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August 28 1891/1991

Susquehanna County - A destructive storm passed over a large portion of Pennsylvania Sunday night, doing immense damage. A part of the Reading and Lebanon Railroad was washed away and caused delay in travel for several days. Telegraph wires were torn down; dams washed away roads washed out and trees uprooted. Factories and mills will be unable to resume work for some time. In Reading one-fourth of the streets were under water. The storm was particularly severe in the vicinity of Reading and Pottsville. It is intimated that the German government will be forced to purchase 100,000 bushels of corn from the United States and India.

Silver Lake - Our picnic, held at St. Augustine's church on Aug 15 was one of the most successful ever held here $1.264.76 was the total receipts of the day. There was a large number of people in our grove that afternoon, some coming from a long distance, some from New York, Scranton, and a large number from the Parlor City; also our county capital was very nicely represented.

Montrose - George Smith, a former Montrose boy, now pastor of the only Black church in Watertown, NY, a city of 16,000 people is visiting friends here. He is delighted with his new location. AND Susquehanna County Fair will be held at Montrose, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept. 29 and 30. The managers are making an extra effort this year to have a first-class exhibition, which shall excel all others of recent years. To this end they advertise several new attractions, among which we notice a concert each day by a number of first-class musicians

Susquehanna - This evening at Hogan Opera House, Charlotte Thompson, in her successful drama, “The Nest.” AND The McKune family reunion was held at the Cascade House on Wednesday. About 175 persons were present.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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