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August 29 1902/2002

Elk Lake - An acetylene nickel-plated lamp for [an] automobile carriage was lost on the road between Elk Lake and Montrose a short time ago. Finder will be rewarded by leaving [it] at this office.

New Milford - John J. Smith, for many years a highly respected resident of New Milford township, died on Friday, Aug. 15, aged 80 years. The funeral services were conducted from the M.E. church in this place and interment [was] in the village cemetery. The deceased had been a resident of New Milford township 50 years, and for the past 36 years had resided on the farm where he died. He was born in Fishkill, NY. When he first came to this county he lived on he L. A. Smith place which adjoins the farm he subsequently owned and occupied the greater part of his busy, useful life. He was a molder by trade and during the war he molded shells for use in that great struggle for civil rights. Farming was his principal occupation and by industry from it he accumulated in store so that in old age he was privileged to rest from his labors. He is survived by six sons: Benjamin T., of Binghamton; Albert and Henry, of Montrose; Charles, of New Milford; Ralph B., of Canton, PA, and Fred W., of Scotland, PA.

Oakland - At noon, on Thursday last, at Oneonta, NY, by Rev. T. F. Hall, Presiding Elder, Rev. Webster M. Bouton, the able and popular pastor of the Oakland M.E. church, and Miss Bernice Carrier, one of Oakland's most estimable young ladies, were united in marriage. A host of friends wish them all manner of success and happiness. They will be at home to their friends after Sept. 19.

Uniondale - A Delaware and Hudson freight train was derailed at Uniondale on Sunday morning, caused by a pusher engine crowding the flat cars up against the heavier ones. The train was ditched and several cars were badly damaged.

Springville - On Wednesday, Sept'r 3, the survivors of Co. C, 203 Pennsylvania Volunteers [Civil War], will meet with comrade Culver, in this village, for their 4th annual reunion.

South Gibson - About 2 o'clock Wednesday morning our community was awakened by the cry, "Fire," which proved to be the large barns on the farm of Dana Winans; many hurried to the scene but were too late to be of any service. The house was saved, but all the outbuildings were burned, also one horse, harnesses, wagons, reaper, mower, besides a large number of new shingles stored in the barn. No insurance.

Harford - School began Monday with George Stearns, principal; Carolyn Brewster, assistant; Nina Moore, primary. About 70 pupils on roll. AND The Tingley-Tiffany reunion was held at the historical log cabin at Harford, originally built in 1795 and rebuilt in 1895. The cabin is on the Tingley farm and by the side of an orchard which was planted over 100 years ago. There were about 75 present and all enjoyed a good time. There were balloon ascensions and various kinds of out door sports. This was the first reunion which Deacon Tingley has missed, but owing to poor health he was unable to attend.

Forest City - The Young People's Society and Ladies' Aid of the Forest City Baptist church, recently agreed to give their pastor help to pay the rent of a house rather than to let him go elsewhere.

Glenwood - J. B. Swartz has been taking a well-earned vacation by taking in the seven-county reunion [Civil War veterans]. There were present nearly 1500 old vets and about 5000 visitors. The old soldiers have a warm spot in the hearts of the people. May it always be there. The next reunion is to be held in Binghamton.

Brooklyn - We have received a catalogue gotten out in the interest of the Brooklyn Graded schools, of which M. W. Stephens is principal. It sets forth the advantages of the school, its curriculum, and matters of interest to its alumni. The teachers are as follows: Grammar department, Bessie Chamberlain; Intermediate, Hettie Caswell; Primary, Mary Hearn.

Ararat - The friends of N. A. Walker, who was a prominent candidate for the nomination for Register and Recorder, are much hurt at the treatment he received and the sidetracking he got. And so are Frank Gere's (of Brooklyn). And the friends of W. N. Barnes, they are mad all over, the way he was pushed aside.

Lenox - The annual Rynearson reunion was held at the Loomis Lake church near the home of "Aunt" Lydia Gardner, in Lenox, on Saturday, August 16th. The day was all that could be desired and the relatives and friends, to the number of about 150, assembled at an early hour and friendly greetings, hand shaking and visiting was enjoyed by all. A long table and seats were prepared in the yard near the church, flags decorated the leafy covering overhead, and as the noon hour approached the table was loaded down with many of the best productions that the culinary art could prepare.

Montrose - A meeting of the Montrose Co-operative Canning Co. is called for Tuesday, Sept'r 2, at 3 o'clock in the Arbitration room of the Court House.

Susquehanna - Sixteen carloads of Erie shipmen, their families and friends, enjoyed an excursion to Shohola Glen on Saturday. It was a pleasant trip without accident.

Jessup - Our Grange is in a flourishing condition and meets every two weeks. AND Rhinevault and son are doing a big business in grinding and blacksmithing.

News Brief - It is predicted that a coal famine will be a sure thing. It will occur no matter how soon mining is resumed. The first work of the railroads after the resumption of mining will be to carry coal to the Great Lakes so that it can be delivered to up-lake ports before navigation is closed by ice. New York and New England will not be supplied until snow flies, and poor people who buy by the pail full will be unable to secure coal, unless they are able to plank down its weight in gold.

Court Notes: The Brushville Baptist Church was incorporated and C. T. Thorpe was appointed tax collector of Forest City.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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