Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 09 1921/2021
Jackson – A “good roads” meeting is to be held here on December 8th. This meeting is to advance the possibilities of a macadam or concrete road to New Milford, a distance of about seven miles. The promoters of this road cannot reasonably expect help nor sympathy from the Susquehanna district for the simple reason that to build this road, ending it at Jackson, would cut off from Susquehanna the entire Jackson district which would go toward New Milford. Susquehanna needs the Jackson district. Here we have 6,000 consumers and no producers of farm products: here is the best marketing place in the county for products of the farm. The next road that should be built in Susquehanna county, aside from the Oakland and Lanesboro roads, should be from Susquehanna to Forest City, by the way of Jackson and Thompson.
Springville – Large crowds attended both days of the community fair that realized over $600 for the Community House. Many donations came from wholesale houses as well as the farmers.
Ararat – The children of Brooks school marched to the home of Mrs. Harris, who has been instructing them thru the summer in music. They lined up in front of her home and sang a good-bye song, then presented her with a lovely handbag. They were invited into the house and all sang “America.” It was a most happy occasion for all and deeply appreciated by Mrs. Harris, who wishes in this way, again, to thank the dear children and Miss Carpenter, their teacher. ALSO The item announcing the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wilkins should have been the 19th instead of the 26th.
Dimock/Montrose – The death of Samuel Freeman Lane, aged 87, occurred on December 5, 1921, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Homer Wright, in Binghamton. Mr. Lane was a son of George and Olive Lane, two of the earliest settlers of Dimock township. At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted in the 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry and the U. S. Signal Corps, served three years and at the close of the war received an honorable discharge. After being married in Luzerne County, he returned to Susquehanna County and was elected sheriff in 1866, served one term, studied law and was admitted to the Susquehanna County Bar in 1877. The Lanes lived on High Street, Montrose, until the death of his wife, Kate Wells Lane, after which he went to Binghamton and made his home with his children. Burial was made in the Montrose Cemetery.
Uniondale – R. J. Spencer is enlarging his slaughter house. Our old reliable builder, Ely Crandall, is in charge. ALSO Four men of Orange county, NY, who are employed in the building of the creamery, are boarding at Mrs. A. Howell’s. She intends in the near future to accommodate strangers with meals. She is an extra good cook and the wayfarer will find her home homelike. ALSO Harry Paye is on the road to recovery. It will be remembered that he was injured last week by being run down by an engine while attempting to cross the Westgate crossing. It is the fourth serious accident to occur at that death trap in less than three years. The people of the town have sought relief from the public service commission without avail.
Clifford – A. A. Chamberlain and wife are settled in their new home. They recently bought the Taylor property.
Forest City – So far this season the varsity basket ball quintet has been very successful. They take to the game like ducks to water. With proper training they will excel any previous quintet of the high school. Tomorrow evening they are to meet the strong Taylor team on the local court.
Montrose – Montrose has a new basketball team, just organized and opened with the first game against South Montrose. The line-up is as follows: I. B. Thomas, manager; W. Ralston, left forward; F. Avery, right forward; D. Stilson, center; F. Chier, left guard; B. Smith, right guard; A. Downer, M. White and H. Ayres, substitutes.
Bridgewater Twp. – Roy Jewett, who lives on the Finn farm in this place, known as Finland, is considering changing the name to Twinland. Mr. Jewett has twin children, a pair of twin heifer calves, and on Tuesday a pair of twin bull calves were born.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. – Mrs. Harry White went to Wilkes-Barre on Tuesday, where she will receive treatment for her head. ALSO Craig Hill, Auburn Twp. – Little Helen Penrith’s arm is some better. Her elbow was pulled out of joint while playing. We hope it will stay in place now. ALSO West Auburn – Our Sunday school superintendent, Leo Bolles, is entertaining the chicken-pox.
Rush – U. W. LaRue and Blaine Sterling have been spending some time in Sullivan County, hunting bears and deers.
South New Milford – Several of the men made a bee and shingled one-half of the church roof. ALSO Better keep your gun handy, as we hear of a hold-up near New Milford.
Harford – On October 27th Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Harding celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary at their home in his place. ALSO Mrs. Kate Healey has gone to Scranton for the winter and the Jones homestead is closed. The many friends of Senator Jones will miss his nod and pleasant smile on our streets.
Forest Lake/Montrose – On Friday morning of last week was born the fourth son in the family of Mr. & Mrs. M. J. Kane, three of the boys being born on Dec. 2nd. They have recently moved from their farm in Forest Lake township, to their newly acquired home in town, and are now the proud parents of a family of several splendid children.
News Brief: As it was in 1907: “Thanksgiving dinner will be served at the Tarbell House, Thursday, Nov. 28th, at 1 o’clock p.m. Turkey to the front, together with other toothsome things and “fixins.” In fact, all the market affords and good taste suggests. That Miss Sarah McDonald, cateress, will cook, supervise and serve the dinner is a guarantee you will get all that’s coming to you, at 35 cents per plate. Yours very truly, J. R. Raynsford, Montrose, PA, Nov. 25, 1907.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith