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December 22 1911/2011

Forest Lake Twp - A serious conflagration occurred in the township Wednesday night, about 10 o’clock, when the home of H. B. Stone was burned and Charles Boyd, a young man employed on the farm, was perhaps fatally burned. The fire is reported to have started while Earl C. Stone, Mr. Stone’s son, and young Boyd were filling a gas lamp with gasoline. One of the young men was holding a lighted lamp and it fell from his hands, igniting the fluid, causing an explosion and igniting the clothing of Boyd. An attempt was made to smother the flames with blankets, to no avail, and the young man dashed through the house, a literal flaming torch and plunged head foremost through an ice-covered hogshead of water, putting out the blazing garments. In running through the house the boy’s blazing clothing also ignited other light materials in the living rooms, which added speed to the rapidly spreading flames. The house was ablaze in a short time and very little was saved. Dr. A. L. Hickock, of Rush, was summoned to attend the young man, who was severely burned about the limbs and back, the flesh on the back being badly scorched. Boyd refused to take an anesthetic to relief the pain, suffering in silence during the hour and a half necessary to dress the wounds. He is being cared for at the home of Fred W. Powell nearby, and the Stone family is also temporarily being looked after by kind neighbors.

Heart Lake - L. E. Griffing, on Sunday, brought a young man to the Montrose jail on suspicion of his being the much-wanted John Donato, the Italian quadruple murderer near Troy, NY, and turned him over to Sheriff Conklin. It developed that the young man was a Welshman, his name being Morgan J. Williams, of Scranton, who had become enraged at his mother a few days previous and ran away from home. The boy’s parents phoned the sheriff Wednesday morning, promising to come for him that afternoon. They failed to do this and yesterday the sheriff released him, having no legal right to hold him. In the afternoon the boy’s mother came, but the boy could not be found. He seemed repentant and it is likely will find his way back to Scranton.

Clifford - S. E. Finn is digging a well on his premises. After consulting a “water witch” he feels certain of striking a good vein.

Thompson - Charles R. Casterline, a well known and highly respected veteran [137th Regiment, NY Volunteers], who had been confined to his bed for several years, owing to his receiving serious injuries by falling from a train, died Friday morning, Dec. 8, 1911. The funeral was held from his late home, Rev. E. G. N. Holmes officiating. Interment was in Thompson cemetery. ALSO Two of the State experts are here looking after the chestnut blight.

Susquehanna - Jeremiah Buckley, one of Susquehanna’s pioneer residents, died at his home in that place Dec. 15, 1911. Mr. Buckley had been ill several weeks. For more than 60 years he had lived in Susquehanna, the greater part of that time he being employed as an engineer on the Erie. Two sons and three daughters survive--J. J., of Susquehanna; Thomas J. of Scranton, Mrs. Jennie Maroney, Mrs. Stephen Maroney and Miss Loretta Buckley, of Susquehanna. The funeral was held Monday morning from St. John’s church with interment in Laurel Hill cemetery.

Tunkhannock/Montrose - A surveying corps from the State Highway department is engaged in laying out a route for the proposed State road between Tunkhannock and Montrose.

Brooklyn - The school building for the primary grades, having been completed, Miss Hearn and her pupils moved in on Monday last.

Great Bend - Floyd Smith, Fred Blackley and Mr. Woodworth, who are working in the car shops in Memphis, Tenn., will spend the holidays with their families here.

Dundaff - Last Saturday night chicken thieves entered the coop of W. R. Colman by pulling the staple and took therefrom about 25 of his choice White Plymouth Rock chickens.

Franklin Forks - The roads are terrible; the roads are almost impassable, but we hope it will be better traveling soon. ALSO The Republican, our breezy contemporary, would be somewhat likely to startle its readers with such thrilling, hair-raising stories, as appeared last week, headed “Panthers in Franklin Township.” Were they not prepared from reading other fiction like Willie’s original Comet Stories? We would advise contemporaries to not steal this interesting series without giving full credit. Moral--Be careful with the carcasses of dead calves, for it may excite the literary muse, and Rider Haggard might be very jealous. [Montrose Democrat]

Montrose - The Barbeau Family Vaudeville Company open a three nights’ engagement at Colonial Theatre to-night. They come highly recommended. There are ten people in the company and they have a band.

Choconut - The Gorman school is progressing very nicely under the management of Miss Mora McManus. ALSO Leo Dunn is doing a good business trapping this winter.

Rush - There will be a Christmas tree at the Baptist church, Monday evening. The church’s untiring Santa Claus is expected with gifts for all.

Hallstead - Work at drilling the oil well is progressing favorably and a depth of over 1500 feet has now been reached. This is within 400 feet of where the bit was lost in the other well. The company hopes to have the well completed before real cold weather sets in. It is hoped that this test will demonstrate whether or not there is oil in paying quantities in this locality.

News Brief - Time was when black squirrels were as numerous in this part of the State as grays, but that was some time ago. A man by the name of Denison shot a handsome black squirrel on the Griffis farm, at Forest Lake, Tuesday, which was admired by many here in Montrose. They are exceedingly rare, although it is reported that on the dense primeval timber tract on the Rose estate at Silver Lake they are not infrequently seen. This tract is well protected and hunters are warned off. Charles Beck, the veteran hunter, stated that one autumn he brought down seven black squirrels--not the same day. Saturday Charles brought home five birds and three squirrels, and Prof. J. S. Hosterman, who is “some shot,” secured two birds and three squirrels.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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