Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 24 1891/1991
North Bridgewater - E.H. Pickering tells us that the telephone line recently put up between this place and the Reynolds’ creamery near his house is a great success and very useful. It connects with the “central office”, Montrose, and gives them connection, as Mr. P. says, “with all the world.”
Montrose - The Christmas exercises at the Baptist church were highly enjoyed by all present, and much credit is due the committee for the excellent program rendered. The exercises consisted of carols, recitations, and a neat little cantata, entitled “Santa’s Surprise,” at the end of which Santa himself appeared through the huge old-fashioned fireplace prepared for the occasion, much to the delight of the children. After a short conversation with the school, Santa assisted in distributing the contents of a well-loaded tree. A vote of thanks was extended to D.D. Searle, of New York, for a box of fine books presented to the infant class. A vote of thanks was also extended to Mr. & Mrs. Amos Nichols, for their kind gift of a fine oil stove for use in the Sabbath School Library. Similar programs were reported in the Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Methodist-Episcopal Church.
Rush - At a spelling contest held at the Rush schoolhouse, Dec. 11, Miss Edna McCain, aged 11 years, of the Rush school, spelled down two schools, including a half-dozen teachers.
Gunn Hill [Lenox Twp] - Burgess Smith, 83 years of age, recently walked from his home in Clifford Comers to this place to attend a prayer meeting and home the same evening a distance of 5 miles.
Springville- We are happy to inform the people of Springville and vicinity, who were interested and kind enough in helping at our Church Fair, that the amount, $50.11, which was lost last Friday by two ladies of the Aid Society, on their way to the Aid meeting at Mrs. Philander Strickland's, the proceeds of one of the tables; was found by Ebenezer Stevens, who was on his way to attend his sister's funeral at Northmoreland, and as he did not open the package until his arrival and restoration of the money on Monday.
Great Bend - Undertaker Tuttle is moving into his new store.
Friendsville - Tom Foran has sold his stage business to B.B. Buffam.
Compiled By: Betty Smith