Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 02 1910/2010
Friendsville - Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hotchkiss, a son. This is the first boy in the family, and while our stage driver's friends think there are no girls quite like his, the advent of a boy brings untold joy.
New Milford - Friends were shocked to hear the sad news that the 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Jennings, former residents of this place, was killed on the O & W tracks at Dickson City, Sunday morning. He was on his way to Sunday school, and the track being blocked by a coal train, he crawled under the cars. Both legs were cut off below the knees. He was hurried to the Moses Taylor hospital, but died at 3 o'clock p.m.
Springville - A large timber was drawn to the Chase quarry, last week, for use on one of the derricks. The length was about 68 feet and it required four horses to get it from the woods on the Sutton farm to its destination. ALSO There seems to be an incipient "coal famine" in this section for chestnut coal at any rate. There is none here or at Dimock. The sudden coming of winter has sent coal westward before the freezing up of the great lakes, according to the papers.
Lynn - Hiland Taylor is the new barber, having become successor to Donald Tiffany, over Greenwood's store.
Hop Bottom - A Thanksgiving dinner was served at the M. E. church, the proceeds being $20, which will be used to secure better light for the church. ALSO We understand that the family of the late D. S. Quick received a check from the D. L. & W. Railroad Company of $250. It will be remembered that Mr. Quick was killed a few weeks ago while crossing the tracks near Hop Bottom
Bennett Corners (Auburn Twp.) - Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone and we have all had a good time, I hope. The writer spent the day among near friends and how good it is to gather once a year around the festive board and feel the kindness of those who prepared the dinner. ALSO Some one left "ye scribe's" family two rabbits on Thanksgiving. We appreciate the gift. We were spending Thanksgiving away from home and the cats got in ahead of us, but we thank them all the same.
Rush - Dr. A. L. Hickok, having disposed of his personal property and having sold his dwelling house and lot to Mrs. Abbie LaRue, he and his wife will leave next week for Denver, Colo., where it is hoped that Mrs. Hickok may be improved in health.
Montrose - Wilbur Rifenbury returned from Potter county during the week, bringing with him a live wildcat, which he caught in a trap. The animal is large, although a young one, and is too lively to permit about the house. Residents of Cherry street may be pleased to know that Mr. Rifenbury has it safely caged. It is an object of some curiosity and interest and has been gazed upon at a safe distance by many.
Ainey (Springville Twp.) - M. E. Card was bitten on the arm last Sunday morning trying to secure a dog belonging to Irwin Johnson. The dog was thought to be mad and was shot by its owner.
Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. - The little children from the orphanage at Brookdale, who stayed at O. B. Howard's, I. H. Travis' and J. N. Austin's during the yearly convention of the Pentecostal Mission, returned home Tuesday.
Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. - Mrs. Belle Helicker, of Kansas, Jay Rifenbury of Oklahoma, and Ulysses Rifenbury and six children, were called here last week on account of the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. J. C. Rifenbury. Jay arrived only a few hours before his mother's death.
Uniondale - There are some of our boys who know a fine horse when they see it, and attended the big horse sale in New York city last week; the result was that Dan Gibson, Will Morgan and Tile Hankinson each purchased a horse. They are fine ones. Hang on to the ribbons boys. ALSO The Thanksgiving entertainment passed off very nicely through the painstaking efforts of our teachers, and the scholars need their share of praise for their part they did so nicely. Yes, let us all give thanks and be thankful; your writer says many a word that he doesn't get thanked for, neither does he look for it. He says that kind from the mouth, not from the heart, so sift out that kind that you don't like and throw it away.
Great Bend - Edward Day, who thoroughly understands the business, has taken the contract to erect the new concrete cut glass factory.
South Harford - Daisy Conrad, Julie Booth, Russell Carey, June and Jennie Carey, are spending the week with their parents, Harford school being closed on account of an epidemic of colds and whooping cough.
Bridgewater Twp. - Horton Reynolds, Bridgewater's well know lumberman, was engaged in business in Montrose yesterday. He recently purchased the timber on a portion of the old Theodore Reynolds' farm.
Brooklyn - S. J. Bailey has entered into a contract with the Nicholson Board of Trade to take his trunk slat factory from Brooklyn and locate it there, says the Nicholson Examiner. The demand for Mr. Bailey's products has outgrown his factory at Brooklyn, and he goes to Nicholson to secure better railroad facilities. The papers have been signed and the work of removing the factory will begin at once.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - J. E. Lane killed his flock of geese for Thanksgiving, which averaged thirteen pounds each. ALSO Miss E. Fletcher is to teach a class in the art of dancing in the near future.
Heart Lake - The Mountain Ice Company is making repairs on their building at this place.
News Brief - Automobiles have been taking another airing after being snowed in for several days and are running quite old fashioned again, the roads being in quite good order for them.
Compiled By: Betty Smith