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August 21 1896/1996

Susquehanna - The Crescent Club will have a moonlight excursion up the river on the steamer Erminie, and dance at the Forest House, Tuesday evening of next week. AND There will be a baseball game on the grounds of the Forest House, up the Susquehanna, on Aug. 19th, between the "Sodalities" of Binghamton and the "Nonpareils" of Susquehanna.

Hallstead - On Wednesday morning tramps stole a bottle of milk from the porch of E.H. Nichols, also from Wm. Fleming's, both on South Main Street. Mrs. A. Sawyer, daughter of E.H. Nichols, gave chase and ran them to the railroad, where Constable Decker was at work and he caught them, but they had drank the milk up and broken the bottles.

Birchardville - School commenced in Birchardville Monday morning, Aug. 17th, 1896. J.E. Sweet, from Montrose, instructor. The long vacation is ended and once more the merry laugh of happy youth can be heard as they go to and fro from the school room.

Springville - F.R. Button, the blacksmith, is a musical fellow who very much loves the company of musical people. He has just purchased anew "Palace" organ of C. Burdick.

New Milford - The New Milford High School Alumni will hold their 3rd annual reunion at the Jay House, Friday evening.

Lynn - John Canfield rides a one hundred dollar wheel. AND Hiram Fish is cleaning and repairing his steam cider mill, which will be ready for use to make your cider whenever wanted. Apples are a large crop.

Rush - The Stevensville band, Marble Gay, conductor, came up on Tuesday evening and gave an open air concert, which gave great pleasure to all who heard it. Stevensville has reason to be proud of this organization. We have heard many celebrated bands in our time, but none that gave more pleasure.

Herrick Centre - About 50 persons gathered at Joseph Tomkins Monday to celebrate the 44th birthday of Mrs. Tomkins. The friends came from South Gibson, Gelatt, Jackson, Ararat and Herrick. They left as a token a bed quilt comprised of blocks pieced by each person present, and other gifts.

Auburn Centre- Lett Bros. are manufacturing a grease extraction. It will remove every kind of grease spot from clothing, and is warranted.

Montrose - The ladies of the Village Improvement Society are possessed of a rare tact in the management of flowers. Was ever a bed of geraniums known to put forth more abundant or beautiful bloom than that at the front of the Court House. It is a delight to the eye.

Great Bend - Dr. Wm. Baldwin, of Florence, Italy, has been called to prescribe for Queen Victoria. For a long time this eminent physician's practice has been largely with the royal family. Dr. Baldwin is a former Great Bend boy, being the son of our esteemed townsman. Rev. William Baldwin.

Franklin Forks - Thursday, Aug. 20, will be an interesting date to some of the present and former residents of

Franklin Forks - A picnic at Salt Springs, of those "who were boys and girls together" has been planned. Our townsman, Edson W. Safford and wife are among those invited.

Choconut - A few days since a bull wandered off the Carmalt farm onto the farm of John Bahen, adjoining. The latter went to drive him off, when the vicious animal turned on Mr. B., knocked him down and was giving him rough treatment, when Mr. B's dog grabbed the bull by the nose and got the best of him, thus undoubtedly saving Mr. B's life. Good dog.

Ararat - Our school has opened with Miss Mable Bloxham as teacher.

Lenox - Several of our townsmen are having their houses ornamented and we hope protected by the addition of lightning rods.

Quaker Lake - Quaker Lake Again has murder been committed in the fair county of Susquehanna; again a cell in our jail is occupied by a man whose hand has taken the life of another; again it is the unruly temper maddened to frenzy by the intoxicating cup. Leon D. Gaige, 25 yrs of age, a resident of Brackneyville, fills an untimely grave, while his assailant, John Kelly, of Brookdale, fills the cell of a murderer, awaiting the verdict of his peers as to whether his punishment shall be a fulfillment of the scriptural injunction "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth." Michael Kelly, brother of the accused, is also held in custody as an accomplice.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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