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August 01 1919/2019

Springville – Rousing welcome for the boys who fought for Uncle Sam—feasted and feted at Welcome Home exercises at the M. E. church, July 25th. After the big supper, a large parade was formed at the hall. Civil War and Spanish (war) veterans, soldiers and sailors of the late war, led by eight soldier boys and sailors and nurses, carrying the American and Allied flags; also decorated automobiles and drum corps. The large M.E. church was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and was filled to overflowing, many not being able to get in. The flag drill was greatly appreciated. All the lights were turned off and a spot light, with the flags waving while they sang “Star Spangled Banner,” was called the most beautiful of anything ever produced in Springville. ALSO At Lynn, a new auto tire was found on the state road, between Lynn Corners and the Presbyterian church, a few days ago. Whoever lost it should see Blaine Winans, at Craig Hill, or write him at Meshoppen, R.D. 2. A new auto chain was found by Wm. Severcool in the road, between the Corners and his house, a few days ago. It seems to be a good place to pick up accessories on the state road.

Clifford – No town in the U. S. can boast of a neater, better-kept hotel than the pretty village of Clifford. Everything about the place is scrupulously clean. The back yard is as tidy as the front—rubbish cannot be found because the proprietor, W. S. Spedding, is on the job all the time. The gounds about the hotel are artistically laid out, and well-kept. And there’s a garden to make one’s mouth water. Such a place for the entertainment of the public is of inestimable value to any town. ALSO One of the finest dance floors in the county is at Royal Hall, Royal, PA, having the only spring floor, we believe, in the county. C. H. West is conducting hops there, regularly, this summer; the next dance to be held Friday evening, Aug. 1st. These hops are popular with the young people of the eastern part of the county.

Meshoppen – Fire of unknown origin on Tuesday night of last week destroyed the big flour and feed mill at Meshoppen, of the Dickson Mill & Grain Co, known as the A. E. Mowry mill, causing a loss of about $40,000, which is wholly covered by insurance.

Gibson – Norman B. Hinds has been elected to the principalship of the Gibson High School and will begin his work there in September. [He is a returned veteran of the war.] ALSO Mrs. W. R. Mackey was thrown from a wagon and one wheel passed over her chest while she was turning the horse around near C. H. VanGorder’s store, last Thursday. She is around the house and we hope no serious results come from this accident.

Montrose – Miss Clementine Arnold, daughter of Aaron Arnold, who lately graduated in a business course at a normal school in Caldwell, Idaho, has accepted a position in the abstract office, in the Court House, in that city, and intends to remain for some time. She will reside with her brother, Will Arnold, who lives a short distance from that city.

Uniondale – While driving his car over the railroad crossing on Darrow St, Sunday afternoon, Edward Boulter and the occupants met with an accident and their escape from death or permanent injury is considered a miracle. The occupants of the car were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boulte and daughter, Miss Anna Tinker, and Letson Rounds’ children. The engine caught the hind end of the car, whirled it around and sent it down the embankment. The train hit the car so as to knock it away from the fast moving train. It was badly wrecked. The party escaped with slight bruises. The crossing is one of the most dangerous along the line. It is provided with the bell system which is not accurate; a jingling is kept up continually. The public service commission was appealed to several years ago without success. Several fatalities are charged to this dangerous crossing.

Hopbottom – The Hop Bottom Orchestra played at social affairs at Hart Lake and Glenwood during the last week. The orchestra is conducted by Olin Mittan.

Forest City –Death claimed Anthony Prudich after a short illness. Deceased was born in Austria 49 years ago and 25 years ago he came to America and located in Forest City and has continuously resided here since. He is survived by his wife and five children; also by two brothers, John and Joseph, of this place, and a sister in Austria. Funeral was held from St. Joseph’s church and interment in St. Agnes’ cemetery. ALSO Nearly 2,000 people assembled at the ball park Sunday afternoon to witness what was supposed to be a real game between Honesdale and the Independents. They were sadly disappointed and in fact, were disgusted at the loose, listless playing of the local team. Wargo and Payne were the local battery until the 7th inning when they were replaced by Koplava in the box and Fred Wolfert as catcher. Sherry, a former New York State league twirler, was in the box for the visitors and made a fine showing. The locals had only one run to their credit when the curtain went down in the 9th stanza, while the Honesdale team had 12 notches on their stick. The locals made the solitary run in the 6th.  L. Payne reached the home plate in the 6th after Kelly had made a brilliant dash, but was declared out, a decision which was strongly criticized. ALSO Mrs. W. E. Lloyd was at State College last week. Mrs. Lloyd expects to reside there during the school term of her son Mason, and was making arrangements for a residence.

News Brief: The beginnings of the Civil War and our war with Germany were 56 years apart. In that period the population of the U. S. was tripled and access to every part of it was made easy by a tenfold increase in miles of railroad. Yet we find, upon comparing the number of troops furnished by the various states in both wars, the same four states at the head of both columns are:

New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois & Ohio.

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, July 31, 1819.

*Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of a writ of fifa, issued out of the Court of Common pleas of Susquehanna County, to me directed and delivered, will be exposed to sale at the House of Onley Sweet in Gibson township on Wednesday the eighteenth day of August next, at one o’clock P.M., one Clothiers dying kettle, Screw plates, and other utensils, two large Iron kettles, one Cow, one bay Mare, one bay Horse, one large Swine, one feather bed and bedding, a quantity of House-hold furniture, and one Waggon. Seized and taken in Execution at the suit of Hosea Tiffany and Thomas Sweet against Russel Whitney and Martin Hall. SAMUEL GREGORY Sh’ff. Sheriff’s Office, Montrose, July 30, 1819.

*CAUTION. All Persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing a note of hand given to William Gardner, dated the 9th of July 1819, for 14 bushels of Wheat, payable in the month of February next. –As it was obtained by fraud, I am determined not to pay it unless compelled by law. WARREN LUNG. Rush, July 26, 1819.

*WANTED, A few tanned SHEEP SKINS, suitable for Book-Binding. Inquire of N. H. & J. Lyons. July 31, 1819.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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