Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 17 1909/2009
Glenwood - Owing to the belief in some quarters that the old Galusha Grow homestead was burned by incendiaries, last September, Walter P. Kellogg, of Syracuse, the present owner of the property, has offered a reward of $500 for information that will lead to the detection and conviction of the guilty parties, if they exist. Detectives have been working on the case, and while information regarding the matter is little known, at least to the general public, it is supposed there is enough evidence of incendiarism to warrant the offering of the reward. Every resident regarded the Grow homestead as a sort of shrine and when it burned the loss, through association with its great owner, was keenly felt.
Forest City - Two large two-story frame buildings were destroyed by fire that started early Monday morning in the business section. The buildings were owned by Frank J. Osgood and Max Heller and very little was saved from the flames, the loss of each being heavy as little insurance was carried. The high wind and storm interfered with the work of the firemen and all they attempted was to keep the flames from spreading. Located in the Osgood building were: Davis Bros., confectioners; Joseph Komeski, meat dealer, and Polansky Bros., clothiers. The second floor was occupied by H. F. Schultz, photographer, and the Northeastern Telephone Co's exchange. The Keller building was occupied by the owners as a meat market. The Northeastern Telephone Co. had its valuable switchboard burned, putting the service out of commission for a few days.
Brooklyn - In the death of Miss Hattie D. Lee, who was buried in Evergreen cemetery Friday last, Brooklyn has lost one of its most worthy members of society--one who has made many a home pleasanter by her pictures. She kept her camera well in touch with the people and the product of her art will be found in almost every State in the union. She helped to give Brooklyn its reputation of culture and refinement.
Lynn - The engine and two freight cars got off the track at Lynn siding Tuesday morning while some shifting was being done. It is stated that a rail tipped under the weight of the train. The wrecking crew was called and the train was able to reach Montrose at about 6 o'clock that evening. For the past month the branch has caused more trouble than the balance of the Valley system.
Montrose - Stores were never more handsomely decorated nor better stocked with Christmas goods than the present season. Each merchant seems to be vying with the other in doing his best. The trade, which was languid up to Wednesday, commenced picking up and the outlook for a brisk trade the coming week is assured. The roads are in excellent condition for travel and many drive from 10 to 20 miles to do their shopping.
Lakeside - The men of the community held a hunt Thursday of last week with E. E. Mosher and Frank Howland as captains. The Ladies' Aid served supper at the home of O. Washburne. Mr. Howland's side paid for the other fellows' supper. ALSO - The young people have been enjoying a week of fine skating.
South Montrose - W. H. Allen returned last week from a western trip, where he went to purchase lumber for the mill company. Nothing but a high grade of elm lumber is used in the manufacture of trunk slats. The mill is running full time and turning out several thousand slats daily.
New Milford - Hadley's moving pictures were shown at the opera house, Tuesday evening, to a good sized audience.
Lanesboro - A rear-end collision occurred on the Erie near Lanesboro on Tuesday morning at about 2:30 o'clock, when two coal trains, an Erie and the other, a D & H, came together. The Erie train was the one run into, a caboose and several cars being badly smashed. No one was hurt, but traffic was delayed several hours.
Great Bend - The Chapot-Chamois Co. has received a proposition to locate in Newark, N.J., and the first of the year they will locate in that city. The removal of this plant will be quite a loss to Great Bend, both in a business way and also from the fact that the number of men employed will take up their residence elsewhere.
Silver Lake - The Silver Lake stage, on Monday, made its trip on runner. Alvah Foster, the veteran driver, says that he has met with some of the worst weather this season he has ever experienced. During Thanksgiving week he encountered snow drifts 6 ft. deep and was obliged to shovel his way through or cut across the fields. He has about the worst section in the county to travel over when it comes to wind exposed roads, hills to climb and declivities to descend. It is said that when the Friends, who originally settled Friendsville, coming here from Southern Pennsylvania, built the road to their settlement, they sighted from one hill to another, building the road in a direct line without avoiding hills. Much of this same road is traversed by travelers today, who never compliment the Friends for the ability as engineers.
Dimock - Hon. George W. Woodruff has sent in his resignation to President Taft as district judge for the territory of Hawaii. Judge Woodruff has been offered a position as attorney for a Virginia coal company, which he will take up as soon as his resignation is accepted. Mr. Woodruff is a native of Dimock, and well known to many in this section. He was one of the most celebrated football players Yale ever had, and originated the famous "guards back" formation. For years, after graduating from Yale, he continued in athletics as coach for the University of Pennsylvania and put out some winning teams. He was a close friend of President Roosevelt and for a number of years was assistant attorney general for the department of the interior.
Jackson - Homer Hartt is in Binghamton attending Lowell's Commercial College. ALSO Rev. Sanders Wright, an aged Methodist minister of Ulster, Bradford Co., has purchased the VanAllen property in North Jackson and will move there in the spring.
Susquehanna - Saturday evening in the R.R.Y.M.C.A. rooms, in an exciting game of basketball, Susquehanna Y.M.C.A. defeated the Cortland A.C. team by a score of 33 to 22. The work of Captain Smith and Charles Gouge, of the Susquehanna team, was particularly noticeable.
Gibson - School was closed for a few days in order that the room could be thoroughly disinfected. At this time no new cases of scarlet fever are reported.
Compiled By: Betty Smith