Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 01 1922/2022
New Milford – The funeral of David Nelson Hardy, at New Milford, Nov. 17, 1922, brought hundreds from far and near and is said to have been the largest ever held in the village. It is estimated that close to a thousand people joined in paying last respects to one of the county’s most highly respected citizens. Two services were held in his honor, one at twelve o’clock in the M. E. church here and at the Tower church at West Lenox. Mr. Hardy was as widely known, perhaps, throughout the county as any man, since Hon. Galusha A. Grow, having lived practically all his life within the county. He was a familiar figure at all public gatherings and will be greatly missed, especially in New Milford where he was known as everybody’s friend, often referred to as New Milford’s “Grand Old Man.” Music and tributes were paid to Mr. Hardy’s memory and survivors of the Civil War were present from Montrose, New Milford, Nicholson, Kingsley, Hop Bottom and Lenox. The frankness and enthusiasm in his advanced years were but reflections of the patriotic ardor of youth, when, in 1862, he secretly, in the cold, wintery blast of February, removed his clothing and swam across the Tunkhannock Creek which was high and turbulent from a winter freshet, to go to Benton, where he enlisted as a private in Co. A., 107th Penna. Volunteers. He served from Feb. 12, 1862 to Feb. 12, 1863, when he was honorably discharged because of disability resulting from wounds received in battle. He fought at Cedar Mountain, Rapidan Ford, Bristol Station, Front Royal, Second Battle of Bull Run, South Mountain and Antietam. His intimate comrades in the service were: Russell Phillips, A. A. Collins, Jerauld Conrad, Ira Hardy, his brother, E. W. Pearce and James Kennedy. Mr. Hardy was the last of this group to survive. He was Past Commander of Capt. Lyons Post, No. 85, G. A. R. As a father and husband his loved ones will never cease to speak of him affectionately. As a citizen and neighbor, to know him was to esteem him highly. As a patriot and comrade, his love for the “Boys in Blue” was like that of David for Jonathan. You have seen a great pine tree standing on some lofty eminence, silhouetted against the sky. Storms may break down the saplings and they are not missed in the distance, but when the great pine fell the whole landscape was altered. David Nelson Hardy was the great Pine.
Montrose – The King’s Daughters are planning for a Community Christmas Tree to be held in Montrose, in front of the Court House, where appropriate exercises will be held on Christmas afternoon, Dec. 25th. Community carol singing will be a very pleasing feature. It is hoped to make singing of carols by the community choirs and Sunday schools, together with all the music loving townspeople, a prominent feature of the happy event. ALSO Dr. Molineux and Miss Walker, of Binghamton, assisted by Dr. Austin, of Laceyville, and Drs. Preston and Gardner, Montrose, performed a successful operation on Ida Wooten at her home, No. 1 Chestnut Street, Tuesday. She had been suffering with appendicitis for several days. She is resting comfortably at this writing. Mrs. Rohback, a trained nurse from Binghamton, is caring for her.
Lynn – The stately brick residence of Charles Sheldon, of Lynn, was ruined by fire last Thursday morning. Defective electric wiring is given as the cause of the fire. The financial loss will be large, there being but $2500 on the property. The Sheldon family is now occupying a house owned by Wesley Baker, nearby. Mr. Sheldon will rebuild in the spring, we understand.
Fair Hill – John Valentine says he is going out of the goose business when they do not bring more than chickens. ALSO Anyone wishing a fine goose for Christmas, call Kate Cruse on 16-8, as she has some dandies.
St. Joseph – Byrne Brothers, who have an auto supply store at 28 Henry Street, Binghamton, are distributors for the Doscat Tire in several counties. Extraordinary qualities are claimed for the Doscat tire, one of which is their freedom from side skidding on wet pavements, as elaborated upon in an advertisement.
Clifford/Carbondale – The snag in the building of the concrete road between Carbondale and Clifford has been removed. Citizens of Carbondale, Clifford, Lenox and other places, pledging $1735 to reimburse the County Commissioners of Lackawanna county for any money that the county may be obliged to pay Chas. Snyder for damages arising from the building of the road, a condition being that the County Commissioners must put up a stiff fight against paying damages to Snyder, whose claim, they hold, is unreasonable.
Jackson – The Young People’s Class was entertained at the home of their teacher, Mrs. B. E. Leonard. The evening was spent in games and music. The excellent supper was enjoyed by all. It was decided at the business meeting to buy little chairs and a table for the little folks in the Sunday school. There will be another meeting during the holiday season at the home of Mrs. Arland Pease.
Lanesboro – John Carrigg, aged about 65 years, died suddenly while attending to his duties as operator at the Erie signal tower, near this place, at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 22, 1922. He is survived by his wife; one sister, Mrs. Armstrong, of Brandt, and one brother, in Buffalo.
Brooklyn – Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rozell and father and mother, had a very narrow escape from death, when some part of their auto broke, throwing them out of the machine and the machine turning over, pinning one of the occupants under until assistance arrived.
Uniondale – John White’s barn, on what is known as the Zenas Rounds place, was consumed by fire Monday evening. It contained a large quantity of hay and straw and many farm implements. The Forest City fire department was called but on the arrival of the fire ladies nothing could be done. It was reported that Mr. White’s barn on the home farm was ablaze. The origin of the fire is unknown. It is presumed to be the work of hunters in carelessly disposing of cigarettes. Mr. White’s loss is partly covered by insurance.
News Brief: Clemenceau thinks the dresses of American women are too low. He would revise his opinion if he had to pay for them.
Compiled By: Betty Smith