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December 16 1910/2010

A flake of snow and a sprig of holly--old Santa's on the way.

Fairdale - Dexter Very has been elected captain of the Penn State College football team for 1911.

Rush - The State road M. E. church, which has been closed nearly the past decade, has been reopened, services being held there every other Sunday evening by the pastor, Rev. Coles, who preaches to a large congregation. At present, revival meetings are being held there and will continue next week. A chicken pie supper was given Dec. 8, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Devine, for the benefit of their pastor, Mr. Coles. One hundred people ate supper and a very enjoyable evening was spent in games and music. Proceeds $27.50.

Hallstead - Monday evening a few ladies, neighbors of Mrs. Charles M. Reinhart, met at Mrs. Reinhart's home to complete a bed quilt. The cotton batting had been spread over the cloth preparatory to sewing when a match was scratched by a member of the family and a fragment of the ignited head struck on the dry cotton and in an instant the quilt was a mass of flames which reached to the ceiling. Mrs. Reinhart did not lose her head but caught up the burning mass and succeeded in getting it out of doors. Mrs. Reinhart's hands were quite badly burned.

Ainey - Ed. Card, who was bitten by a mad dog is in the State hospital at Scranton for treatment. He is doing well and will be home for Christmas.

Royal, Clifford Twp. - Fred Stephens has the finest team in town. He is drawing props to Carbondale and bringing coal back.

Brooklyn - Susquehanna county people will be interested in the story in the last fiction number of the "Ladies Home Journal" entitled, "The Christmas Eve Show at Kepplers." The author is Miss Alice Louise Lee, of Brooklyn, who is steadily climbing upward as a writer of high grade short and serial stories. The story is most original and a charming narrative. It is understood that the Journal's editors considered it worth paying a handsome price for.

South Montrose - The slat mill is now running full time and it is said they can easily make 20,000 slats a day. Manager W. H. Allen has in operation a sawing machine of his own invention which saves the labor of several men, doing the work in a much better manner than could be done by hand labor. Mr. Allen spent several years in completion his invention.

Harford - James A. Williams has his store very prettily decorated for the holidays and is showing an extensive line of Christmas goods.

Montrose - The fifth grand concert of the Montrose Choral Society is coming soon. The opera "Faust" is to be given by a larger chorus than last year, on Dec. 20, in Colonial Theatre.

Dimock - C. W. Barnes now has an experienced blacksmith at his shop. So bring your horses and repairing work which will be done good, cheap for the cash.

Susquehanna - Robert Kane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kane, had a severe accident last Saturday. Several of the boys have a cabin up Drinker creek and while Robert was splitting wood to build a fire, he cut the index of the left hand off at the first joint and the second finger off at the second joint. He was taken to the hospital where his hand was dressed. ALSO They have been having trouble over at the Erie shops of late by the theft of brass, which is easily converted into good money, and a special officer, by the name of Griffin, was convinced that the depredations were by an employee and consequently hid himself in the cab of an engine where he had full view of a pile of brass bushings, and his vigil was rewarded about a couple of hours later by the appearance of an employee whose name was Mayo, coming over to the pile and carrying a piece weighing upwards of 20 pounds, over to his lathe, where he left it until quitting time and them put it under his coat and was going away, but about this time officer Griffin nabbed him. He was placed under arrest and the brass recovered. Mayo pleaded guilty before Justice Williams and was sentenced to pay $10 fine and spend thirty days in the county jail.

Jackson - A juvenile Cantata, "The Visit to Grandpa's," will be given by the pupils of the Jackson graded school in Roberts Hall, Jackson, on Friday evening, Dec. 23. The entertainment will be given promptly at 8:15 p.m. and in order to defray expenses a small admission of 10 cents will be charged.

Choconut Valley - The Choconut Valley creamery closed last week. Walter Clarke, the butter maker, has gone to Binghamton where he has a job. ALSO John Mooney and Earle Monroe were out hunting a short time since and brought home a nice fox, which they had killed. Foxes seem to be quite plentiful in this section, as Ford Pierson has killed five this season.

Lynn, Springville Twp. - Willie Sherman met with a serious accident recently while leading a horse. It broke away from him and while trying to catch him, he wheeled and kicked Willie in the face, breaking his nose and cutting his face badly. It was a narrow escape from death. ALSO Blacksmiths are reaping their harvest now, sharpening horses' shoes.

Forest City - A fire that for a time had a portend of disaster for here took place about 11 o'clock, Saturday night. Fire broke out in the carpenter shop located about 70 feet south of the Forest City breaker. Both hose companies promptly responded to the alarm, but there was difficulty in attaching the hose at one plug and something wrong with another, so that only one stream was in use for some time. The wind was blowing just right to carry the sparks to the big breaker, but luckily the patent roofing on the burning building held the flames in control. The origin of the blaze is not known. The proximity of the fire to the big breaker set all the spectators to talking of "what might have been."

Oh the Snow! The Snow! The beautiful Snow! We are beginning to wonder--How much higher 'twill go? -

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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