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August 13 1909/2009

Forest City - We are pleased to note a commendable desire on the part of property owners to connect with the new sewer system. Already in many sections of the town whole blocks have had the work done. The property owners have been rewarded by the elimination of foul smelling ditches. The expense of attaching to the sewer is slight in comparison with the benefit derived. Everybody should connect their drain pipes at once.

Thompson - Christopher P. Carpenter came to Thompson quite recently and is in the employ of the Erie railroad. Last week he took one of our fair girls, Miss Bessie Palmer, to Binghamton and now they are hunting for "rooms for light housekeeping," and receiving the congratulations of friends. And while we are on this part of the subject allow us to say that Clayton Lewis, of the township, was seen on the street the other day with his new wife.

Little Meadows - Susie, the four-year old daughter of Mr. And Mrs. John Stebbins, was fatally burned Aug. 5th, while playing with a burning torch made by lighting a "cat-tail," or swamp flag, saturated in kerosene. The children of the neighborhood had been allowed to indulge in this dangerous pastime and during the absence from home of the parents the little girl met with the accident. She lived about an hour after the accident occurred. ALSO John Bergin has purchased a rubber tire wagon. All the girls are smiling at John now.

Camp Choconut - Albert Miller, assisted by Fred Herrick, of Great Bend, went over to Camp Choconut on Tuesday to cut the hair on the heads of the 74 young men at the camp. This is an annual contract that Mr. Miller receives and the two men had the boys properly sheared in the space of a few hours, starting at the job at 8 a.m. and concluding at 3:30 p.m., with a half hour off for dinner. The hair wasn't clipped, but cut with shears in good respectable style, but there were no furbelows like combing the hair and using bay rum. It was a continuous case of "Next," and there was always another ready for the operation when one was finished.

East Ararat - The Cobb and Allen reunion was well attended, there being about 124 present. After dinner all listened to some fine speaking and singing.

Watrous Corners, Bridgewater Twp. - L. B. Black treated several from this place to a jolly four-horse straw ride, Friday evening, and attended the ice cream social held at S. F. Breed's [in Brooklyn].

Lathrop Twp. - A company of young men from Chinchilla camped at Tarbell Lake nearly all of last week. They had a fine time and caught plenty of fish.

Jackson - A. B. Larrabee, of North Jackson, reached the advanced age of 92 years on August 9. He was born in Vermont in 1817, coming to Jackson in 1831, and has resided here ever since, a period of 78 years. Mr. Larrabee is in very poor health at this time.

Dimock - I. P. Baker has joined the growing list of automobile owners, purchasing on Tuesday a 20-horse power Ford car from C. E. Roberts, the Ford representative in this county. This is the same type car that won the cross-continent run in the race started June 1st, making the 4,106 miles from New York to Seattle in 20 days, 52 minutes. Cars of 60-horse power were in the contest, but the Ford came out ahead. Although the factory is turning 650 cars a week, it is impossible to keep up with the demand and orders are being constantly refused. H. M. Cole is instructing Mr. Baker in the operation of the machine. Mr. Roberts has his order in for a duplicate of the car sold and hopes to have it for use sometime next month.

Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - The following persons camped on the huckleberry mountain during the past week: Elmer Shannon, Jerry, Will and Clarence Overfield, Will and Elmer White, Grover Mowry, John Shannon, Harry and Will Stevens, Will Hall and Clark Stevens.

Montrose - Rev. E. J. Butler is the new pastor for the African Methodist-Episcopal Zion Church. He was born in Baltimore in 1855. His father was a free colored man--a teamster, who kept three teamsters at work and who easily made a good home for his family and was the only colored man in his lodge of Masons--something unusual for that city and that date. In 1857 the family moved from Baltimore because of an effort to enact what was known as the Jacobs Law--a measure which designed to enslavement of all free colored children. It was difficult to get colored children out of the south in those days and Rev. Butler was smuggled over the Mason and Dixon line in a blanket, carried by his mother. He received his education at Ambush's Normal School in Washington, D. C., where he afterward became an instructor. Moving to Elmira he became a guard at the New York State Reformatory, opened a barbershop, became a cook, and a musician of talent. Rev. Butler has the honor of being the first colored man ever elected to public office in Elmira-that of constable, and became an ordained minister and a lecturer, and master of science, whose eloquence is seldom equaled.

East Dimock - Dr. Wilson removed a part of the bone in Ray Green's finger. It has been very sore since last fall, caused by the bite of a hog.

Silver Lake - St. Augustine's Congregational Silver Lake Church will hold a picnic, Saturday, August 21st, in the beautiful grove near the church.

Alford - "We had supper at Mother Hubbard's Inn," said a young woman the other evening when speaking about her trip home via Alford. Knowing no such hotel in the little town nestled under the cliffs, the listener must have look puzzled enough for her to explain: "That is what they call the Hubbard eating house, over which Mrs. Hubbard presides. Don't you think it an appropriate name?" We did, and were soon listening to the description of the delicious home delicacies that Mrs. Hubbard was ever preparing for hungry train passengers that stopped over at Alford. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard have conducted the house for a number of years, and although the house was burned down, they rebuilt, and are now doing a larger business than ever before. The reputation for good things to eat has become so great that many will leave Binghamton and Scranton hungry, knowing that better food awaits them at "Mother Hubbard's Inn."

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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