one evening last week by finding a load of wood in her yard which had been left there in the moonlight. She is very thankful for the same.
Elk Lake - Mr. Justin took the Elk Lake school children for a sleigh-ride on Friday to Dimock. They were served with refreshments by their teacher at the home of B. E. Crisman. They report a good time and a vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Justin for his kindness.
Rush - A Public Ball will be held at the Rush House, New Years night, Jan. 1, 1903.
South Montrose - Tuesday morning, between the hours of five and six, the horse barn on Guy E. Wells' farm caught fire from the overturning of a lantern and was burned to the ground. The animals, as well as the most valuable farming equipments were saved, although the fire spread very rapidly.
Jackson - The North Jackson Methodist church is being reseated and repaired. AND Wheaton Denney, after an absence of 35 years in Wisconsin, is visiting here. AND What was perhaps the largest funeral held in North Jackson in many years was that of Mrs. Grant Bryant, Saturday afternoon, Dec. 20th. This estimable woman died at her home here Thursday morning, Dec. 18th, after an illness of 4 days, with paralysis of the bowels. She leaves a husband and five little children to mourn. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stoddard of Lake View. The funeral was held from the Methodist Church at 2 p.m., Revs. French of Thomson and Kelly of Jackson, officiating.
Hallstead - The Hallstead chair factory will be doubled in size and capacity.
Susquehanna - The Street Commissioner announces that people, who persist in throwing ashes upon the highway during sleighing or at any other time, will be dealt with promptly for violating an ordinance of this borough. AND On Tuesday evening the Sunday School of the Presbyterian Church held its Xmas exercises. An admission of one or more potatoes was charged. The proceeds were distributed among needy people.
Mud Lake [Silver Lake Twp.] - Friday evening, Dec. 19, was the scene of a very pleasant gathering, when a number of young people from Birchardville and Mud Lake gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Rodgers. Dancing was indulged in; music furnished by Messrs. Hill, O'Day and Donovan, violinist, with organ and flute accompaniment. Lunch was served about midnight.
Great Bend - Dr. E. P. Hines is the only physician on our side of the river, at present, and he has success in his practice.
Lakeside - Floyd Perry and wife have gone to Florida to spend the winter.
Uniondale - Among the Xmas shoppers who visited Carbondale on Saturday were Mrs. F. Westgate, Mrs. C. Mills, Mrs. A. H. Smith and Edith Smith.
Forest Lake - D. H. Wheatcroft is very sick with erysipelas in his head. AND On Friday night last a sleigh load of 19 from this place attended a dance at Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Rodgers' at Mud Lake. A splendid time is reported.
Brookdale - H. F. Adams says he has a chair that was taken out of the Fort at Wilkesbarre when it was burned by the Tories and Indians at the time of the great massacre. [He] Also has a cow-bell that was bought by his grandfather soon after the Revolutionary war. Mr. Adams' father, Jeddiah Adams and wife, came from Connecticut to what is now called Hallstead, when there were only three houses there, and by marked trees through what was then called Beach Woods. Mr. Adams says he has a record of the Adams family since the year 1535, and some of them held office under the King of England; also, relatives to John Quincy Adams.
Montrose - Merchants offer the following for Christmas: A. B. Burns has boxing gloves, fencing foils, Indian clubs, punching bags, ping-pong sets, foot ball and Whitman's holiday candy and cut glass olive dishes; horse blankets at J. E. Barney's; soap-stones, ribbons for fancy work at Ryan's; confectionery, cigars, various brands of the best tobaccos, pipes at T. F. Kelly's; all the late copyright books W. H. Turrell's. Remember that Sprout & Brewster have oysters, clams, crackers, etc., also family and party supplies.
Binghamton - When under-sheriff Worthing returned to the city last last night with Fuller, he also brought with him James Casey, who is charged with grand larceny in the second degree, and who was captured in Cohoes. Casey is alleged to have been an accomplice of Frank E. Durfee in drugging and robbing James A. Curley, of Flynn [Middletown Twp.], PA, last Saturday night, of about $445. Casey pleaded not guilty and the examination was adjourned until Friday morning at 9 o'clock.
Welsh Hill - O. C. Jones had a merry party out for a sleighride, Saturday.
Lynn - The marriage of Miss Mame Sheldon of this place to H. E. Grow, of Towanda, occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Sheldon, Dec. 18th.
News Briefs - More than fifty girls are studying scientific farming in the Minneapolis College of Agriculture, says an exchange. Perhaps that is to be the future plan for inducing the boys to stick to the farm instead of going to town. These educated girls will make no mistake in picking out the cow that gives the buttermilk. AND A Virginia clergyman wants a law passed prohibiting sweethearts from kissing each other unless they first secure a certificate from a physician, pronouncing them free from disease, under penalty of a fine. The enforcement of such a law would start a revolution that the standing army would be unable to suppress.
Compiled By: Betty Smith