Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 01 1899/1999
Gibson - A Susquehanna correspondent writes that on Wednesday, Nov. 29, the dead body of Mrs. Suter, a married woman, aged 26, was found in her home at Gibson with a bullet wound in her heart and a revolver near by. It is not yet know whether it was a case of suicide or murder. Coroner A. J. Taylor, of Hopbottom, who is in charge of the case, has summoned a jury and at this writing is holding an inquest. Mrs. Suter had been married four times and her husband three times.
Elk Lake - The church at Elk Lake will be dedicated Thursday, Dec. 7; services at 10:30 a.m., 2 and 7 p.m. Dr. H. M. Crydenwise, of Lestershire, NY, will preach either in the morning or afternoon. Rev. L. C. Floyd will have charge of the services. All former and neighboring pastors are invited to be present and assist in the services. L. T. VanCampen, Preacher in charge.
Lenoxville - If we could have a stone road all the way from Carbondale to Nicholson, like Greenfield township is building on Finch Hill, the teamsters could travel with some comfort and haul a fair sized load. But then, good things come slow.
Clifford - Those of our townspeople who attended the rabbit roast given by the West Clifford Evangelical church, at the home of Rev. Mr. Faus, the pastor, report a sumptuous supper and a most delightful evening.
Thomson - Mrs. [Roxey] Cox, aged 68 years, one day of last week took her first ride on a railroad train. Her son, Emory Cox, aged 44, has yet to take his first ride in the cars.
Montrose - Sneak thieves are still at work. With the approach of Thanksgiving, their fancy naturally turned to thoughts of poultry, and on Sunday evening they visited the premises of Mrs. Anna M. Cox (the old Chandler place), just above the Presbyterian church) and made away with three fine hens. The identity of the thieves is pretty well established and a sharp watch will be kept on them; should they again visit Mrs. Cox's they will be welcomed by a greeting of hot shot.
Hallstead/Great Bend - On Wednesday County Commissioners Tingley, Harrington and Haire visited Hallstead, where they met representatives of the Hallstead-Great Bend Bridge Co. As a result of the meeting the Commissioners paid the company $15,500 and the bridge was formally transferred to the County of Susquehanna. On and after yesterday, Nov. 30, the bridge is free--and for this the people of the twin boroughs and the people of the county generally, had an added reason for observing the annual Thanksgiving day. AND - Hallstead and Great Bend have been made aware of a "long felt want" since the Lackawanna has commenced paying its employees by check, and that want is a bank.
Franklin Township - Abraham Kersey, an eccentric character of Franklin Township, and who is said to have descended from Hessian-Indian stock, is dead.
Harford - In writing [to] the Scranton Tribune relative to the late Rev. Nathan Leighton, and incidentally alluding to the statement that has been going the rounds of the vicinity press, that Hon. Galusha A. Grow is the oldest living alumnus of the old Franklin Academy at Harford, Andrew Leighton, of Glenburn, a brother of Nathan Leighton, says that his brother Nathan was an alumnus of the old academy and was at one time principal of that school; he was ten years older than Mr. Grow. "There are living in this immediate neighborhood" says Mr. Leighton, "three alumni of the same school - L. W. Stone, Mrs. Esther Sisson Stone and Andrew Leighton, who are respectively five years, two years and one year older than Mr. Grow. I recall others whom I suppose to be living, among them, Mrs. Clarissa Tucker Tracy, of Illinois, who, older than any of these three, was at last accounts still engaged in her lifelong work of teaching.
Susquehanna - Thieves have been stealing copper pipes from locomotives in Susquehanna and elsewhere along the Erie. Some arrests have already been made in Great Bend. AND - The Oakland Water Company's new reservoir has been completed and water has been let into it. It has a capacity of about 4,5000 barrels.
Rush - Daniel Terry owns a venerable relic of the past; it is a violin of the vintage of 1697. It is ripe and mellow with its 202 years of age.
Forest Lake Centre - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bolles are visiting Bradford county this week. They have had a present of a very nice covered buggy from their son, Silas Bolles, of Denver, Col. The carriage was shipped from Detroit, Mich., and it is a beauty.
Uniondale - H. C. Crane has gone to Scranton where he has obtained a position on an electric car.
Auburn - There is some excitement in Auburn over a now famous horse case. W. A. Harrington, of Montrose, traded a horse to John Adams, of Auburn. He didn't like it as well as he expected and he traded it to a man named Kellogg. The latter's wife didn't like the animal, and claimed the horse her husband traded to Adams was hers and wanted to trade it back. Adams didn't see it that way, and now he finds himself sued for the value of the horse or some horse, and the hearing is to occur at Montrose next Monday, when M. S. Allen will present the claims of Kellogg and W. D. B. Ainey will look after Adams' side.
NEWS BRIEFS - A Pennsylvania builder, in the lumber section, gives it as his opinion that cement houses are to be our abodes in the future, and not more than ten years away. AND - The custom of throwing rice at newly married couples has been denounced in the press and denounced from the pulpit. The pastor of St. Mary's church, Rochester, Rev. James P. Kiersnan, says" "In future, at all weddings celebrated in this church, I want rice left at home. Rice throwing is an abominable pagan custom and it has no place at Catholic weddings. At all events I will not tolerate it in the church."
Compiled By: Betty Smith