Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 03 1917/2017
East Rush – When T.S. James and son went to work in their hay field on Wednesday morning, they were treated to the sight of a fine doe deer, which after gazing at them, took a high rail fence at a bound then loped up the valley towards Elk Lake. Several of the formerly plentiful noble animals have been seen in this County of late, evidently coming from a not distant reservation. (The deer population of Susquehanna and surrounding counties, at this time, was extremely low.) In Rush, Miss Mabel Stewart, of Philadelphia, who was staying at Mr. Kintner’s, left their place on July 21 for a walk and has not been seen or heard from since.
Clifford -The Methodist Sunday School will hold their picnic at Newton Lake on Wednesday of this week. This will be a picnic of the entire Clifford charge, consisting of the Clifford, Lenoxville and Tompkinsville schools, together with the school at Hickory Ridge. Better come and have a good time. Bring your eats.
Jessup Twp. – Our Friend Edgar W. Bolles, of Fairdale, writes us on the subject of aged people: “In Jessup township there are now three persons who have passed 90 years of age—Robert Strange, Abram Carter and Mr. Stark, father of our esteemed neighbor, Mr. Wilson Stark.” Few townships in the county, if any, with the same population as Jessup, can equal this record of longevity.
Harford – Sen. E.E. Jones has notified several automobile organizations that the governor has approved the bill passed by the last legislature permitting the State Highway department to take over the abandoned Lackawanna railroad route between Clark’s Summit and Hallstead. It has been proposed to reconstruct it into a main highway for vehicle traffic, being especially adapted for automobiles. ALSO B. B. Freeman, the “rag man” was in this vicinity a few days ago.
Tunkhannock – Work on the soldiers’ monument in this place has begun. It will stand at the rear of the court house.
Lynn – During the hard thunder shower on Sunday the barn of Abraham Taylor was struck by lightning, which resulted in the burning of the barn, silo, shed and hen house. About all the contents except a few loads of hay were removed, but it was quite a loss after all, as he carried no insurance.
South Ararat – Two different parties, who are camping at Fiddle Lake, are the boss fishermen as yet. The first night they caught 52 nice cat-fish and the next 42. All report as having quite good luck.
Dimock – Bids are sought for driving school routes. Route 1-Pleasant Grove Route. From Pleasant Grove school house to Turnpike road to Dimock. Route 2-Smith Route. From Smith school house to Ballantine’s Crossing, Turnpike road to Dimock. Route 3-Parkvale Route. From Parkvale school house to Maine school house to Dimock. Route 4-Creek Route from Yeomans’ residence to Dimock. Route 5. Conklin Route. From Clayton Stone’s residence to Dimock.
Gelatt – The ice cream social held at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barnes was well attended. Proceeds $10.75 for the benefit of getting lamps and singing books for the school house at Briar Hill.
Montrose – The Central Dairy Co. has sold its creamery here to the Borden’s. This creamery was built by the farmers of this section and was conducted on a co-operative basis for several years. ALSO Prentice Kennie and Eva Huniford, of Syracuse, reached the County Seat in a great state of happiness for they had received a fatal dart from the sly cupid. But just as they were to go to get the licenses, they discovered that the pocket book, with the money for the license, was gone. It is pretty tough to be put on war rations when it comes to securing a license, with a wedding ceremony, and a wedding dinner to be provided. However, it was managed and praises be they had a return ticket.
East Kingsley – The dogs are very persistent in trying to kill off the only two flocks of sheep that the neighborhood can boast of, W.W. Oakley’s and A.E. Tiffany’s. Recently A.E. Tiffany had a fine lamb chewed so badly in his neck that it died before morning. This is the third call this year. Not very encouraging to farmers to keep sheep.
Glenwood – While Frank Pherrigo was out riding last Friday his horse became frightened and ran away, throwing Mr. Pherrigo out. The horse was traced as far as West Lenox, and clew of its whereabouts has not been learned. Searching parties have been looking in different locations for several days, but to no avail.
Hop Bottom – Mrs. Mary Miller, whose husband was killed on the grade crossing in this place, was awarded $1000.00 by the D.L.&W. Railroad. The jury, because of Mr. Miller being an old man, gave a verdict for that amount. The company tried to have the verdict set aside but the Superior Court took the same view and sustained the lower court.
Lathrop Twp. – The death of Orlando Taylor, aged 78, occurred Saturday, July 21, 1917, at his late home here. Mr. Taylor for many years resided on the farm where he died and was highly esteemed. He was a retired locomotive engineer of the Lackawanna railroad, seeing over 40 years at the throttle. He is survived by three daughters.
Herrick Center – The public service commission has directed that signals be established at the grade crossing of the Erie railroad at this place. The order is believed to be the forerunner of the campaign to eliminate grade crossings throughout the state. The commission was of the opinion that ultimately an improvement must be made at his particular crossing. In coming east one is prevented from seeing the trains moving south. It is surprising how many accidents have occurred there from time to time.
Forest City – It is seldom that a father is arrayed against his son, but such is the case of Louis Vidovich, who has enlisted under Uncle Sam. Louis was born in Forest City and when about four years of age his parents went to Austria and Louis was taken along with the family. About four years ago he returned to this country, the family remaining in Austria. Friday he donned the olive drab suit of a soldier. Louis is one of the best known young Slovenians in town and when his name was drawn in the draft he quickly made up his mind what to do. He said. “While I have relatives galore in the Austrian army I am an American first, last and all the time and am ready to shed my blood if need be for my country.”
200 Years Ago Today from the Montrose Centinel, August 2, 1817.
PUBLIC NOTICE. Whereas Betsey Sweet my lawful wife by virtue of the marriage covenant, has left my house without any other inducement than the gratification of her headstrong propensity for dissention, having no just provocation that can be alleged for her abandoning my bed and fire side; she has taken with her two notes of hand signed F.A. Burman for $72.10 cents each, one payable in goods, the other cash due November 1817, one against James Oakley, bo’t of Jacob Brown, payable in wheat after harvest of $23; one other drawn by Samuel Howard of $16 made in 1816, and an order drawn by Stephen Green on William Ward of $5. The drawers of said notes, &c. as well as all other persons are forbid purchasing or receiving said notes; and all persons are hereby forbid harboring or trusting said Betsey on my account as I will pay no debts of her contracting. Times are hard, and those indebted to me on book or otherwise must call and settle at the house of Elias Sweet in Harford within 20 days as I shall prosecute all delinquents immediately thereafter. T.C. Sweet, Harford, July 29, 1817
Compiled By: Betty Smith