Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 25 1905/2005
Elk Lake - G. T. Lowe, of Elk Lake, is driving the Auburn stage during the illness of Canfield Estus. Mr. Lowe says he did a good business last week, carrying 25 passengers in five days-20 women and 5 men. Five of them were widows. Mr. Lowe took quite a fancy to one of them, which he says was, according to his notion, "the dandiest of the lot."
Montrose - Timothy Murray, a retired master of arms of the United States navy, is spending some time in Montrose. Mr. Murray entered the navy at the age of 14 years and was a powder boy on board Admiral Farragut's flagship during the battle of Mobile Bay. By faithful service he worked up to chief master of arms and retired after 42 years of service.
Harford - Prof. F. D. VanOrsdale and Miss Edith McConnell are the two teachers in the High School course at Harford this year. Harford is maintaining her reputation for the best educational advantages for her boys and girls in now offering this course. Students in towns not having such a school will do well to take advantage of the new law which provides that their own towns must pay their tuition at such a school as Harford's.
Susquehanna - Yes, Montrose came over and licked the daylights out of our ball team on Friday and Saturday. That's all!
Springville - Mrs. Layton and Nancy Culver had quite a thrilling experience last Sunday evening. In coming down the hill east of town in a carriage, the bridle bit broke letting the horse roam at his own sweet will. It ran down through town and up toward the depot where it was stopped; no one was hurt.
Lanesboro - On Monday evening the house of David Fritchley was the scene of a peculiar accident. His daughter used a parlor match to light the lamp and a piece of the head flew on the couch and set it ablaze.
Great Bend - The three days' races are over and were very successful. The first day it rained so hard no races were held. The postponed races were held on Thursday. The meet closed on Saturday. The feature of the day being the ladies races, Miss Lulu Day winning in three straight half-mile heats. Mrs. H. Pierce, of Carbondale, second; Mrs. Yocum, of Deposit, third. Time, 1:08; 1:8,4; 1:09. At times the horses were neck and neck. They were loudly applauded. The track was fine, good judges and starter and large attendance each day made the races of great interest.
Glenwood - This has been a galy week in this place--three socials; one reunion, that of the Conrad family; one base ball game; Grange meeting and an ice cream festival for the benefit of the base ball club. AND The grange hall is nearing completion and will be the finest hall in the county so far as heard from.
Heart Lake - W. H. Wall, proprietor of the Lakeside House, has two pretty sailboats plying the Lake. Mr. Wall's house has been enjoying a nice business this year, and his guests are enthusiastic over his hospitality and accommodations.
Forest City - Because of a protest of the Musicians' union against the Star Drum corps of Forest City, taking part in the parade at Wilkes-Barre, the Total Abstinence societies of Forest City did not go to Wilkes-Barre. They had engaged the drum corps to accompany them and would not go without it. AND The Borough Council passed on third reading, the ordinances to sewer and pave Main street. Work will commence immediately and the job completed before winter.
Hop Bottom - Chapin and Kemmerer, of the Hop Bottom Water Co., have bought the property of Oney Case, on which are located the large springs for the town's water supply. It is expected work will be commenced on the system by Sept. 6th, or before.
Lawton - The 12th annual reunion of Co. H, 143d Regt. PA Volunteers, was held with Comrade M. D. Baldwin, at the house of I. Haire, August 19, 1905. The day was pleasant and at an early hour comrades and friends began to arrive. At roll call eleven members of Co. H. answered to their names, as follows: M. D. Baldwin, O. A. Baldwin, Myron Bradshaw, W. H. Deuel, C. L. Lincoln, M. B. Perigo, O. C. Caswell, A. S. Horton, James Strange, Asa Warner and W. B. Southwell, of Akron, Ohio. Comrade Strange thanked Co. H. for the honor of being their president next year and urged all to attend the next reunion. Comrade Southwell said it was a pleasure to him to meet the comrades that he had not met in 40 years, if we are getting gray. Comrades Bradshaw and Camp spoke of the joy derived by these reunions. Asa Warner spoke of the 19th of August as being the anniversary of the battle at the Yellow House, Va., in which the 143d regiment did their part and the engagement following, in which the regiment participated.
Birchardville - Elder W. C. Tilden started for the Sunday School Convention at Heart Lake on Wednesday last, but on reaching Montrose his horse was taken sick and he was obliged to wait until there was improvement in the condition of his faithful equine servant. During the past three score years we never heard of the Elder himself being sick, or saw him wearing cravat or necktie. He is the premier among the clergy of the Baptist persuasion in Susquehanna county. A man widely known and respected. May his tribe increase.
Clifford - The Green family reunion held in Finn's hall, Aug. 16th, was well attended and a jolly good time it was. Quoit pitching was the main order of the day.
Lenox - School in the Titus district begins to-day with the same teacher as last year-Miss Lou Lamberton, of Dalton Pa., who is to make up nearly three weeks time lost last year on account of illness..
News Brief: Sullivan county exchanges are telling about a dead man who recently sang at his own funeral. A phonograph was placed on the lid of the coffin. When the religious ceremonies were over the phonograph was turned on and the mourners in the church listened to the dead man's voice rendering one of his favorite selections.
Compiled By: Betty Smith