Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 03 1906/2006
Middletown Centre - The Centre base ball team crossed bats with the Irish Hill boys for the first time this season, Sunday. It was an exciting game from start to finish. The Centre went to bat first, scoring 1 run in the first inning by an error of Irvin Wood's. The next two were pitched by Frank McCormick, holding them down to 3 scores. He was relieved in the 4th by Ed Redding, whose appearance in the box was received with cheers from the grand stand, bleachers and players on both sides, but the Centre boys' cheers soon changed to groans as it was soon evident that Ed had control of the situation, especially the spit ball. The Centre's pitchers, Jones and Golden,did fine pitching, as the result of the score shows: Centre 5, Hill 3. Time 1 hour and 40 min. Umpire, M. Golden.
Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. - B. B. Lowe, Glen Linabery, Lewis Postlemen and Mort Grow, visited the huckleberry Mountain Tuesday and Wednesday and report huckleberry picking not very good.
Franklin - We see a new up-to-date mail wagon on Route 2. W. Bailey is an up-to-date man. AND We hear that Dr. Caterson is making very long trips with his auto, giving his neighbors delightful spins. Very nice for the people in the auto, but how about the people who have to meet him on the road?
Harford - The ice cream social held on the lawn of E. E. Jones, under the auspices of the Congregational C. E. Society, realized over $22.
Heart Lake Resort - is again open to the pleasure-seeking public, with one of the best boat liveries in Northern Pennsylvania; also nice naphtha launch for pleasure riding and with merry-go-round, pavilion and grounds in good repair. H. Griffing is ready to wait on picnics, fishing or sailing parties as usual. Cottages to rent by week or month.
Montrose - Some of the newest and most popular books just in Montrose Library for your summer reading. New catalogues. Only 25 cents a month draws 2 books, twice-a-week.
Great Bend - The little son of Wm. Sullivan killed a rattle snake 4 1/2 feet long, with 13 rattles.
Glenwood - Catchy weather for haying. Dog days must be blamed for it as well as for souring the milk.
Brooklyn - L. Tewksbury has recently had a telephone installed in his residence.
Forest City - The dilemma of the town authorities in regard to the collection of taxes has at last been solved. M. J. Walsh having consented to accept the position of tax collector. The tax collection job in Forest City is not a pleasant one and it is often difficult to fill it.
Susquehanna - J. D. Miller gives notice that he will make application to the Governor, August 28th, for Henry M. Beach, Allan D. Miller and John D. Miller for the charter of an intended corporation called the Beach Sanitarium, to maintain and operate a Sanitarium in the county of Susquehanna for the board, care and medical treatment of diseased and convalescent persons and particularly those afflicted with cancer, tumor and diseases of like nature; such medical treatment to be [by] qualified and licensed physicians employed by said corporation.
West Auburn - W. R. Parker of Ralkaska, Mich., was calling on old friends here last week. He is a native of this place but had not visited it for about 16 years. Although he is 72 years old, he is lively as a boy, getting from place to place on his bicycle.
Springville - Capt. John Guyle died suddenly, Wednesday, from apoplexy. Deceased was a member of Four Brothers Post G.A.R., of this place, and a number from the Post will attend the funeral, which is to be held at his late home this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Springville - The Beardsley house now owned by C. D. Shepard, is being renovated throughout, which will include paint and paper.
"Boys On Strike" - Because a half dozen boys decided they would rather go to the drum corps picnic than work Saturday afternoon the Clinton colliery experienced a real live strike on Tuesday and a half thousand men were thrown out of work. From time immemorial picnics and circuses have cut up the "Old Harry" with the coal companies. Boys will play hooky to attend such things notwithstanding the most direful threats of the driver boss, and on Saturday a half dozen of the little fellows turned up missing at the mines and present at the picnic. Monday they were "sacked" to use the parlance of the underground workings and Monday night they called a meting of the less adventurous lads who had remained at work and to them aired their grievances with such eloquence as to cause them all to stay away from work on Tuesday morning. Without the boys the mines couldn't work very well and so there was a suspension on Tuesday. The boys have not gone back to work yet and as a consequence there is an indefinite suspension at the workings. The demand is made that the discharged ones be taken tack. A committee has been appointed to urge this demand before Superintendent Rose. Forest City News, Aug. 2, 1906 [Boys worked in breakers as young as 7 or 8 and those that worked in the mines would have to be at least 11 or 12. The "Breaker Boys" would pick the slate and other debris from the coal and worked approx. 10 to 12 hours a day, 6 days a week and made only .45 to .50 cents a day.]
News Briefs: The R.F.D. carriers are rejoicing over the law passed by the last Congress allowing them an annual vacation of fifteen days with pay. The department is now preparing regulations governing these vacations and the announcement is anxiously awaited by the rural carriers. AND There are about 82,000 automobiles at present in use in the United States. There were 121,369 automobile registrations in 28 states up to the first day of June this year. About 40,000 of the automobiles are practically out of commission, according to the records of the Motor Directories company. New York leads with 30,874 registrations; New Jersey second, with 19,500; Massachusetts third, with 15, 208; Pennsylvania fourth, with 10,500; Ohio fifth, with 7,000; California has 6,000, Michigan 6,000, Kentucky 450, Oregon 275, and South Dakota 462. AND The Susquehanna County Fair will celebrate the 60th anniversary of its birth at Montrose, Sept. 12th and 13th, with special attractions and the biggest fair in its history.
Compiled By: Betty Smith