Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
December 04 1903/2003
Hallstead - Beginning with Monday next, the government will establish a rural free mail delivery route between Hallstead and Upsonville.
Susquehanna - The December attractions in Hogan Opera House will be: Mary Emerson in "His Majesty and the Maid;" Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin;" "The Fatal Wedding," and "Why Woman Sins" ["Why Women Sin?"].
Montrose - The telephone line from Montrose to Elk Lake and East Rush is now open to the public and subscribers of the Montrose Telephone & Telegraph Co. will have that addition to the lines they can use without extra charge. The parties with phones installed are: Frank Wells, Chas. Stedman, J. G. Cart, E. E. Stevens, Frank Gray's house and store. More to follow soon. This is one of the best lines the company has put up, being metallic circuit and in first class shape. AND The Lehigh Valley train was unable to reach here last Friday evening owing to the derailing of the work train near the Ballentine mansion and the passengers were obliged to return to Tunkhannock. A moving picture and kinetescope company was on the train with the intention of giving an exhibition here, but the accident made it impossible for them to reach town. This makes the second time they were foiled in their endeavor to reach this place.
Silver Lake - Col. and Mrs. West entertained a party at dinner on Thanksgiving. The dining room was tastefully decorated with evergreens and Xmas berries, the table with cut flowers and similax. Col. West's display of old cut glass and silver was much admired, especially an egg-castor, cups, spoons and castor all of heavy silver lined with gold, inherited from Mrs. Allison--Mr. West's grandmother; and a massive solid silver pitcher given to Capt. James West, Col. West's father by Jenny Lind.
South Gibson - The entertainment here last week was a success. Miss Cruser delighted the audience with her recitations; the singing by Mrs.Will Dodge and Mrs. Wallie Watkins, of Welsh Hill, was fine. Morgan's band discoursed some fine music; the speaking by the children and singing by our home singers were also highly appreciated.
Rush - E. Steward has been in very poor health all the fall. His neighbors and gentlemen friends have concluded to give him a bee, to get up wood, Thursday, Dec. 10, and are requested to come early armed with tools and teams to work with. The Aid Society of the Baptist church will furnish dinner; all ladies are invited to come well laden with good things to eat. AND A short time since a marriage notice appeared in the Democrat purporting to report the marriage of Geo. Quinn and Cecil Zacharias, of Rush. It turns out that the notice was spurious, as no such wedding took place. It may be of interest to persons who think it "smart" to send such notices to a newspaper for publication that there is a strict new law against it and we think plans are now set in motion whereby some of these persons will be made an example of before they realize just how funny it all is.
South Auburn - The Linaberry reunion on Thanksgiving Day was held at the home of Earnest Carlin. AND In Auburn, John McGaven [McGavin] has rented and is now running the Ed. Cavanaugh blacksmith shop. He is a young man of good habits and is well liked, which means success to both blacksmith and customers.
Fair Hill, Jessup Twp. - The ladies of Fair Hill will serve a chicken pie supper at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Shelp, Friday evening, Dec. 11th. The proceeds will be used to defray the expense incurred in painting the church building. Everyone welcome. Come.
Springville - Last Saturday E. Stevens was having a load of fodder put in his barn, the team standing in the lower door. Without warning the floor gave way and came down. The team was frightened and backed out, escaping injury. Mr. Stevens received a blow on the shoulder that rendered the arm helpless. His carriage, which was in the barn, escaped serious injury.
Jackson - Frank E. Benson, general manager of the Northeastern Telephone company is extending the line from Gelatt to South Gibson.
Gelatt, Gibson Twp. - The Gelatt brothers, of Gelatt, have this season with one team, threshed over ten thousand bushels of grain.
Birchardville - Fred Birchard met with quite a painful accident while skidding wood, he was caught between two logs and his legs were badly bruised below the knee. Fortunately no bones were broken.
South Montrose - Monday morning the west bound train switched two cars heavily loaded with corn into the South Montrose Lumber Co's switch. The brakes failed to work, the cars crashing into a store room adjoining the office, telescoping them and bursting the steam pipes used for heating the office. At the time a steam pressure of 200 pounds was turned on filling the room with steam. Worden Allen, a son of the proprietor and Miss Jennie Wells, book keeper, who were in the room at the time, narrowly escaped death by jumping from the window. The following day the company sent a gang of carpenters to repair the damage done.
Ararat - Raymond Smith and Miss Mary Graham were united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Whalan, at the Baptist parsonage in Carbondale, the 19th.
Franklin Forks - Geo. Hickok recently built a large shed for a covering for his logs and shingle blocks at his mill. He is doing a thriving business in his shingle mill.
Choconut - Wednesday, Nov. 25, occurred the marriage of Frank Burke, of this place, and Miss Mary Heavey, of St. Joseph, at the St. Joseph church, in the presence of about 40 invited guests. John Mooney was best man and a sister of the bride was bride's maid. After the ceremony they all repaired to the bride's home, where an elegant dinner was prepared for them. The bride received many useful and beautiful presents, including $150, presented by her father. Soon after dinner Mr. and Mrs. Burke left for a trip to Niagara Falls and other points of interest. AND Our creamery closed Saturday and if report be true we will have to look up a new creamery man for next season, as Tommy says there is more money in running a creamery at New York than at Choconut Valley.
News Briefs - City gunners in Monroe county have shot several black hogs which they thought were bears. A farmer who owned but one of these animals labeled it with "This is a hog." AND The finest wine ever drank by mortal man was given Pope Leo during his last days. It was 250 years old and worth $2,000,000 a bottle, $274,000 a glass or $200 a drop.
Compiled By: Betty Smith