Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 24 1906/2006
Lawton - The Middletown Centre base ball players met Ed. Redding's aggregation of ball tossers in their final game of the series, Sunday p.m., and were defeated. Several sensational plays were made on each side. One of the most striking was Thos. Reilly's fielding, also Dr. McGovern's curves, which the Centre boys failed to connect with. The game was impartially umpired by Dr. Hickok, of Rush. Score: Centre 4, Hill 6.
Uniondale - It is reported that Hon. Philo Burritt has sold his farm. His farm is part of the original estate that has been held by the same family for a good many generations and another owner will hardly be reconcilable to the people of this place. AND We sincerely hope that the "canned sauce thieves" that are troubling Thompson will not visit Uniondale.
Springville - A.O. Dunlap is placing new furnaces, both in the school building and in the M. E. church. An ice cream social will be held in the parlors of the church Thursday evening, Sept. 6th for the furnace funds. An interesting program is being arranged. Come out and have a good time.
Lenoxville - Mr. Wright has purchased the house and blacksmith shop of A. H. Mead, in Harford, and his son-in-law, Eugene Lewis, will occupy the same. Mr. Mead is finishing off the rooms over his tin shop, which his family will occupy.
Flynn - James McCormick thinks the stage route between Flynn and Birchardville is as nice for a drive as any they make.
Fair Hill - There was no preaching here Sunday on account of illness of the Pastor's wife but her many friends will be glad to learn she is improved.
Brooklyn - The Brooklyn Improvement Association has purchased ten lamps, so that no one will have to walk in the dark hereafter. AND Dr. Earle Ainey is open to do all kinds of dental work. He has set up the long expected chair in his father's office.
Forest Lake - Jas. J. Lannon, of Topeka, Kansas, has been visiting friends in Forest Lake, his former home. He "went west" a year and a half ago, accidentally stopped off at Topeka, got a job with a railroad company, and has been promoted twice. Good for the Susquehanna county boy. We like to hear of their successes, wherever they are. And they are usually getting right to the front.
West Auburn - Elmer B. Lacey, Aug. 21st., shipped to Wm. S. Drew, of Horseheads, N.Y., one of his famous Oregon Fir Silos with White Pine roof. Lacey's Patent Silos seem to be taking the lead wherever introduced, and the Oregon fir is undoubtedly one of the best materials for silo construction.
New Milford - Walter L. Main's renowned circus will show Saturday, Sept. 1. You will want to go and take the children, of course. This show was at Montrose several years ago, when it went on wagon, and gave an excellent exhibition. It has been enlarged to two full trains now.
Montrose - Lewis T. Harrower, the miller opposite D.L.&W. station, announces to the public that he is now ready to do buckwheat grinding for all who wish. AND T. S. Wheatcroft, of Brooklyn, N.Y., arrived here Saturday with his family en route for Forest Lake, where they intend rusticating for a couple of weeks. "Tom" is well known in this section, having at one time conducted a large and successful store in the village of Rush. He is now, however, at the head of the Automatic Merchandizing Co., which paid its stockholders 16 per cent at the last annual declaration of dividends. To the people of the New England States "Tom" is known as the "Peanut King," and he deserves the appellation as he keeps constantly on hand something like $10,000 worth of peanuts for his patrons.
Thompson - A. L. Croft, according to the Plaindealer has named his newly born, ten-pound boy, Teddy Roosevelt Croft.
Silver Lake - Henry F. Walton, speaker of the House of Representatives, has appointed Hon. H. J. Rose, one of the reception committee at the dedication of the new capitol at Harrisburg on Oct. 4th. Twenty-five members of the House of Representatives and twenty-five senators constitute the committee. Considering the large number from which Speaker Walton could select his committee it is something of an honor to receive the appointment.
Kingsley - A new industry recently started here in the manufacture of apple barrels by S. E. Tiffany.
Franklin Forks - J. W. Palmer and George Stockholm are in Minnesota, attending the National [G.A.R.] Encampment. They will also visit in Michigan.
Dimock - When you want to take a fast ride step in the carriage of Elder Cleaver, as he drives the fastest horse in town.
Susquehanna - Prof. Frederick Benson, a graduate of the Ithaca Conservatory of Music and a former resident, has been chosen to succeed Prof. J. J. Kelley as director of the conservatory of music of Wesleyan College, West Virginia.
Forest City - The oppressively hot weather had something to do with keeping down the attendance at the Opera house Monday evening to see the "Girl from Klondike," put on by the Tried and True Dramatic club, but those who went were pleased by the performance. The play was not so much to our liking as others the company has put on but it called forth some clever work by the actors never the less. The company, as usual, gave a bunch of specialties well worth the price of admission. A little later in the season they promise a new production that will rival anything they have yet given.
Heart Lake - Farmers are complaining of their potatoes rotting.
Compiled By: Betty Smith