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December 18 1896/1996

Thomson – By the breaking in two of conductor John Sanders’ coal train on Friday night, near Bartlett’s Switch near Thomson, 22 cars were piled up and the track was torn up for a distance of 140 feet. The Susquehanna and Carbondale wreckers were engaged nearly all day on Saturday clearing up the wreckage and opening the road to traffic.

Susquehanna – It is feared that, after all, Susquehanna will not have the Postal Telegraph Station until six weeks after never. We can’t have everything.

Oak Hill – The young folks met last Friday evening with their Superintendent, Miss Inez Blessing, to practice for their Christmas entertainment at South Windsor as North and South Oakland will consolidate their exercises on Christmas.

Birchardville – The frame, lumber and furnishings of the old church will be sold at auction, Dec. 30th, at 1 o’clock.

Kingsley – The Kingsley orchestra will hold an oyster supper and concert in the church, Tuesday evening, Dec. 29. Proceeds for new music.

Hopbottom – Mrs. E. A. Williams has returned home after an absence of a month, visiting old friends and relatives in East Springville. While there she saw and heard a violin made by a boy only 18 years old, whose name is Arthur Johnson, of Union. The instrument sounded as well as any she ever heard.

Herrick Center – Raymond Tingley began his duties in the Pleasant Mount Academy, Tuesday morning, Dec. 8, as assistant principal. AND The Ladies Aid of the M. E. church will meet at the parsonage Thursday afternoon to make the candy bags for the tree at the church on Christmas Eve. A good program has been arranged by the Baptist and M.E. Sunday Schools.

Rush – Mr. Mason Fargo, of Shoemaker’s Mill, had the two first fingers of his left hand taken off by the corn sheller, last Saturday. The machine was clogged with some cobs which he tried to remove with his hand, but unfortunately his fingers were caught and mangled in a shocking manner. The old soldier marched up to Dr. Warner who dressed the hand and amputated the fingers in a proper manner, and the hand is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Fargo has our sympathy. No more, will he be able to charm the car and solace the weary by the strains of his violin.

Glenwood – The young men who take such an active part in disturbing the prayer meetings in this place had better be a little careful or they will have occasion to appear before the Hon. Justice of the Peace to show cause why they shall not go to meeting and behave like other folks. Lynn – A milk Station is being built at the Lynn depot.

Oakley – There was a heel and toe party at Mr. Smith’s Friday night, with Albert Oakley for violinist.

Lanesboro – At about 2:30 o’clock on Friday morning burglars broke into the post office in Lanesboro, and blew up the safe with dynamite. They secured about $5 in stamps and cash. They blew up the safe while a heavy train was passing over the iron bridge near by. Nearly every glass in the room was broken and grocery stock of postmaster Bisbee was badly mixed up.

South Auburn – The event of all events for the last week occurred on Thursday at the home of Peter Benninger, when his oldest daughter, Miss Mary, was wedded to Charles Crisman, of Jersey Hill. The house was very tastefully adorned with evergreens, and at 12 the happy couple, standing beneath the horseshoe suspended from the arch by a white ribbon, were united in marriage by Rev. W. H. Stang, in a very impressive manner; after congratulations and dinner the bride and groom left for a visit among friends and relatives in Wyoming County.

Lake View – Thieves are helping themselves to other people’s butter, flour, oats and chickens, occasionally. AND A wood bee for the benefit of the M.E. church was held in Jas. Burdick’s woods and the ladies furnished dinner at the parsonage.

Montrose – Co. G.’s famous dog, Rover, died last week. Rover was but a dog, but he was a novel and knowing animal at that – he growled, bit the toes of the nearest pair of feet and in his peculiar way won himself into the hearts of all who knew him. Rover always liked to be “in it” and never a bugles note blew nor a fire bell rung but what he was the first one to respond. He was raised by Col. West of Silver Lake. His mother was part bull, with some fox terrier blood; his father was part fox terrier with some bull blood and the natural deduction is that Rover is part fox terrier, part bull, with some dog in him. He was buried with military honors in Jessup’s orchard. The Company marched with precision and faced the newly made grave. The flag of our country was wrapped about the casket, for Rover certainly deserved to be buried with “old glory” about him.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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