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December 20 1912/2012

Heart Lake - A cantata entitled “Santa Claus’ Cure’ will be given by the Sunday school at the M. E. church Christmas eve. There will also be a 15 cent social at Horton Reynolds’, Friday evening, Dec. 27, for benefit of pastor’s salary.

Kingsley - Three of the new books purchased by the Book Club for the coming year are: “The Wind Before the Dawn,” “The Mountain Girl” and “Corporal Cameron.” ALSO: The frequent dynamite blasts, jarring the houses to the foundation, denote that work is progressing on the cut--off.

Brooklyn - The teachers and pupils of the Creek School, in West Brooklyn, are to give an entertainment at the schoolhouse on the afternoon of the 24th, beginning at one o’clock sharp. All come. ALSO: The reading of Dickens’ Christmas Carol in the Presbyterian church last Monday evening, by Rev. Forman, was one of the finest evening entertainments Brooklyn audiences have been permitted to hear.

Clifford - Our teacher, Miss Robinson, is driving a brand new top buggy.

Dimock - T. B. Williams, who is nearly 90 years old, seems to be slowly failing. ALSO: When you want a good book or a paper to read, go to the Dimock free library at the pleasant home of Isa Mills, near the cemetery.

Towanda - In the last session of criminal court Mrs. Granger, of Monroeton, was found guilty by a jury of being a common scold. [A person, especially a woman, who habitually uses abusive language]. This is the first case of its kind brought to public view in many years. Years ago such cases for trial were not uncommon and in those days the old fashioned ducking stool was the means of punishment.

Susquehanna - The State constabulary is doing good work, having practically cleaned out the gang of hoboes and alleged burglars, yeggmen and “bad men” which have inhabited Canavan’s Island for years. They are also looking after petty thievery cases of that region and the first of the week arrested several “Smoky Hollow” men who had raided the chicken roosts of L. R. Blodgett at Oakland. The men were caught in the act of preparing the chickens for market, at a barn in Great Bend township. When the constabulary arrived on the scene, 42 chickens were dressed ready for sale, eight others lay dead on the floor, and a total of 75 chickens were in the barn where operations were going on. About 50 belonged to Blodgett. The three men—Andrew Shields, Chas. Taylor and Lee Baker—were given a hearing before Justice Williams at Susquehanna and each gave bail in the sum of $300 for their appearance at court.

Springville - Last Wednesday morning as Mrs. Fred Risley was driving away from the milk station, the team became frightened and ran away, throwing her out of the wagon, and as consequence she received several very ugly cuts on the head and was unconscious for some time. Dr. Lathrop was called and dressed the wounds and she is doing nicely now.

Rushboro - One more chapter was added to the long list of hunting accidents when Willie, the 18 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Galvin, received the contents of a shot gun in his arm. Young Galvin, having “holed” a bunny under a large, flat rock, with the muzzle toward him, and getting a stick, proceeded to “poke” him out. Very soon the rabbit appeared, making a quick run for liberty. The young man grabbed the gun by the muzzle and in drawing it across the rock a hammer caught and the barrel was exploded, the full charge grazing the lower part of the arm, tearing flesh and muscle in a terrible manner. Doctors Hickok and Gardner dressed the wounds and sent him to Sayre hospital for the prevention of blood poisoning. If poisoning does not set in he will entirely recover and have the full use of his arm, we are told.

Thompson - One new member, Mrs. James Buchanan, was added to the Women’s Christian Temperance Union on Thanksgiving day. Also, six gentlemen were enrolled as honorary members, Rev. E. A. Gillespie, F. W. Springstein, A. H. Crosier, Ray Gelatt, C. M. Clapper and H. M. Bloxham.

New Milford - C. S. Clark, the hardware man, believes in having things move and move lively. Sunday night the fire in his stove did not burn as fast as he thought it should, so he proceeded to hurry it. He did. The other occupants of the block thought an earthquake had come to town and the stove pipe in Chas. O’Byrne’s kitchen, over the store, was blown clear across the room. We are not going to print what was said, but all agree that Clark started things.

Franklin Forks - Rev. Dickerson and wife invited the Franklin Hill Aid Society to meet at their home at Mud Lake last Thursday, the day being so cold only Oscar Skinner went.

Harford - Miss Maude Darrow has returned home after spending several weeks at the sanitarium in Scranton. She is very much improved in health, her many friends will be glad to learn.

Uniondale - Andrew Corey was injured Wednesday evening by jumping from a coal train. In some way he stepped into a hole causing him to fall, cutting his face quite badly.

Montrose - The large barn owned by the Borden Milk Co. was burned Saturday. When discovered the building was enveloped in flames and it was impossible to save it. A number of horses were speedily taken out, but otherwise little was saved. Fifty tons of feed, hay, etc., was consumed. The loss will probably reach three or four thousand dollars. The Borden’s yearly lay aside a stated amount to cover possible losses by fire, this being their method of insuring. It is thought the fire originated from a spark thrown by the locomotive, the Lackawanna tracks running but a short distance from the structure burned. Railroad men consider this impossible, as they claim the wind was blowing in a direction that would preclude the possibility of sparks landing on the roof.

News Brief - The Superior Vacuum Cleaner has proven extremely satisfactory in a great many Susquehanna County homes the past year. The cleaner saves labor, dust and makes a sanitary home. It gathers in the germs and may save a big doctor’s bill. It makes an ideal Christmas gift.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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