Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 08 1919/2019
Forest City – Mrs. Frank Kyle, of Bozeman, Montana, has been a guest at the home of her cousin Benjamin Maxey during the week. Her father, Daniel Maxey, was one of the pioneers of that section and prominent in its affairs. He settled there among the Indians in 1868. They started from St. Louis, MO, in company with about 200 immigrants and when they had reached the prairies of Dakota the Indians attacked them and drove away their horses and cattle and left them destitute. With commendable pluck they kept on their journey and endured many hardships. Mr. Maxey was the first to discover coal in Montana and opened the first coal mines in the Gallatin valley. ALSO Manager George Kilonsky of the Lithuanian Giants has challenged the Independents to play a game of baseball at the park next Sunday. The Independents are game and want to play for $50 a side. Arrangements pending as we go to press.
Uniondale – Howard Rounds, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Rounds, has come into national notice as an expert in chirography. He is now in the employ of the government as an expert. His testimony led to the conviction of the I.W.W.’s [Industrial Workers of the World or “Wobblies”] at Chicago. He was called to the witness stand in that famous trial repeatedly in the interest of the government. He is also one of the consulting experts of the Pinkerton’s and gained a national reputation thereby. He and his family were recent visitors at the home of his parents, having come by auto from the Windy City.
New Milford – William Richards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Llewelyn Richards, now of New Milford, former residents of Gibson, has been honorably discharged from the U. S. army. He was in active service in France for several months and took part in heavy fighting. He has had an unusual amount of army experience having served in the Spanish American War and at one time was connected with the British army.
Springville – The death of Lemuel H. Bushnell occurred at his late home in Springville on July 29. Mr. Bushnell, who had attained the age of 91 years, 5 months and 5 days, was one of the oldest residents of the county, having been born in Montrose on Feb. 24, 1828, and had spent practically his entire life in the county. ALSO We are glad to notice that the Springville bank is progressing rapidly in the course of construction. Whipple Bros., of Laceyville, have the contract.
Thompson – Miss Myra Campbell, who is to have charge of the intermediate department of the Thompson High School, will occupy rooms on the second floor of the Wendell Brown’s residence on Jackson street. Her mother will be with her.
Montrose – All books in the homes of patrons of the public library when contagious disease (smallpox, scarlet fever or diphtheria) appears, when returned to the library are burned. This announcement is made so that parents will not fear having their children read books from the library when there is any contagious case reported. ALSO On August 2nd the family and friends of Lieutenant William Hunting Jessup, 3rd, age 27, who was killed in action in the Argonne, gathered at the Jessup plot in the Montrose cemetery to dedicate a granite cross to his memory. He was struck by a fragment of flying shell and killed instantly. Captain James Edgar, in the same division, was able to superintend the burial, which was conducted under a severe fire and in most dangerous circumstances, and was able to identify the spot, which is near Apremont, France.
Friendsville – During the past three weeks this community has been annoyed by the lawless behavior of a certain very undesirable Binghamtonian, who is in the habit of inflicting himself upon us at regular intervals. It is high time the respectable, law-biding citizens of this place took a determined stand against this nuisance and made an end of it.
Auburn – Andrew Degnan went to the Winans and Dougherty stone quarry at Dimock and framed a 60 foot boom for their derrick. Should he live until next November he will be 78 years old. Club men, take notice, what the simple life and a genial disposition will do toward preserving a man physically, as well as mentally.
Lackawanna Trail – The Gaylord International Engineering and Construction Company, of Scranton, has been awarded the contract for the construction of the second ten miles of the Lackawanna Tail. Equipment will be on the ground within 24 hours, say members of the firm. The job will require 38,000 barrels of cement and a great quantity of asphalt top dressing. The construction company will operate four complete concrete mixing and spreading machines and will employ 100 men. The price paid for the work is $343,637.46.
Hallstead – Bids are advertised to carry the pupils from the Chamberlin school district to the borough school. The new law recently passed to close schools of less than ten scholars and not appropriating state funds to carry out its provisions, is creating confusion in some localities,
Susquehanna – The town council has decreed that devices for measuring gasoline must be removed from the curbs and sidewalks of the borough. Dealers with such devices in front of the places have been notified to remove them. It is understood that the dealers will resist and fight the cases in the courts if need be.
Beech Grove – F. J. Harvey and son, Clarence, and Joe Grover and Arthur Manning, of West Auburn, returned from the huckleberry mountains with twelve bushels of huckleberries.
News Briefs: Elmer Olson, aged 19 years, on July 7, 1918, was an inmate of the Hospital for the Criminal Insane at Farview. On that date he made his escape from that institution and enlisted in the army. He was unable to get across to fight the Hun as he desired. Thursday he returned to the hospital at Farview and explained to Superintendent W.M. Lynch that he would get back on the job. Before he took French leave Olson was working with a gang on a stone crusher. ALSO The fact that women bathers at Atlantic City are required to wear stockings elicits a chivalrous protest from a critic described as “a native of India but an American citizen.” “Why,” he asks, “should beautiful women be compelled by an unmoral and inhumane law to cover their beautiful limbs? What is the difference between a woman’s foot and a man’s foot? Why not make men wear stockings upon legs that are not beautiful and put all horses in trousers?” ALSO Under an order issued by the Postmaster General, all rural mail boxes must be located on the right hand side of the highways as the carrier goes. Even if the residence is on the left side, the box must be placed across the road, or on the right side as before stated.
Unfortunately our newspaper archives (200 Years Ago only) stop with the issue printed on July 31, 1819. They will commence again in June of 1820. Should anyone own issues of the missing newspapers we would happily borrow them, glean the interesting articles, and return them to you. We will continue with 100 Years Ago with no interruptions.
Compiled By: Betty Smith