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August 17 1900/2000

Heart Lake - "Harm" Lewis, a young man employed at the large ice house at Heart Lake, was seriously injured there on Wednesday by a huge cake of ice falling and striking him with awful force upon his chest. Mr. Lewis was taken to his home a short distance away and he is reported to be in a critical condition.

Montrose - By the death of Chief Justice Green, our fellow towns- man, Hon. J. Brewster McCollum, becomes the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the highest judicial position in the Commonwealth. Justice McCollum was elected to the Supreme bench in 1888 and his term expires January, 1910. AND: W.A. Harrington's livery took two 4-horse loads of Co. G. boys to the Soldier's Encampment at Lanesboro. Peter Norris hauled the cannon over.

Susquehanna - The old Transcript building will be made into a fine hall for Keystone Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1. AND: In Waverly, NY, on Saturday afternoon, a game of base ball was played and nearly finished by the Waverly and Susquehanna nines. During the 9th inning the incompetent Waverly umpire mounted his wheel and the Waverly club followed a wagon track off the grounds to save the home nine from a tie or a defeat. When the curtain went down the score was 6-4 in favor of Waverly.

Rush - Merchant Whitney found a curiosity amongst some potatoes he dug: one had grown into a clay pipe bowl and was firmly attached thereto.

Springville - Springville base ball nine went down to Mud Hollow on Saturday and played the team at that place. Score 39-9 in favor of Springville.

North Branch - William Schooley and family move to Neath this week, where Fred Giffin has located his saw mill on the Charley Moore lumber job.

Gibson - Millwright W. O. Chamberlin has three mills and two creameries to build. Mr. Chamberlin is a first-class workman.

Hopbottom - Our borough fathers, after receiving counsel on the matter, have set the Street Commissioner to work with several men to straighten a sluice which carries a stream under Main street, which in years past has caused so much damage by clogging and breaking during high water. Owing to the street being torn up people have had to take another street and go around by the depot, and as the streets were not properly lighted, a young man drove off the wall below the depot on Sunday night smashing the carriage and he received some severe bruises. The council promised to pay the young man for his wagon.

Clifford - Green's Reunion, held at Finn's Hall, Aug. 16, was well attended. About 70 present. After a bountiful dinner and many remarks quoit pitching was the order of the day. The Green family are a jolly set and they had a jolly time. AND: Tinklepaugh, our former watch tinker and barber, was in town last week. He is now working in Tunkhannock and C. P. Hunter is running our barber shop. C. P. is a slicker, try him.

Ararat - Hon. John G. Wooley, the Prohibition candidate for President, made an address at Ararat the other day.

Ainey - L. E. Squires drew a load of stone from Hawke's quarry on Friday, the 17th, the weight of stone being 10,215 lbs. Three horses were used.

Dundaff - Crystal and Newton Lakes are great attractions these hot days. Picnic parties every day from various parts of the country. This makes Mr. Seymore laugh, as he runs the little Naptha boat and he will take you around the lake for 10 cents.

South Gibson - The South Gibson Graded School will open Aug. 27, with Prof. J. E. Williams, principal and Lizzie Shafer and Dora Follett as assistants. The course of study embraces, besides the common branches, latin, algebra, natural philosophy, book-keeping, civil government, physical geography, rhetoric and botany. All who expect to attend should be present the first day.

Brackney - Ward's Hotel, one of the most popular county hostelries, is full of business these days, often having to turn away city and other boarders. Thos. Ward is one of the most cordial of hosts and it is easy to trace the source of the success of the house.

Elkdale - R. T. Burdick, the artist, is doing some fine portraits these days. He has some beautiful ones at his studio in Elkdale.

Lawsville - The Southworth family reunion was held at the home of Fred Bailey last Wednesday. There were 112 present and a good time enjoyed. The Lawsville band furnished some excellent music.

Silver Lake - A party of young people from New Milford, chaperoned by Mrs. E. W. Boyle, who are camping here, held a party at the hall Friday evening, which all report as enjoyable.

Upsonville - Saturday morning, Aug. 11th, fire destroyed the old house on the place known as the Hitchcock farm.

Glenwood - The influx of summer visitors is greater than usual. There is a faint whisper of making a summer resort of Hartly lake, on the hill, by using a little ingenuity and a switch back road up the steep incline would cause wonders. Residents, watch sharp before some moneyed men or trusts step in and grasp the golden prize and all the redress that is left is, "I told you so."

Dimock - On account of the Camp Meeting at Dimock the Lehigh Valley railroad will run a special train to and from that point Sunday, Aug. 26th, as follows: Leave Montrose 7:20 a.m.; South Montrose, 7:25 a.m.; Cool, 7:28 a.m.; Hunter, 7:32 a.m.; Woodburn, 7:39 a.m., arriving at Dimock 7:41 a.m. Returning special will leave Dimock at 8:49 p.m., making all stops at Montrose.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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