Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 09 1907/2007
Death of Emily C. Blackman, Author of the History of Susquehanna County, PA. The remains of Miss Emily C. Blackman, who died at Jacksonville, Fla., reached Montrose, via the Lehigh Valley Railroad, on Monday. The casket was taken immediately to "Ingleside" her late home on Church Street in Montrose. Her pastor and a large assembly of friends conducted a brief but very impressive service. Miss Blackman was the last of her father's family. A cousin, Miss Eva Root, from Cooperstown, NY, was the only relative present. Harlan Page Blackman, her adopted brother, could not be reached. Miss Blackman was born in Gilbertsville, Otsego Co., NY, July 15, 1826 and moved to Montrose in 1836. Her early education was principally obtained at the Montrose Academy. At the age of 15 she commenced teaching as an assistant in the academy, while still attending classes. After she left the Academy she was preceptress at Towanda, also teaching three years in Chester, Pa. She taught in the schools of Wisconsin and Illinois and the Freedman's school in Mississippi from 1866 to 1868. During all these years she had been a student of languages and music, becoming an accomplished music teacher. She was of a literary turn of mind and her greatest work is her History of Susquehanna County, upon which she spent four years of conscientious, painstaking labor. No one, but a historian, can appreciate the labor required in searching through countless old dust-covered records, newspaper files and diaries to ascertain a date, a name of a fact, which requires only a short sentence to express when found, and the interviewing of the oldest inhabitants and the comparing of conflicting statements. Miss Blackman was active in the Home and Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, the Soldiers' Aid Society and Sanitary Commission during the war, and Freedman's Aid and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. She was a charter member and helped establish the Susquehanna County Historical Society. [Reprints of Miss Blackman's History of Susquehanna County, PA are available at the Historical Society].
Great Bend - In view of the fact that the Erie has decided to house nonunion men here, the striking machinists' union, of Susquehanna, will send 25 men here for picket duty.
Thompson - Everett Ely, who met with a serious mishap last week, while whitewashing stables for the Bordens, is improving and bids fair to regain his eyesight. AND Leslie & Mabel Kenyon are wearing smiling faces. Wonder why? They have a Larkin lawn swing.
Ararat - We are glad to report an improvement in the condition of Fred Brooks, who is suffering from Cardiac Dropsy. Dr. M. L. Miller, of Susquehanna, is treating him.
Forest City - In response to an alarm of fire, Enterprise Hose Co. turned out Saturday evening to do service for the first in over a year. Mischievous boys had set fire to a pile of refuse alongside of John Maxey's barn, on Delaware street, and the dry combustible stuff was soon in a high blaze. A few buckets of water quenched the flames before the firemen reached the scene.
Springville - John Titman has purchased a new Keystone hay-loader, which works to a good advantage on his large smooth fields. It being the only one in the neighborhood, it is quite a curiosity to some of the people.
Montrose - On Tuesday night between 9 and 10, the residents of Lake Avenue were startled by pistol shots and it quickly became known that Fred Reynolds had shot Miss Alice Howard, daughter of B. M. Howard. Reynolds had worked and boarded with Mr. Howard most of the time for several years, and was not supposed to be vicious, though addicted to drink. Samuel Howard, of Scranton, a nephew of B. M. Howard, was visiting for several weeks and Reynolds seemed not to have been pleased with this and on Sunday he left, coming back on Tuesday and asked for a revolver he had left there. Miss Howard, fearing trouble, refused to let him have it and Fred went away, saying he would get another one and said something about shooting. When evening came Fred was up near the Howard home, apparently watching the house, while Sam Howard and Miss Alice were out for a walk. Finally, after the rest of the family appeared to be abed, he went and sat on the Howard porch. When Sam and Alice returned Fred quickly drew a pistol and shot, and Miss Alice screamed, having been hit between the ankle and knee. He fired two more shots, neither which took effect, and then crossed the street and up into the woods towards the fair grounds. Later he was seen near the Country Club house and it is supposed he went down the Snake creek. [Reynolds went down Snake creek as far as Small's hotel, then came back and stopped at the Munger farm, then crossed over the hills eastwardly and passed to the east of Montrose and down into South Bridgewater, his native locality, to Richard Reynold's where he was arrested last night.]
Crystal Lake - Dr. Chas. Decker was called this morning to attend Emmet Kirby, the wealthy owner of the Kirby stores in many cities, and who was summering at the lake. He suffered an attack of paralysis.
New Milford - Jesse M. Vales has been appointed a member of the capitol police force at Harrisburg and assumed his new duties August 1. Jesse will make a good-looking policeman and he will not run till he has to.
Camp Susquehannock - The Camp Susquehannock boys were defeated by the Athletics for the third time out of four games Monday, the score being 2-1. The Camp boys find the "bunch of farmers" as they call them, a swift aggregation of twisters. Come again.
Jefferson Junction, Harmony Twp. - One of the worst freight wrecks that the Erie Railroad Company has ever experienced occurred early Sunday morning here, when 42 loaded coal cars were piled in a heap. The Junction is not far from Lanesboro, and is the point where the Erie and the D L & W join, using the same tracks from there to Carbondale. The wreck was due to the air brakes refusing to work and when the train, going at terrific speed, arrived at the curve at the Junction, it seemed to leap into the air and then settle into a heap. The head brakeman was slightly injured.
Forest Lake - The 5th annual reunion of the descendants of Canfield Stone was held at Forest Lake on July 27. One hundred and ten were present. This is the smallest number in attendance in years, due to rush in the haying among the farmers.
Harford - Warner Wilmarth's old family horse, Kit, fell dead in the harness some day last week, while hauling a load of hay from the field.
News Brief: Notwithstanding this to be a day of automobiles and more coming constantly into use, yet it will be a long time, if ever, before they supersede the horse. Some very handsome machines can be seen daily speeding over the streets of the town, and they may attract attention for their fine construction, ornamental brass work or noiselessness in running, but the true horseman will never fail to appreciate the fine points of a good horse.
Compiled By: Betty Smith