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December 17 1915/2015

Lenoxville – The fifth annual Teachers’ and Directors’ Institute of Lenox Township was held in the M. E. Church at this place. Miss Margaret Maher pointed out, in her very interesting paper, many serious dangers to be avoided in the reading habit. “The vast amount of poor material thrown upon the market demanding the name “literature” makes it necessary to give the subject careful consideration. Keen selection in reading material is of the greatest importance. We must not allow the desire for information to deteriorate for it is idle curiosity which leads us to read trashy newspapers and magazines.”

Lynn, Springville Twp. – A Lynn correspondent states that Rev. Sheen, of Tunkhannock, while passing a point one mile south of that place in an automobile, was fired upon by some person or persons, evidently an attempt at a hold up. ALSO Dean Baker has sold his diary, keeping only one cow for his own use on account of his son, Wesley, being away from home running a restaurant in Springville.

Montrose – Snow to the depth of about seven inches, which fell during the storm of Monday and Tuesday, drifted very badly and the roads, as a consequence, are choked through the county, according to many reports received. The rural mail carriers out of Montrose were able to make their trips, although Messrs. Tingley and Palmer could not make their complete circuits, Tuesday. Cold temperature prevailed during the past week but the sleighing has been excellent, and many have been taking advantage of it. It has not been unusual to see sleighs, automobiles and wagons on the streets in Montrose, all at the same time. ALSO Montrose barber shops will be open on both Christmas and New Year’s mornings, but will close the previous evening at the usual hour—8 o’clock.

Little Meadows – The quiet village of Little Meadows was thrown into a state of excitement a few days ago, when it became known that an infant had been left at the home of one of the citizens of that place, William Cummings. The family, responding to a knock at the door, about eight o’clock in the evening, found a market basket. In this basket was a parcel, well wrapped in a sheet; --the contents was a real, live baby. A simple line, written on a sheet of paper, read as follows: “Born Nov. 24th.” There was nothing to assist in locating the person or persons who had left it. The Cummings’ family took the waif in, and applied to the Poormasters, as the stranger was in need of clothes to make its start in the world. The Poormasters were reluctant to have such a charge thrust upon them, and suggested that the Cummings’ family adopt the stranger, which we understand they are not averse to doing. ALSO We are having lovely sleighing now; everybody is out with sleighs and bells. ALSO James Clarey called on friends in Warren Sunday and reported the roads drifted. “Bad roads for a car Jim.”

North Harford – We all are pleased to hear that the I. O. O. F. Lodge, of this place, has donated a twenty-lamp chandelier for the new high school building and I am sure the community and school will appreciate this gift.  South Harford – The strange sounds still continue in the woods and only the bravest dare to travel about after night fall.

Rush – Hugh James has converted his Ford auto into a racer, having removed the body and top and put on a frame and one seat and he goes some, let me tell you. ALSO Several from this place attended the sale of Chas. LaRue and reported that everything went very low. Cows ranging from twenty to forty-six dollars.

Parkville, Dimock Twp. – It is snowing hard this morning and we have good sleighing now for Monday altho we see some wagons yet.

North Bridgewater/Silver Lake – W. F. Simrell, of Hallstead, game protector, was here yesterday afternoon to investigate the shooting of a deer between this place and Silver Lake. Wednesday morning John McDonald heard his shepherd dog barking and he saw a deer coming toward his place over the field. He saw it was wounded and called the neighbors and surrounded it and drove it in a shed and gave it food and water, but it refused to eat. Dr. A. S. Cole, of Montrose, veterinary, was called and did all he could for its comfort, but it died that night. Mr. Simrell went to Silver Lake and found where the deer had been chased through two pieces of woods and also ascertained it was shot by both a rifle and shot gun. The people around Silver Lake have known that a buck, doe and fawn have been in the woods and they were quite tame and it was hoped they would remain in that vicinity. [At this time deer were very scarce in the woods of Susquehanna County].

Brooklyn – The Scranton & Binghamton trolley won out in the big snow storm and blizzard.  The cars were promptly on time. Brooklyn people consider themselves fortunate in having such a pleasant way out to Scranton, Montrose and Binghamton. Many of our people who have business to transact in Montrose take the trolley to Foster and change to the D.L.&W.

Dimock – Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Tiffany are staying at the library while their house is undergoing repairs.

Forest City – One of our aggressive merchants, Feldman & Co., have adopted a novel window display by the use of miniature Bell telephones to attract attention to the goods in their window. It is a novel idea and is attracting attention. ALSO After January 1, 1916, no unbottled milk can be sold in the borough. The state department has given instructions that no milk shall be offered for sale unless placed in sanitary bottles. The rule will be enforced. ALSO One of the new laws in regard to the employment of minors, which will become effective on Jan. 1st, is that no minor can secure an employment certificate unless he has completed six grades of school work, though he may have attained the age of fourteen.

South Montrose – A. W. Chamberlain and Miss Ida May Davison were married Monday evening at the home of Mr. Chamberlain by Rev. Carl Councilman. The groom is an old man sixty-three and too infirm to come after the marriage license, but the youthful bride of twenty-three, alone and undaunted, secured the document, but stated she was almost too nervous to sign her name.

Thompson – Mrs. A. H. Crozier and Mrs. A. Brundage entertained the Optimistic Circle, at the home of Mrs. Crosier last Wednesday afternoon.

Uniondale – The choir of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches will meet at Sam Lowry’s next Friday evening to practice for Christmas. The Christmas tree exercises will be held in the Presbyterian church this year.

News Brief: A new car, the cheapest car in the world, has made its appearance. It is a four-cylinder, narrow tread, two-passenger machine, the passengers sitting one behind the other; can go forty miles on a gallon of gasoline, it is claimed, and can run fifty miles an hour. It has six speeds, weighs but half a ton and costs, delivered, $241.  It is the “Twombly.”

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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