Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
August 07 1901/2001
Welsh Hill - S. J. Owens is at present engaged in tearing down the old graveyard wall and extending the boundaries, thus making a much needed improvement.
Dimock - Several boys were out skylarking a night or two before the 4th of July and in the vicinity of John Parks' place in Dimock, they made some noise by exploding firecrackers and singing. This disturbed Mr. and Mrs. Parks and the former got up, went out and ordered the boys to clear out or he would shoot. The boys tarried and kept up the racket and some of the party began firing stones at him and inflicted a cut on his face. A jury found one of the boys guilty.
Susquehanna - Regret was carried to every portion of Susquehanna County by news of the death of ex-State Representative Samuel Falkenbury, which occurred on Monday at his home in Susquehanna. Mr. Falkenbury was born at White Hall, Washington Co. in 1825. In 1852 Mr. Falkenbury removed to Susquehanna, which place has since been his home. For over 20 years he had charge of the Erie railroad company's foundry. In 1847 he was elected a [Republican] Representative in the State Legislature for 2 years. Mr. Falkenbury, although not a pioneer in this section, had "grown up" with Susquehanna. A scattering hamlet when he came here, he had not only watched, but contributed to its growth until, in population, it ranks first in the county. As a mechanic, as a business man, a legislator and a citizen, he enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his townsmen.
Montrose - On Saturday last Montrose defeated New Milford in a close and exciting game by a score of 8-7. On account of the rain which fell at 3 o'clock the game was not started until nearly five when both teams agreed on a 7 inning contest. New Milford started out by making three runs in the first inning to Montrose's none, but the home team gradually caught up and in the last inning, with two men on bases, Conklin's double won the game. In the fifth, with three men on bases and no one out for New Milford, Carey replaced Smith in the box and shut them out for the rest of the game. As New Milford won the first game this year, a "rubber" will be played in the near future. AND Norman Stewart went down to Wilkes-Barre last week and purchased a handsome locomobile. Mr. Stewart and Squire J. S. Courtright made the return trip from the Valley on the machine. They had no trouble in climbing the steepest hills and made excellent time all the way.
Brooklyn - Four of our young ladies attended the Pan-American [in Buffalo, NY] and visited Niagara last week. They are Misses Ella Bailey, Mary Hearn, Hettie Caswell and Louise Newton.
Harford - C. S. Johnston is preparing to build another large barn and silo on the Fair Ground farm.
New Milford - Page's Pond, at Lakeside, is being boomed as a place for spending a summer vacation. Dr. A. E. Snyder and Sheriff Maxey have purchased the rights and privileges of Hill & Collum and will improve the place by repairing the dam, putting on more boats, building cottages, etc. making the place a fine resort. Bradley Corners - J. F. Moffat is pressing hair at [the] New Milford tannery.
Lanesboro - Mrs. Phoebe Ann Rouss Cook, of Amboy, Illinois, on Aug. 3d, celebrated her 100th birthday. Mrs. Cook was born at Lanesboro and was married in 1823 to Daniel Cook. Two of her children are living, Samuel Cook, aged 75, living at Columbus, Kansas, who was a soldier in the Mexican war and J. J. Cook, aged 78, who served in the Civil war. Mr. Cook died in 1882, at Sublette, Lee Co., Illinois.
Jackson Valley - There will be a platform dance afternoon and evening at the Stevensville band fair, August 22.
Rush - Material for plastering the new church is on hand and work will begin at once. The church will be pushed to an early completion. The memorial windows are taken: the front window will be dedicated by the Grand Army.
West Lenox - "Hell's Half Acre" is the euphonious name that Centreville or West Lenox goes by-in general parlance. The pond near by has sometimes been called the "Devils Pond." Some West Lenox young men that attempted to swim there amid the eel grass had a variety of experiences. One young man found a leech fastened to his person. Another climbed into the boat with a six inch pickerel attached to his toe. When he went back in the water a mud turtle climbed on his back. This "Cooked" him, and he was "Willing" to stay out of the water thereafter.
Clifford - Over $300 was raised by subscription to recompense Mr. Jones for the loss of 16 cows by lightning. Their hides were not taken off as at first reported, but the next night they were loaded on 7 wagons and hauled to Uniondale, a distance of 3 miles. The Erie Co. refused to ship them and they were obliged to return a half mile and drive into a pasture, where they unhitched their teams some distance from the road and left them standing until the second night, when the O&W Co. was prevailed upon to accept them for shipment, and at 11 p.m. they passed through Uniondale en route to the O&W station. The 16 carcasses brought $50.
Great Bend - The mill house and old boarding house at Red Rock caught fire from an engine on the Erie road, it is supposed, last Wednesday, and as they were dry as tinder they were soon burned to the ground. The flying sparks and brands of flame endangered some of Patrick Creagh's buildings which were near, but they were saved from damage. With the sweeping away of the tannery by flood last spring and the destruction of the boarding house, the old landmarks of a one time vigorous industry are about gone.
Lynn - Edwards, our wagon-maker, while picking blackberries on the old Hudson place, killed a rattlesnake with five rattles. The only one that was ever killed or seen in this part of the town.
News Brief - It may not be generally known that any farmer who maintains a watering trough on the ground along the public road with flowing water will be allowed $2 off his road tax every year, while if the trough be high enough so that a horse can drink without being unreined, $4 a year reduction is allowed on the road tax.
Compiled By: Betty Smith