Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 31 1917/2017
Rush – Jehile Kirkhuff, the little blind son of Will Kirkhuff, has a new organ. He plays the violin and organ from the phonograph.
Brooklyn – Rev. T.J. Vaughn and six of his Boy Scouts were in Montrose on Tuesday, having hiked on foot from Brooklyn. The Scouts are required to make a 14 mile hike and write a description of it in order to become first-class Scouts. They camped near Lake Mont Rose, where they ate their lunch and in the afternoon tramped back. The boys in the party were: LaVerne Kinney, Lisle Rozelle, Luther Ely, Jr., Francis and Robert Larkin and Lawrence Tewksbury.
Montrose – Miss Lillian Martin, for some years a saleslady in D.L. Robinove’s store, announces in today’s issue the opening of a shop for ladies wearing apparel exclusively. The new business will be located in the Farmers’ National Bank building.
East Kingsley – During a severe thunder storm on Wednesday of last week, a bolt of lightning entered the chimney of Williston Oakley’s new house, making a general havoc in knocking off the plaster, burning the telephone wire in the cellar, etc. Mr. Oakley and his young son received slight shocks, but nothing was set on fire.
Little Meadows – Miss Emma Sleeper has moved her household goods into the home of D.L. Minkler and expects to take a situation in Binghamton taking care of an elderly couple.
Springville – While automobiling on Friday evening with a party of young people, Miss Margaret Reynolds was quite painfully injured. In making a sharp curve the car, which was driven by Guy Johnson, plunged off a sluice, throwing the occupants out. Miss Reynolds was thrown against the windshield, cutting a deep gash in the leg, just above the knee and severing an artery. Medical assistance was secured as soon as possible and she is getting along nicely.
West Lenox – Three of our boys were in Co. L, which left Scranton Monday morning for Atlanta, Ga. They were Curtis Shoup, Ward Carey and Milton Potter.
New Milford – Main street in this place is to be concreted. State men are expected this week to make a survey, preparatory to opening bids for the work, which will start at once.
Gibson/Susquehanna – A group of Red Cross ladies from Susquehanna came to this place on Friday to instruct the ladies of this place in the work of the order. A society was organized with Ms. W.R. Mackey as president and Mrs. Elmer DeWitt as secretary. Now all are cordially invited to join and help in the good work, presently on Thursday afternoons.
Dimock – Miss Margaret O’Brien, of Montrose, will be the principal of the new Dimock Vocational High School. She is a graduate of Syracuse University and has ranked high as a teacher, having taught in the Dimock school prior to being elected to the principalship.
Forest City – H.P. Johns has purchased of Davis & Brothers timber on 440 acres of land located at Elk Hill, this county. It is estimated that there are over 3,000,000 feet of chiefly chestnut, oak, ash and some hemlock. He has also purchased a 63 acre farm closely located to the tract for teams and men, good buildings to be convenient, and plenty of good water.
Harford – The home of the old Franklin Academy and later the Soldiers’ Orphans’ school, is to have a vocational high school. The new high school building is being fitted up to meet the requirements of the state. The vocational school is rather new in Pennsylvania, but it is going to fill a long felt need in rural districts. In order to carry on a vocational work it requires a four-year course of nine months term. Graduates from a vocational school entering colleges are given [the] same credit as from other schools.
Williams Pond, Bridgewater Twp. – The Stephens-Williams’ reunion was held at the home of Miss Jennie Stephens on Saturday. Ninety-four partook of a most bounteous dinner and enjoyed the social hours that followed.
Elk Lake – The Ladies’ Aid meets with Mrs. Mary Shelp on Wednesday, Sept. 5. The ladies are requested to bring needles and thimbles, as the Patriotic club will furnish Red Cross work.
Friendsville – Friendsville, Little Meadows and Middletown Center Granges will hold a joint picnic and field day, at Friendsville, on Saturday, Sept. 8th. Hon. E.B. Dorsett, Hon. Allan D. Miller and Rev. C.E. Cook will deliver addresses. A baseball game, Middletown vs. Laurel Lake, is scheduled. Dinner will be served. All are invited, whether members of the Granges or not. Those who come are requested to come early and to bring baskets, picnic commencing at 10 a.m.
Clifford – While returning home from the Chautauqua at Carbondale, an auto party from Clifford had a narrow escape from death or injury, when a seven-passenger touring car, owned and operated by Ira J. Weatherby, crashed into a protecting wall at the side of a 20 ft. culvert near the farm of Albert Snyder near Finch Hill. The party, consisting of Mr. Weatherby, Mrs. Allen Finn, Mrs. William Baldwin and son, left Carbondale in a heavy rain storm. When the foot of Finch Hill was reached a flash of lightning confused Mr. Weatherby and the car crashed into the side wall over the culvert, demolishing the wall and sending the front part of the car part way in the ditch. The car was badly damaged and the occupants thrown out, but all escaped injury.
Hallstead – Hon. James T. DuBois has been appointed a member of Herbert Hoover’s speakers’ bureau and will devote his time for the next six months touring the country. He will speak in the north for one month and then tour the southern states.
News Brief: Charlie Chaplin’s popularity is proven by the fact that he is to receive over $1,000,000 for eight, two-reel comedies, under a recently signed contract with a new film corporation of which S.L. Rothapfel, a former Forest City boy, is a member. The first run of these comedies will be seen at the Family Theatre.
200 Years Ago Today from the Centinel, Montrose, Pa, August 30, 2017.
*MARRIED. In this township [Bridgewater] on Sunday last, by David Post, Esq., Mr. Thomas H. Doyle to Miss Myra Conner, daughter of Ira Conner.
*A FARM FOR SALE, SITUATE in the township of Bridgewater, about 4 ½ miles from Montrose, and the same distance from the Newburgh Turnpike, containing 100 acres, one half under improvement with a new framed barn. Said farm is well watered and timbered. Terms of payment will be easy.—Enquire of the subscriber living on the premises. JOHN PHINNEY.
N.B. The person who took two Axes from me in April last is requested to return them immediately. J.P., August 29, 1817.
*Yesterday afternoon the elegant sloop of Ontario, Capt. Biddle, got under way from her anchorage off the West Battery, and proceeded as far as the Watering Place—It is said she will go to sea the first favorable wind. New York, Aug. 14.
Compiled By: Betty Smith