Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 20 1909/2009
Excursion via DL&W - To Atlantic City, Cape May, Ocean City, Sea Isle City or Wildwood, NJ. Tickets good going on all trains Aug. 21st, 1909, returning up to and including Aug. 31st. Fare for round trip $5.65 from Montrose and all stations Hallstead to Delaware, NJ and Scranton, and Plymouth, PA.
New Milford - C. C. Kern has three nice cottages on the banks of East Lake. They are called "Laurel," "Rest," and "Kerndorf." Last week there were 45 persons from Binghamton, among them three Lords, three Bishops and two St. Johns. Mr. Kern tells us he intends building more cottages and why not, it is a beautiful lake and nearly surrounded with beautiful groves.
Dimock Campmeeting - The meetings on Dimock campground this year were of a high spiritual order, and while the attendance has not been as large as in some campmeetings of the past, the attendance was good. One incident bears reporting. During the past year, Draper Billings of Tunkhannock, who has been secretary of the association, had taken down the parsonage cottage built by the Skinners Eddy people, for the use of the pastor, and erected it on a vacant lot of his in Tunkhannock. The Skinners Eddy people knew nothing of this until they came to the campground and found the cottage gone. They were much excited, as it was one of the best on the grounds and was built by subscription and the Ladies' Aid. The matter was brought before the association, and Mr. Billings claimed he had bought it for $50 of A. G. Overfield, treasurer of the association. A committee of three was appointed to see if a settlement could not be made with the Skinners Eddy people who claim it ought not to have been taken.
Friendsville - Thomas A. Lee, formerly residing near Friendsville, and now of Endicott, was shot and killed by an Italian by the name of Michael Angelo, on a street car bound for Union. Angelo got into a wrangle with a passenger and drew a revolver. After a scuffle for the possession of the weapon, Angelo backed off the car and commenced shooting, firing four shots in rapid succession, and then escaping in the darkness. Young Lee, who had been attracted to the forward end of the car by the fracas, was standing on the running board and was struck by one of the bullets. Lee was carried into the car and as his condition was critical, the motorman was directed to start the car ahead and carry him to a physician. However Lee expired shortly thereafter. It is not believed that Angelo aimed at Lee, as Lee had no part in the altercation, being merely a spectator. Angelo is now in the Broome County jail.
Forest City - M. J. Collins, of Olean, NY, a former resident of this place, in enclosing a remittance for the F. C. News says: "The News is always a welcome visitor to me, for I like to keep in touch with local happenings in the 'old burg' and should you ever decide to put on an 'Old Home Week' attraction it would give me great pleasure to spend a short time among you, renewing old acquaintances."
Herrick Center - The cheese factory at Tirzah, under its new officers (Al. Scott, manager; W. T. Davis, sec'y; D. J. Breese, treas., and Ernest Rodgers, cheese maker), is surpassing all former records for high prices received by its patrons. The price, after expense for manufacturing is taken out, for the month of April, 1909, was 31 cents; for the month of May, 30 cents; June 31 cents and July, 32 cents per pound for butter fat.
Rush - Byron McCauley, who is on the police force in New York city, was shaking hands with old friends in Rush on Wednesday. ALSO Dr. Jenkins will be in his dental office in the Stark block Aug. 26th.
S. Montrose - The Lehigh Valley has appointed Ross Griffis station agent at this place. The company showed wisdom in this appointment, as Mr. Griffis is well qualified for the position. The traveling public will receive courteous treatment at the hands of Mr. Griffis. The freight traffic at this place exceeds that of any station on the Montrose branch.
Montrose - As in olden times, "all roads led to Rome," so now all roads will for the next few days lead to Montrose and to the Montrose Bible Conference grounds. Both the auditorium and the dining hall are completed. The young ladies of the Winners' Band have been encamped on the fair grounds all this week. The Conference program will open on Friday afternoon at 2:30. Dr. Torrey, who has been the principal speaker at the Huntington Beach Bible Conference in Southern California, is expected home this evening. Dr. J. Stuart Holden, of London, England, will speak every day. Arrangements have been made with the Wyalusing Auto Transit Co. to have a large 20 passenger automobile which will make regular scheduled runs from Public Avenue to the grounds.
Choconut Valley - Daniel Ryan recently purchased a fine horse of Frank Clarke and we would judge Daniel was quite a favorite just now to see the sweet smiles the young ladies bestow upon him.
Susquehanna - C. R. Carrington has purchased the drug business heretofore carried on by A. P. French, located in the First National Bank.
North Jackson - The third in the series of ball games between the single and married men was played upon the farm of Harvey Page, resulting in a victory for the "boys." Score 16 to 8.
South Gibson - Just after 9 p.m., last Monday evening, an alarm of fire was sounded along the telephone lines and people rushed out of their houses when it was found that the old Holmes grist and sawmill was in flames. A large number of men, women and children were soon on the scene, but the flames had gained such headway that very little was saved. Evan Anthony purchased the mill of William Holmes some time ago and it was rented to Harry Gardner and Jesse Pickering. Both lost a large number of tools and machinery, with no insurance. Mr. Anthony held some insurance on the building and others lost their logs and lumber in the yard. Just how the mill caught fire is not positively known, as no one was working there that day except to grind an axe.
Hopbottom - The Foster House is one of the most popular dining places between Scranton and Binghamton. On Saturday three automobile parties were registered. Among the guests were the following: J. B. Hadsell and wife, of Binghamton; J. B. Keefer and wife, of Scranton; C. G. Stephens and wife, Miss Blanche Hallstead, Frank Ruland, Hermon Johnson and James Lansdorf and party of friends, from Scranton.
Springville - It has developed that there are at least six people in town who are making frequent midnight visits to their neighbor's wood piles. Some fine evening some of them will be badly in need of a doctor.
Compiled By: Betty Smith