Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
August 02 1907/2007
Alford - Mrs. H. L. Hubbard, whose eating house at Alford burned some months ago, desires to announce that after September 1, she will open dining parlors in Perry Sweet's residence in that place for the accommodation of the traveling public.
Great Bend - A Binghamton gentleman listened to Dr. [F. Ellis] Bond, of this place, as that gentleman sang a solo at a funeral here recently, and afterwards remarked: "Your Dr. Bond is a very good singer, but he can't hold a candle to our Dr. Bond, of Binghamton, who sings in the First Presbyterian church." The gentleman from the Parlor City was not aware that Dr. Bond, of Great Bend, is a salaried singer in the First Presbyterian church in Binghamton and he failed to recognize the doctor when he saw him here.
New Milford - A rattlesnake measuring 5 feet and 6 inches, and having 18 rattles, was killed at the Highlands recently.
Susquehanna - The death of Mrs. Nannie Gallagher, aged 97 years, occurred here on Wednesday of last week. The funeral was held Saturday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Murphy. A requiem Mass was celebrated at St. John's.
Forest City - Charles A. Poluski, a young man of this place, has been mysteriously missing for a week, and his mother is sadly worried as to his whereabouts or what may have happened to him. She fears that he may be drowned or has met with foul play. Young Poluski left home on July 24, wearing a dark suit, with black striped white shirt, dark shoes and black stockings. His hair and his complexion are light. Anyone knowing where the youth may be will help a distressed mother by sending word to her.
Montrose - Henry L. Kraiss, of New York City, who arrived in Montrose a fortnight ago, has launched into the furniture and undertaking business, with headquarters in the Wilson house on the corner of Church and Chestnut streets. Mr. Kraiss, who possesses 10 years experience, is also a practical and up-to-date undertaker, and carries licenses as an embalmer from two States, New York and Pennsylvania. In connection with his business, Mr. Kraiss will do first-class furniture repairing and frame pictures in a most artistic way. He is a brother of Paul Kraiss, Jr., who formerly conducted a furniture store in this place.
Silver Lake - Archdeacon J. T. Russell and wife, of Brooklyn, N.Y., have arrived here, where they are sojourners at their beautiful country home, "Sheldon-Croft."
West Auburn/Rushville - The West Auburn Telephone Co. and the Consolidation Co., recently got together nicely and made the connection at Rushville, which gives fine accommodations, especially to the North Branch, Flynn and the People's other lines in Susquehanna Co., in reaching West Auburn, Lawton, Rush, Montrose, and other places. AND At Bunnell Hill, Auburn Twp., Arthur Bowman has a new rubber tire wagon. Now girls, be ready for a drive.
Dimock - A new steam engine and boiler has been placed in the large Chase stone quarry.
Jefferson Junction, Harmony Twp. - While Delaware & Hudson fast freight No. 53, West bound, was passing on Friday, two pistol shots were heard from a box car in the train just below this station. Persons, on rushing to the spot, found that a young tramp had shot a man by the name of Chas. Sawyer, who was in charge of a car of horses for Capt. Green, U.S.A., of Oneonta, N.Y. It seems that just before the train reached Brandt, the tramp, who had been offered the hospitality of the car by Sawyer when leaving Scranton, attempted to rob the latter while he (Sawyer) was asleep. Upon awakening, Sawyer found the tramp in the act of jumping from the car with $30 stolen from his own pocket. He followed the tramp and on reaching the ground grappled with the robber and attempted to wrest the money from him. At this juncture the tramp, without a moments warning, turned and poured two bullets into the leg and chest of Sawyer, from a 38 revolver. The latter clung to the tramp however, and succeeded in wresting the gun from him, and was about to shoot the tramp in defense when the Conductor and trainmen arrived and parted the men, surrounded the tramp, bound him and placed him in the caboose until they should reach Lanesboro and turn him over to the police of that town. Sawyer was taken to the Simeon H. Barnes Hospital, where it was first thought that he was seriously injured and would not recover, but it is learned to-day that he is improving and will no doubt convalesce. The tramp, whose name could not be learned, was taken to Montrose for a hearing. [Another account reported that the tramp narrowly escaped lynching at the hands of the people who were attracted to the scene.]
Brandt - It is stated that an automobile party consisting of H. W. Kessler, of Cleveland, and E. R. Barrows and A. L. Kessler, of this place, will start on Monday from the former city for Brandt in Mr. Kessler's 40 horsepower Mitchell car. H. W. Kessler formerly resided here and is coming to this place to look over numerous business interests.
Dundaff - Last Tuesday evening while Mrs. James Stevens, accompanied by her husband, were returning to their home in Elkdale, their horse became frightened by two dogs that ran toward it. The colt soon became unmanageable and both were compelled to jump. The wagon collided against a tree, the horse breaking loose and running home. Mr. Stevens escaped with only a severe shaking, while Mrs. Stevens received a compound fracture of her leg. She is now under the treatment of Dr. G. A. Fiske.
News Briefs: We heard the locust's song for the first on Sunday. Sure sign of midsummer. AND A gentleman suggests that people who drink "Stegmaier" in the hours of darkness refrain from throwing the bottles into his garden. He says: "It doesn't do plants any good to bottle them." Undoubtedly he is right and probably hereafter the bottles will be deposited on his front porch. AND The happiest man in the land to-day is the successful farmer. He sits under his own vine and fig tree, undisturbed by the maddening noise of the great city. Banks fair, railroads go into the hands of receivers, booming towns collapse, all business stagnates; but the wise farmer can snap his finger at these things. He is the monarch of all he surveys on his broad acres. And the honesty of his boys and the purity of his girls are guarded against temptations, and in them he is giving the country its best manhood and womanhood. The farmer is to be envied, and, if he is not contented with his lot, he is lacking in wisdom.
Compiled By: Betty Smith