Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 10 1923/2023
NATION MOURNS FOR HARDING: The late President Warren G. Harding, whose unexpected death in the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, on Thursday evening, August 2, has plunged the entire nation in mourning. The President passed away while his wife read an article to him from the Saturday Evening Post. Death was attributed to “apoplexy,” a stroke. Thousands stood with bared heads as the cortege train passed on transcontinental trip from San Francisco to Washington. Gov Pinchot has called upon the people of Pennsylvania to observe August 10th, as a day of mourning in memory of the late President Harding. He also recommended that all activity cease on that day, at high noon, that “in silence and quietness our people may pause to remember, with gratitude, one who gave his life in the service of his country.”
Great Bend – The Parke chamois factory was burned to the ground last Thursday, the fire being discovered about 10 o’clock p.m. Despite the efforts of the fire companies o both Great Bend and Hallstead, handicapped by shortage of water in the reservoir, due to the drought, the entire structure was consumed with its contents. About three ears ago the factory was destroyed by fire and a number of buildings saved from the flames were later moved together and formed the factory in resent use. The factory was owned by Norman H Parke, son of W. G. Parke, of Montrose, and a brother of Mrs. Percy Ballantine, of South Montrose. Mr. Parke was in Binghamton at the time of the fire and it is not known whether he will rebuild. About 40 people were employed.
Ararat – Rev. Mr. Harrison is planning to start a Boy Scout Troop in the near future. All good citizens will be glad that this worldwide, uplifting work among boys, is to become a feature in Ararat.
Hallstead – Henry S. Symonds, in coming from his home in Orlando, Fla. to this place in his new Hudson, super-six sedan, drove the entire distance in 5½ days, driving 310 miles in one day and 365 in another, etc. The entire distance is 1610 miles, and he used 114 gallons of gas and 3 quarts of oil for the trip. His brother-in-law, Aaron VanWormer, made the trip with him and they also had 500 lbs of baggage.
St. Joseph – The saw mill operated by A. C. Crossley, of Binghamton, on a tract of timber three miles from this place, together with many thousand feet of lumber, in piles, was burned Tuesday night. The lumber caught fire from sparks from the engine smoke-stack and followed a wooden track between huge piles of lumber, proving a serious fire to fight with the limited means at hand. The loss will be heavy. Between fifty and sixty cars drove to the scene of the fire, many of the occupants aiding the men in their efforts to save the lumber from the advancing flames.
Fairdale – the Fairdale church has lately been wired for electric lights. A. D. Stark, who is associated with Hunsinger & Hunsinger, is installing a Western Electric plant.
Forest Lake – The Breese-Cole Electric Co. has just installed a fine Delco-Light plant in the home and barn on Fred L. Booth’s farm, at this place.
Susquehanna – Miss Ida M. Benson, of the City National Bank, has been elected teller of that institution. Miss Benson has rendered efficient service in the bank for some time and her promotion to the position is due to her ability and interest in the bank’s welfare.
Montrose – The practice of burning papers and boxes in the streets is one that should be discontinued. The residue not only flies about the streets to the annoyance of other business people and pedestrians on the street, but ashes left in the roadway, mixed with mud or dust, are especially obnoxious to ladies stepping from motor cars to the sidewalks, soiling as it does their footwear, particularly so if it is white or of light color. We have teamsters who haul this rubbish to the borough dump at a reasonable price and the small fee is well worth the saving in time of burning.
Dimock – Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cope and daughter, Theodora, will start Thursday for South West Harbor, Me., where they will spend three weeks, as they usually do each summer. [116 years ago, through the effort of Francis R. Cope, the Susquehanna County Historical Society and Free Library Association became a reality.]
Forest City – Rudyard Kipling, the noted English writer, in his history of the Irish Guards, published in the New York Times, makes mention of Lieut. Rhys Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. David A. Davis, of this place, and after whom the Reese Davis Post of the American Legion, of Scranton, is named in his description of the battle of St. Leger, fought Aug. 26, 1918. The battle was one of gasses, machine-gun bullets sweeping the crests of sunken roads, enemy airplanes swooping down with machine gun fire, there seeming no way of getting our artillery to attend to them. The battalion headquarters came up in the midst of the firing and established themselves in a dugout and were at once vigorously shelled, together with the neighboring aid-post and some German prisoners there waiting to carry down the wounded. The aid-post was in charge of a young American doctor, Rhys Davis, by name, who had been attached to the battalion for some time. This was his first day of war and he was mortally wounded before the noon of it.
Thompson – G.A. Post and C. A. Lamont, made a trip to their cabin at Peck’s Pond, in Pike County. They captured a rattlesnake that measured 6 feet in length and had 4 rattles.
Election News: Burt L. Bailey, of Lawsville, announces that he has withdrawn as a Republican candidate for the nomination to the office of county commissioner. Mr. Bailey has many friends in the county and especially through the western part where he is particularly known, who would have liked to see him remain in the contest. The same could be said of merchant S. B. McCain, of Rush, who has withdrawn. This leaves but two candidates among the Republicans in the western part of the county for this office—Hugh Jones, of Middletown, and Homer L Smith, of Dimock. These withdrawals should add to their chances for success.
Marriage Licenses: Charles Vargison and Hattie M. Bickland, both of New Milford; Maud B. Felton and Alvah A. Allen, both of Harford.
Compiled By: Betty Smith