Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
December 07 1906/2006
Brooklyn - The people of this town are agitated over the new road law recently passed by the legislature, which provides that a vote shall be taken in each township to decide whether the road tax shall be paid in cash or worked out. In 1871 a special road law was passed for Brooklyn township, providing for the payment of cash tax and the contracting of keeping the roads in repair for a term of five years. The roads in the town were measured and divided into about mile sections and let to the lowest bidder to be kept in repair for five years, payable so much per year. The operation of the law has been very successful for the past 35 years and it has been noted that the town of Brooklyn has had the best roads in Northeastern Pennsylvania, but it was not thought the new act would repeal the local law, but as the contract expires next March, the proposition to pay cash or go back to the old way of serving time on the road in lieu of paying tax. A petition is being signed asking the court to grant an order to so vote at our February election, and it seems now as though our special road law, which is most practicable in the interest of good roads, will be a thing of the past.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - The Thimble party held at Thomas Shields on Friday evening was worth remembering, as everybody had a first class time.
New Milford - Geo. E. Bennett, who recently sold out his grocery business in this place, has secured and taken possession of the Kendrick Cafe in Susquehanna.
Clifford - Our town is progressive. Will Lott, our blacksmith, is over run with work. AND We had a very quiet wedding Tuesday, Nov. 20, when Walter Lyman and Sadie Morgan, both of Lenox, were joined together in the holy state of matrimony by T. J. Wells, Esq.
Susquehanna - Whether a young man, of Susquehanna, was implicated in the robbery in Roy Leonard's store at Endicott or not, one thing is quite certain and that is he knows something about the gang who did and could, if felt so disposed, furnish some very damaging evidence. He was caught with the goods on by Detective Stephenson, and Mr. Leonard identified the same as being from his place of business. The young man told many conflicting stories as to how he came in possession of the goods. First his brother gave part of them to him but he finally admitted having no brother. Then he told the officers he bought the pieces for sixty cents from an unknown person. He admitted knowing "Tennessee Red," of Susquehanna and several other well-known characters who make their home at Canavan's Island. The young man is now out on bail furnished by relatives. He will be arraigned before Judge Ingerson, Saturday. Later - The hearing was put over till after the holidays. It is now said the police do not think the young man was in it, and that he has told who he got the watches from, and a number of arrests will be made.
Laurel Lake - Last Wednesday morning, St. Augustine's Church was the scene of one of the prettiest weddings of the season when Anna O. Shea became the wife of Thomas Campbell. Rev. Father Lally performed the wedding ceremony. Miss Mary Walsh, of Binghamton, as bridesmaid, and Francis, brother of the bride, as best man.
Crystal Lake - Randolph Potish was hunting on the Sanborn farm near here and came across a flock of pheasants in the orchard. He shot one and the others did not fly at the report of the shot but seemed to be in a stupor. He picked up seven and carried them to a farm house, put them in a box, tied the feet of one and left it on the porch. After a short time it sobered up and flew off to the woods. Investigation showed the pheasants ate fermented apples and all had a "jag on" and Randolph is feasting on pheasant now.
Montrose - Contractor G. O. Ayres is pushing work on the new club house of the Country Club, as fast as possible. It will be a large one, somewhere about 50 ft. square, if we remember correctly. It is located on the Lake Avenue corner of their grounds. Notwithstanding the cold weather of this week, the men employed in erecting the foundation of the Historical Society [and Library] building have kept bravely at work and several courses of dressed stone now rest on the solid wall of concrete. The work, we understand, has been continued so that the contractor may realize a payment on what has been accomplished, while if he ordered work to cease with not the required amount done necessary to secure the first payment, the money he put in for material, labor, etc., would be tied up until spring. The contractor, A. E. Badgely, is the same who erected the annex to the court house. This was so well done that excellent and satisfactory work may be expected of him.
Lanesboro - Master Edward Gilson, who spent last week awaiting the decision of the Juvenile Court, with reference to his case, in which he was charged with malicious mischief, has been sent by Very Rev. P. F. Brodrick, of Susquehanna, to Father Baker's Home for Boys, at West Seneca, NY, near Buffalo. The doors of this immense institution, under the protection of Our Lady of Victory, are open to white and black, Catholic, Jew or Protestant, and thousands of homeless boys have been cared for there, and given a free education and taught any trade desired. The "boys" run a printshop as well, and have a large band under the direction of an eminent professor of music.
Christmas Hints - A nice Meerschaum or brier pipe, or box of cigars makes an ideal present for your friend. Burnt wood outfits, also patterns for burning, fancy baskets and novelties. How about a croquet set, or a fine hammock for a gift. Oh yes, iron toys, mechanical toys, shooting gallery, swords and children's wash sets. Drums, pianos, mouth organs, tubaphones, photograph albums, toilet sets, collar & glove boxes, all at your local stores.
News Briefs: In 1896 there were 608 Grand Army Posts in Pennsylvania. At present there are but 523, showing a loss of 82. Death is rapidly depleting the ranks of the veterans of the Civil War. At the close of 1905, 640 Posts had been organized in the State. The largest membership was that of Ezra Griffin Post, at Scranton-428; 39 Posts had a membership of 10 each; 8 of 9; 3 of 8; 4 of 7, and 2 of 5. AND The new electric railroad from Scranton to Factoryville is nearly graded and much of the track is laid. This road will eventually be extended to Tunkhannock and may come over the hill to Nicholson. This road is of the standard gauge and will increase the value of property in the towns thru which it passes. A large power house is being erected at Dalton, also a large car barn. AND The plan they pursue in New England of observing Apple Tuesday might well be adopted in this state; the exact date is immaterial, the idea is the thing. In their school on that day the New England children had instruction in the planting, pruning and grafting of apple trees. It is expected in this way to promote the interest in that section in apple products.
Compiled By: Betty Smith