Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
December 06 1901/2001
Dimock - Lee Moody has a large amount of coal for sale at the Dimock depot. Call at the Dolan House to weigh. AND H. W. Barnes is doing a large business in his shop this winter shoeing horses, ironing sleighs and wagons, repairing all kinds of tools cheap for cash. Give him a call at his shop on Main St.
Susquehanna - Canawacta Lodge No. 360, F. & A.M., has installed the following officers: Homer Spencer, W. M.; B. B. Baull, S. W.; C. E. Titsworth, J. W.; G. W. Gleason, Sec'y; C. A. Miller, Treas. With one exception, Treasurer Miller, in point of continuous service, is the oldest Masonic officer in the State. Secretary Gleason has held his office continuously for nearly 20 years. Dr. Peck will represent the Lodge in the State Grand Lodge.
Elk Lake - As Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lathrop were returning home Monday night they were thrown from the sleigh. Mrs. Lathrop's shoulder was dislocated. Dr. Frye was called and replaced it, and she is doing as well as can be expected.
Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. - The children and grandchildren, also one brother, of Mrs. Sarah Berg, made her a pleasant surprise on the 3rd inst., it being her 71st birthday.
Herrick Centre - The box social which was held in the schoolhouse basement on Friday evening, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society, was largely attended. The ladies cleared $36.
Silvara (Bradford Co.) - The mercury went down to 23 below zero, Friday morning.
Forest City - Among postmasters named by President Roosevelt this week were Truman C. Manzer, at Forest City and Col. Ezra H. Whipple, at Scranton. Both gentlemen are named to succeed themselves.
Montrose - The excellent sleighing the first of the week brought out an unusual number of sleighs, and our streets were made merry with the jingle of the bells and hearty laughter of the pleasure seekers. There were several runaways but with one exception they were without serious results. The exception took place Monday morning. While Mrs. W. W. Woodruff and a young man were driving about town with grocery man Kelley's horse and sleigh, collecting laundry work, the horse took fright near E. P. Pope's on Depot street and at once broke into a run. As a sharp turn was made the occupants were thrown violently out onto the icy street, and Mrs. Woodruff sustained painful injuries to one of her legs, tearing loose the ligaments of the ankle, and thus causing an injury generally considered worse than a break. Mrs. Woodruff was otherwise badly bruised and has suffered a great deal, though she rested some last night, and is doing, all things considered, as well as could be expected.
Brooklyn - The Junior class of Brooklyn High School will give their class entertainment in the Universalist church at Brooklyn, Friday evening, Dec. 20th, 1901. They will be assisted by good musical talent; also by sixteen young ladies in drill and tableau designs. AND The Ladies Aid Society of the Brooklyn Methodist church is under obligations to F. B. Jewett, for the set of dishes recently presented by him.
New Milford - The ice in East creek went out Tuesday morning, causing a jam at the railroad bridge and overflowing and flooding a number of cellars. AND The question of heating the Opera House by steam is being agitated by the town council. The present way is very unsatisfactory to every one who has occasion to use the building and it is hoped that something will be done to improve it.
West Auburn - The store windows are full of beautiful and useful articles that remind us that Christmas is coming.
South Gibson - Our merchants are to be congratulated upon their fine assortment of holiday goods, no larger display has been seen here for several years, which is proven by the large sales each day. AND Santa Claus will be at the M.E. church on Christmas Eve with presents for all, a free entertainment by the Sunday school. On the same day and evening the Ladies' Aid Society will conduct an apron and Topsy doll sale in the lecture room. Cake and coffee will be served.
Hopbottom - It is a matter of wonder to some people why Hopbottom has two names and how she came by them, Hopbottom and Foster. A correspondent says that when the first settlers came there they found, growing along the stream that flows down the valley from Brooklyn, wild hops. The land between two hills is often called "bottom land." The wild hops growing on this bottom land caused the settlers to give the stream the name of Hopbottom creek. Many years later a settlement was made at the junction of this stream with Marten creek, which runs down the valley from New Milford to Nicholson. To this settlement the name Hopbottom was given. A score of years ago a movement was started to change the name to something more pleasant to the ear. After due consideration and consultation with the railroad company the name of Foster was agreed upon in honor of the then track master of the northern division. Upon application to the postoffice department to have the name changed, it was discovered that there was already another postoffice by the same name in the state and so they would not change the name. The company, having changed the name of the station would not change it back. Consequently, while the state and the telegraph and express offices are known as Foster, the postoffice and legal name is Hopbottom.
Springville - A free show tomorrow. A medicine show will have the Grange Hall all the week and give a free show the first night. AND Geo. Taylor has sold his photo gallery, etc., to Lee Compton, and will work for Compton.
Lanesboro - The epidemic of diphtheria at Lanesboro is subsiding and the public schools will be re-opened.
Tunkhannock - A correspondent says there are several cases of smallpox reported. The theory is that it was brought by a couple of men who came to sell soap and boarded at the Wyoming House, where two have taken with the disease, plus a young girl.
Compiled By: Betty Smith