Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 20 1901/2001
Welsh Hill - Christmas Eve an entertainment was given at the church, which was greatly enjoyed. The children did their part right well. Two trees prettily trimmed and bearing fruit of various kinds, were admired by all. Among the presents was a purse for Rev. R. N. Harris from the congregation; also one for his good wife from the L.A.S. Prof. H. B. Anthony received a fountain pen from his pupils.
Dundaff - The sleighing is good here and a happy New Year was enjoyed by all. Those expecting to cut ice last week were disappointed in finding 6 inches of water on top of the ice Monday morning.
Brooklyn - Diphtheria has given quite a scare here. In the home of John Salisbury two children ere attacked by this dreaded disease-Frankly, the youngest is reported to be out of danger and slowly improving. But Nettie, aged 11, has left earth to be with Him who doeth all things well. She was a bright, kind and affectionate child and is greatly missed, especially by her schoolmates and teacher, Miss Hinkley.
Forest Lake - Miss Lillie Hoag was burned quite badly on Tuesday morning. She stepped out the door to drain some potatoes and slipped and fell throwing the potato water over one arm and hand, and also some splashes in the face. AND Our new stage driver, John Shay, is very kind and obliging.
Auburn Corners - The barn, sheds and hen house belonging to L. W. Titman, near Auburn Corners, were destroyed by fire between 6 and 7 a.m., Jan 1. The fall and exploding of a lantern was the cause. By great effort Mr. Titman succeeded in getting the horses and cattle al out. Wagons, sleighs, harnesses, etc., all destroyed. Insurance far below the loss. AND On Christmas Eve the minister and his family were not forgotten-their many friends presented them a beautiful parlor couch.
Montrose - Small pox exists in Montrose. It has appeared in one of its gravest forms, known to the medical fraternity as Confluent Hemorrhagic. There have been up to the present time two cases, both in the same household, and from the first there has been a quarantine in force and prompt measures taken to prevent the spread, and to speedily stamp out the dread disease. Sunday, Dec. 22, Mrs. Gilbert, wife of Vice President O. A. Gilbert of the First National Bank, was taken violently ill. Dr. J. G. Wilson was summoned and throughout her illness was her faithful medical attendant. Death ensued on Dec. 31. The burial took place the same evening, enough volunteers being secured to conduct it, and every possible precaution against contagion being taken. In the meantime Mr. Gilbert has been stricken, his illness developing into a form of the disease known as Confluent Varioloid, a type to some extent lighter than Mrs. Gilbert's, owing doubtless to the fact that he was vaccinated about two years ago.
Jackson Valley - William Schooley and Albert Roberts were at Rushville on Monday, after their shingle mill, which they are putting in their sawmill, to accommodate the public.
South Gibson - Gurnsey Manzer and Nellie Bedford and Walter Felton and Pearl Bedford, were married last week.
Hallstead - The daughter of Mrs. Arthur Coddingtoon has small pox. The case is the first in Hallstead in years. Every effort is being made to prevent the spread of the disease. Dr. A. F. Merrill has hopes that the case will not prove fatal, and that it is but a mild form of the pest. Mrs. Coddington is clerk in the postoffice and it is thought she absorbed the germs of the disease through handling letters, and in this way communicated the disease to the little girl. Physicians have sent orders for fresh virus, and there will probably be many sore arms in Hallstead for a few weeks.
Jackson - C. A. Allen and Charlie Campbell have the honor of felling the largest maple tree in Jackson. It measured 5 ft. across the stump and made 2513 ft. of lumber. The tree stood on the Brooks farm. Next!
Hopbottom - It is a matter of wonder to some people why Hopbottom has two names and how she came by them, Hopbottom and Foster. A correspondent says that when the first settlers came there they found, growing along the stream that flows down the valley from Brooklyn, wild hops. The land between two hills is often called "bottom land." The wild hops growing on this bottom land caused the settlers to give the stream the name of Hopbottoom creek. Many years later a settlement was made at the junction of this stream with Marten creek, which runs down the valley from New Milford to Nicholson. To this settlement the name Hopbottom was given. A score of years ago a movement was started to change the name. After due consideration and consultation with the railroad company the name of Foster was agreed upon in honor of the then track master of the northern division. Upon application to the postoffice department to have the name changed, it was discovered that there was already another postoffice by the same name in the state and so they would not change it. The company, having changed the name of the station would not change it back. Consequently, while the state and the telegraph and express offices are known as Foster, the postoffice and legal name is Hopbottom.
Great Bend - (continued from last week) But Mr. Hamlin was still in the race and the mortgagee crossed the State line a winner only by a length. But he had the horse on soil where chattel mortgages are recognized. Mr. Hamlin recognized that possession is nine points of law--across the State line. On Saturday morning he paid up his mortgage and started back home with his horse. In the meantime Crocker & Ogden had learned of the transaction and decided that the horse would just bout fit their bill of $75 against Mr. Hamlin. They accordingly had T. B. & L. M. Merchant make out attachment papers, which were turned over to Under Sheriff Worthing. Mr. Worthing and his papers arrived on the scene just before Mr. Hamlin and his horse were across the line into Pennsylvania, and they immediately got in their work. The result was that the horse was brought to this city, whither Mr. Hamlin followed. On Saturday night he settled the second claim, and about 9 o'clock that evening he started in the hard rain to ride the horse back to Great Bend. (From the Binghamton Republican)
Compiled By: Betty Smith